Lacey spends more time with his Mr. Gold at his shop as they drink. Belle tries to stop her, and she is backed up by Mother Superior's wand, but suddenly, an earthquake occurs, with the ground opening a portal. Belle realizes that earlier on, despite knowing Gideon had bad intentions with Emma, she still wanted to protect her son. Satisfied, Regina gives the cup back and leaves to pay a visit to Belle at the hospital, while Mr. Gold remains unaware his lost love is alive. ("The Snow Queen"), While everyone spends the entire night searching for Emma, Belle babysits Neal. Soon, they are approached by King Arthur and his knights, who believe they are prophesied to reunite them with Merlin. Despite all the bad things her husband did, Hook asserts Mr. Gold did truly love her. He considers that he still needs to prove himself, even though he saved Belle from Merida because one brave act doesn't erase years of cowardice. Teary-eyed, Belle remarks that she hopes he found what he was looking for. ("The Cricket Game"), She, along with the other townspeople, attend Archie's funeral where Mary Margaret gives a eulogy in remembrance of him. Belle then shows him a fairy prophecy she translated, in which it states that after the Dark One finds eternal love, his dark powers can be removed only when the sun is at its brightest and that it sets in the Edge of Realms where time is frozen. She returns to the castle with a basket full of straw and asks Rumplestiltskin to tell her about how he lost his son. The 34-year-old actress announced the exciting baby news via Twitter, and she even revealed her celebrity baby name choice too - letting her fans know she became a mummy to a little girl named Vera Audrey. Hook begins leaving, desperate to try true love's kiss on Emma, but Belle cautions him to be careful since hating a Dark One is easier than loving one, insinuating that Killian's love for Emma may turn into hate if he's not careful. They all regroup with Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the vault, where Regina took "Henry" for protection, though the door is locked. After he accepts, she heads out onto the ballroom dance floor with him. And when it's not there, you create it. Only later, when Henry calls her, she learns about the recent trouble the townspeople, including Mr. Gold, has had with the Dark Ones and the mark of Charon. During her childhood, Belle becomes friends with a boy named Samuel. She is the daughter of Maurice abd the second wife of Rumplestiltskin, the mother of Gideon, step-mother of Neal Cassidy, Henry's step . Worried about exposing magic, Ruby ignores the inquiry and tries to persuade Belle that the tranquilizers must be giving her hallucinations. ("Devil's Due"), Arriving at the nunnery's nursery room, Belle visits baby Neal and Robin, both of whom she has brought formula bottles for. Belle fishes out a photo of the necklace, which David recognizes as belonging to a woman he once knew as Joan, whose real name must be Anna. Troubled by the find, she tests the gauntlet out and it leads her to the real dagger. Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is comfortable in her life as a bail bonds collector. Mr. Gold then claims that, while she won't come back to him out of love, she eventually will out of necessity if she wants her child to be safe. ("Snow Drifts"), Over the course of a couple of months, Belle slowly gets to know Rumplestiltskin and they develop a friendship. Will grabs Belle's hand in an attempt to comfort her, though she turns around to stare longingly at the man who was once her husband. Belle is locked in the tower by Rumplestiltskin, but the Blue Fairy frees her and urges her to save the baby. After Mr. Gold, Emma, and Morpheus return from the dream realm, Regina comes back to the pawnshop with the fixed wand and urges Emma to do her duty as the Savior and defeat the Black Fairy with the wand, but Emma declines and reveals Mr. Gold is the Savior who is meant to do it. From "A Star Is Born" and "Swing Time" to "Chicago" and "West Side Story," here are 55 musicals that represent the height and the incredible range of the genre. Later in the day, she receives an email from an Oxford professor, not knowing it is actually Mr. Gold, who gives her the translation, to which Regina uses the dagger to perform a ceremony on the hat. At the cells, they find Lancelot, and unexpectedly, Merida, too. ("Birth"), With Hook awakened as a Dark One, his desire for vengeance leads him to challenge Mr. Gold to a duel at noon on the Jolly Roger. She unknowingly falls asleep while doing research at the library, in which she finds a book in the dream world version of the library that tells her to "follow the ribbon" if she wants to defeat the Dark One. The following day, under Lumiere's instruction, they head to a forest clearing. As Mr. Gold hands back the dagger, he proposes to Belle, which she happily accepts by putting down the weapon and drawing him into an embrace. After learning more about Mr. Gold inability to age because of his powers, Lacey wonders if she, too, could become immortal so they could be together forever. ("Darkness on the Edge of Town"), Hearing of Cruella and Ursula's arrival to town, Belle prepares a transformation potion, in fear of retaliation from them. He assures her that once they stop Gideon, Mother Superior can be revived. However, Belle remains secretive about one final piece of the prophecy, in that it was not about the sun in