I hope to feel better every day. I made notes and called my PC physician and though she ordered a battery of test, I only got a basic EKG and was told at the end of my visit that during the EKG my heart stopped twice thats why they had to do the test twice but the second test my heart did not stop. 3 months ago I started having dizzy spells and double vision. It is unsettling not really knowing what normal is, but grateful to be alive. This occurs when the nerves that run through a surgical site are damaged. It definitely can take a LONG time to feel fully recovered. 70 year old, heavy smoker, on 4 May 18, heart attack 2 Stents inserted. I too take one day at a time. They just seem horribly difficult right now. I am 7 months post op from an aortic heart valve replacement & aortic root repair to address an aneurysm & I feel my body is not my own. HBP. Now i am not facing breathing problem. 5 mos after surgery Im just starting to let myself sleep on my side still painful though your body will tell you when you can, Hi Michel I had a double bypass on April 9th. Now almost 10 months since surgery, he seems to have plateaued. My concern is the top of the scar around and above the top of the incision is a big protruding lump. So clinch those fist, and give em hell. I acknowledge with all the complications & now ongoing health issues I never had before, there has got to be a reason why. Many times the symptoms are temporary, for example, many patients have nerve problems after surgery that only last for a few weeks to months . Great to read every ones experiences Im 64 smoked like a chimney most of my life so had all this coming .I am six months after my bypass. I have found these comments so informative. Hey all. 8 weeks after surgery I could drive, but turning the wheel caused some soreness in the chest and seat belt was uncomfortable going over the surgery scar on chest. Playing 18 but, not walking yet. Thanks everyone for all of your comments. Wayne2 questions: #1 are you walking every day? I de idea to grab a cpl of Robaxicets muscle relaxants and go sit in my chair with my back seat and sufficient rent cushions to at least rest, if not sleep. Be patient, kind, understanding, helpful, insightful, considerate. In most cases, these sensations will go away after a few days. Everyone thinks I should be better at six weeks but I cant feel my left breast is numb. But on the short end, you're looking at 3 to 6 months before you regain full sensation to your nipples. They tried OTC meds and prescriptions Prilosec, Nexium, etc which made it worse. This becomes a bigger concern if a patient is placed in a hard cast or tight bandage. Maybe I will have some news for people suffering same symptoms. When I was going through my early recovery from an aortic valve replacement operation, I too had some numbness in my hands and feet especially at night. Cleveland Clinic cardiologists suggest this: "You'll do most of your healing - about 80 per cent - in the first 6-8 weeks after surgery". since you had a good relationship i think it would be good for you to see him but also realize that that it may be tough for him emotionally. Please keep your spirit going Maryann. It is a long recovery but you are not alone and I cant tell you that it will totally subside but I can tell you that it will significantly subside but it can take a year. My first was in 1996 when I was only 29. Cytokine. I will not be seeing, I think the pain is nerve endings becoming active again. I am 62 years old and had triple bypass surgery on July 5. I was in cumadin but my numbers went from one to nine, very irratic. Even being a healthcare provider, I sometimes feel frustrated by the slowness of the recovery. Still sleeping in my recliner, which oddly is a lot more comfortable than I would have thought, especially surrounded by a lot of pillows. Im a week home from the hospital! What used to be delicious tasted like old peanuts. My ribs are finally feeling better but I still have pain in my breasts and tightness around the scar. Of course sex has been off the table ever since. My surgeon says it is damage to the ulnar nerve caused by compression of the nerves in my chest during surgery. So, thank you everyone for sharing your stories! I had a CABG for triple vessel disease in mid Feb 18. It was diagnosed as Costachondritis which is basically inflammation from the cartilage between the ribs and the pain radiates from under the breast to shooting pains in the breast. Sometimes some nerves are damaged extracting the LIMA - that numbness isn't uncommon. Id hoped this would go on a good few years before I needed OHS. -Tightness/discomfort in the middle & left side of my chest -almost complete lack of sleep & restlessness all night -Pain, sensitivity, cold, numbness in both feet. hurt to cough. CAT scan revealed vertebral basilar insufficiency but medical opinions are mixed. I have had pain, numbness. The Surgical Team at Ft. Walton Beach Medical Center was nothing short of Fantastic! Tanya had a plastic surgery procedure on her gluteal area and ended up with a severe infection that caused scarring around the sciatic nerve. Catherine, Everyone is different and heals differently. I had my aortic valve replaced exactly 4 months ago today and have some questions and concerns to see if I am the only one. Struggling keeping the weight off. Aortic valve (cow), aortic root and aorta (composite) replaced. Tylenol and heating pad help but not greatly. It is nice to know Im not the only one in this boat. It makes the breast swollen, tender, warm, and red. I started massaging the area using Voltaren gel . The use of lumbar epidural injection of platelet lysate for treatment of radicular pain. I am going to try to get back to walking and watching what I am eating. He brings up my spirits cause in the hosp he told me all looks awesome and I should last another century lol. I went back to work full time in June but even getting from the parking lot to my office is a struggle. I underwent ohs on 11th june 2018. I think feeling low and depressed is kinda normal also because i too have gone through these spells. My PCP said it could be nerve damage from removing, the vein used in the by-pass. Roll on 10 months, I have had aortic replacement valve. I still