the sky, but the figurative "sun" in the Dark One's life: her. She falls over the border into Mr. Gold's arms and loses her memories as Hook is revealed to be the shooter. As a customer, Zelena seeks Belle's help to pick out a baby gift for an expecting Mary Margaret. She dbuts in the twelfth episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Emilie de Ravin. The bookish girl admits she did not tell Mr. Gold about the appointment, and that she is uncertain about allowing him to be a part of her son's life later on if she doesn't even want him around before the baby is born. Hair color: After Mother Superior leaves to continue looking on her own, Mr. Gold tells Belle about his suspicions that Gideon has gone to retrieve the sword that broke during the battle with Emma. ("Tougher Than the Rest"), In the woods, Belle and Mother Superior rejoin Mr. Gold after a futile search for Gideon. ("Dark Waters"), When the Queen threatens to destroy everyone with Acheron water unless Snow and David relinquish their hearts to her, Belle apologizes to the heroes for not being able to help, as she's already searched through all her books and found nothing useful. Instead of physically being strong like Emma, Snow, and Regina she had to rely on her book smarts and her inner strength. When she further implores the Dark One about his past, Rumplestiltskin responds by sending her to fetch straw, and he'll tell her his tale when she returns. ("Dreamcatcher"), With Merlin's magic as well as David and Hook's fighting skills, they clear the dungeon of Arthur's guards, with Belle following them. Belle affirms that the cup has no magic in it, as it's a souvenir from Doc's birthday party, but David takes it anyway, having a plan of his own. Jeff is the son of James Easter, the . Mr. Gold assumes she wants him to wake her with true love's kiss, but he declares it impossible since he is not that man. Hook makes himself known to her with the shawl in hand. Grabbing Baby Hood, Belle falls into the portal, with Zelena jumping in after her. For his selfless behavior, Belle professes that she doesn't need to travel the world to know she wants to be with him. Please follow me if you choose to follow because I put a lot of . Belle is still unsure if she wants to give her husband another chance, but she recalls how the dream world version of her son looked at Mr. Gold with such hatred, and she believes this relationship can be different in the future. Mr. Gold sneakily snaps a photo of them as Belle is busy fixing her son's clothes. She also gives the Her Handsome Hero book to her, and asks her to read it to her son often as proof his mother is always close to him. Regina mentions they knew each other, and asks Belle about Mr. Gold and the dagger. He describes the person he knew in her; a beautiful woman who loved an ugly man, and further explains that she creates goodness in those who don't have any. Despite that the spell ingredient is correct, Emma later reveals she never wanted the baby, and instead, she kidnaps Zelena for her plans. As she tethers Hook's life to Excalibur, making him a Dark One like herself, Doc and the others remain in the diner, looking on in alarm as black tendrils of darkness evaporate from Merlin's body. She is both based on the character from Beauty and the Beast by Jeanne . The Black Fairy shoots down the idea, and when Mr. Gold attempts to attack her, she forces him to stop by seizing the dagger. Realizing she has to send her son away after his birth, she weeps and bids a heartfelt farewell to him, with "Morpheus" telling her not to forget the book. ("Beauty"), As Belle continues to age while her husband remains immortal, the couple is occasionally visited by Gideon during the years he returns home to see them before going back to school. Before one of Gaston's arrows hit him, Mr. Gold teleports himself and Belle to safety. Hook counters that Mr. Gold wouldn't unless he had something to gain out of it. The next day, she attempts to ask him about what he was doing, and when he tries to brush it off, she calls him a coward for not letting her into his life. She began running. She finds Mr. Gold at the pawnshop and learns from him about the last command that the Black Fairy gave Gideon to kill Emma. A t one point, newly introduced Bel (Thaddea Graham) said: "I've no idea what that means, but it doesn't sound good," and it seemed she might be speaking about the episode as a whole. Mr. Gold is worried about Belle's injuries, so he magically heals them, which only frightens her. Presumably, Belle is unfrozen and has no idea anything is amiss. They scour books on light magic, but none reveal a way to turn dark magic into light magic. ("Quiet Minds"), Following her escape from the Wicked Witch, Zelena, Belle reports to Aurora, Prince Charming, Prince Phillip, Snow White and Regina about Neal's sacrifice to resurrect Rumplestiltskin. Once the others are out of sight, Merida distracts Belle and knocks her unconscious, taking her on a rowboat in the middle of the Ivory Sea. Convinced that the dagger must never fall into their enemies' hands, Belle meets up with Hook to hand the weapon to him so he can hide it. On the way there, Mulan can go no further as her wound is getting worse and entrusts Belle with the task of killing the Yaoguai. ("The Evil Queen"), One morning, while on the streets, Mr. Gold accuses Dr. Whale of eyeing Lacey in a suggestive manner and intimidates him into a cowered state. Biographical Information After Zelena reveals Mother Superior's whereabouts to Regina and Emma, Belle explains to them about what happened with the nun and her role in allowing it to happen, although she is not proud of what she did in order to protect Gideon. Belle remains motionless and unresponsive as Regina reveals the heart to Mr. Gold, before commanding her to forget everything and leave, which she does. ("New York City Serenade"), As they depart for Sherwood Forest, a flying monkey attacks, sending Belle and various other members of the crowd scurrying back to witness the creature nearly knock into Neal, though Regina quickly dispenses of the being by turning it into a stuffed animal. To prove it, David runs the security tape, which Mr. Gold secretly manipulates to give the appearance that Zelena used magic to turn herself into a statue, which shatters and melts away into powder. Lacey grabs a nearby cloth, not knowing it's Baelfire's shawl, to wipe the mess up, until Mr. Gold angrily snatches it away, shouting that it belonged to his son. Belle considers that she could live with herself if Hades had agreed to break the contract, but instead, it's made her realize what she did was selfish and just to save Mr. Gold's life. Eric Kohn, Anne . To this, Belle expressed dismay at the fact Mr. Gold once again tricked her for his selfish reasons. Turning the dagger over to him, she then returns to the pawnshop, where Will left a rose for her outside the door. To accomplish this, he accepts a deal to help Peter Pan. She also finds out about him being disguised when he invaded Rumplestiltskin's castle in search of the Fairy Godmother's wand. Mr. Gold, however, believes no one is capable of loving him, especially since he's already lost her, and their son is now his only chance at love. Several years after this, Belle is now an elderly woman as Mr. Gold is still youthful as ever. ("Skin Deep"), Longing for her family, Belle spends the night crying. According to E! From the Underworld, Mr. Gold sees this event through a crystal ball, after creating a spell in an attempt to locate his deceased child, Neal. TV // February 06, 2018. Without Belle's notice, Ursula uses her tentacles to reach into the backroom and grab a wooden box containing Maleficent's totem. Within the dreamworld, Belle lives in a darker version of Rumplestiltskin's castle, stuck in her past servant role. Puzzled, Lacey questions why he doesn't just get rid of the obstacle in his way as he's the kind of man who won't let anything stand in his way. (From. Belle remarks that he seems nice, though Ruby is distracted and heads to the back room of the diner. Status: ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), The next day, Belle is working at the pawnshop when Hook comes in to ask her about why true love's kiss didn't work for her and Mr. Gold. As Emma recalls, he had the urn, which Elsa was trapped within, in his vault. Anna, clinging to a ledge, implores for help. Regina, gaining the dagger, hands it over to Belle for safekeeping. It is a disturbing pattern in Once Upon a Time, despite the plethora of strong female characters, where Belle is often put into situations where she is in mortal danger. ("The Jolly Roger"), After catching Regina sifting through items in the shop, Belle, still upset about being locked up for twenty-eight years, tells her to get lost. When push comes to shove, with the clans shooting three arrows at her brothers, Merida relies on brute skill, using her one loosed arrow to cut off the three arrows. While Belle and the. Mr. Gold returns with Gideon's heart but reveals that, despite attempting to do the right thing, he was unable to lift the command. Amused, Belle bluntly tells Dreamy that Nova is obviously inviting him to meet her there. Elsa suggests that she herself was sealed in the urn, by Anna, who was under Ingrid's spell, so her sister may fit the criteria. Lyotard's Postmodern Condition (1979), one of the most important postmodernist critiques, points to the loss of social and political legitimacy that was once conferred upon society by the grand myths of human progress and technological modernity, the master narratives that explain, justify, and thereby sustain universal truth, historical . Belle Gold (ne French), briefly known as Lacey, is a fictional character in ABC's television series Once Upon a Time. Only when Belle regains the box, John and Michael admit they are helping Pan because he has their sister Wendy, but she persuades them that the box is essential to freeing Wendy. ("Tiny"), While still resting up in her hospital room, Belle meets Regina. She becomes interested in finding them, but her father doesn't want her to pay the price of magic. Later, Belle helps Mr. Gold get dressed and casually mentions the endless possibilities of his future now that everything is settled. Belle uses a pinch of dust to outline the steps onto a ship and follows them up through a barrier onto the deck. Anna learns from Grand Pabbie that her aunt, Ingrid, is not trustworthy, causing her to fear for her sister Elsa's safety. ("Into the Deep"), In the pawnshop, Belle is getting ready for a picnic lunch with Mr. Gold when Emma, David and Mary Margaret arrive. Stop Gideon, Mother Superior can be revived urges her to the pawnshop and learns from him the! 'S notice, Ursula uses her tentacles to reach into the backroom and grab a wooden box containing 's. 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