tire very quickly and feel like truly doing nothing at this point, everything is a struggle, some days not as bad but still a struggle. Most of my life I have always felt like the toughest man to walk the earth. (20 pages)..Been home in my unit(live on my own)for past 2days..Am starting to at last, getting to a properly relaxed state of mind,with proper uninterrupted resting periods..My guess is we all become victims of the systematic(incompetent/inefficient) ways in place with the Medical fraternity and ALL are pleased to leave the Hospital bed, even if in our own minds,were not ready to leaveYoure partners feelings have been matched by mine..Am sure this must be right across the boardcheers for now.. Hi Paula, I am seven weeks into recovery from open heart bypass surgery. Had aortic valve replacement and repair to tricuspid valve. I was feeling fine until I went into my yard over the weekend to do some raking of leaves from last fall. Or it could be a sign of a complication the provider should explore. I did not sleep a wink as the co.boned tightness of my chest and back pain intensified. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. I find comfort in the 3 fs.Faith,friends, and family to get me through these dog days of post op Doctors told me I could go back to work 12 weeks after surgery so my mind will be more occupied and less negative thinking. Cant remember, cant think, cant sleep, cant drive a car. And I feel much younger horrible surgery indeed. Lately experienced a little dizziness not severe but some and had an issue a few weeks ago feeling out of breath when traveling to a higher altitude town. Seek out company of those who support you. I had my OHS 4 weeks ago, and like u everything is really ok except me being outta breath so easily. my surgery is this Thursday, and my doctor told me I would have a noticeable scar for 2+ years or so. This will improve steadily. So heres the good news for all. Unfortunately, I am struggling with the new normal . Black American Risks for Heart Disease and Stroke, Diagnostic Criteria for Familial Hypercholesterolemia, A Global Call to Action on Familial Hypercholesterolemia, My Journey with Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Heart Disease, https://livingwithfh.blogspot.com/2016/07/life-at-five-months-after-open-heart.html. 2012;59(1):2227. I notice that your valve take around 30 years. It's time to seek medical attention if they don't or if other symptoms appear. Ivy had a bad IV stick in her hand during which they injured the cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve. Hi, I am just 4 Months after my Open Heart surgery. Thoughts suggestions? The upshot? I have been on pain meds since my surgery, I am thinking that they are going to have to go back in and hopefully fix this, I was just wondering if other people have had this done and what kind if success, Greetings! Front Neurol. My husband had open heart 2 months ago. Thanks Nicky. This really bothers me. The area immediately around an incision (the surgical cut) is often numb after surgery. However, theres a new way to help nerves heal and get rid of the scar tissue called ultrasound-guided nerve hydrodissection with orthobiologics. 8+ hour long Surgery, 3 days in CICU, 4 days upstairs total of 7 days, then home. 2014;16:2936. If you want to change your health for the better, I had to change what I was doing and the greatest change was joining an online group a physician led group and I am seeing the results and by mid July my plan is to have reached my goal weight and my cholesterol and blood pressure will be where it should be. Join 375,000+ Patientsat Our Facebook Page Click here, HeartValveSurgery.com 2785 Pacific Coast Hwy, #517 Torrance, CA 90505 Phone: (888) 725-4311, 2023 HeartValveSurgery.com. I think I need some rehab, Physio, massage, chiro. No physical symptoms, and a 71 year old. So got on medication and it was fixed, wahla! The numbness and pain in thigh is the most annoying- just hope it goes away. If I turn my head too fast or too far around I feel like my brain is swimming and swirling and spinning. Greetings from South Africa. I found this blog and am 3 weeks post op with a new On-X valve and gel weave ascending aortic graft. 10 days later I mowed the front lawn and half my neighbours and walked the dog (she is 72 and did the rest of her lawn). Hi All I had Aortic Value surgery around four weeks ago ,got home around two weeks from hospital about two weeks,still find I get out of breath whilst walking around the apartment or our gardens and get tired by the end of the day. Some days are great and some really scare me with the exhaustion and dizziness. It isnt easy, I am nothing like I was pre CABG x 4, mine was a fail, I was in the 2% of unsuccessful CABG patients YET, I am alive so, I consider that a success. Id like to know if anyone else has experienced this problem and if anyone has found a solution. I would love to know if you are still having this problem..and if so, what is it like now?. I had quadruple bypass after care flight got me to the hospital on Christmas Eve of last year. If you have, please reach out to me. My husband is still driving me and I hope to not need the wheelchair for distance soon. Thanks so much for any advice . Take care! I felt like I was underwater screaming! At least I pray it is muscle pain! Good-luck everyone! My Drs were furious as my kidney function was perfect when the sent me but now down to 10%! Fast heart rate that didnt slow down for hours, and two days of discomfort in my chest. Trying to find someone experiencing all the symptoms as I am 5 months after quintuple bypass & aorta patch. My condition was geneticborn biscuspidtwo cusps instead of threecaused problems I thought would be resolved once the op was done. If they last longer than a few months, then theyre placed into the permanent nerve damage category and will likely need to be treated. Luckily, I didnt hv a heart attack and my heart functions are all normal. For some reason, my outgoing personality is taking a hit following this surgery. Following surgery, your physician may ask to you complete a cardiac rehab program and/or implement sternal precautions, both can vary from physician to physician, as . Hi all, i am 49 years old. Maybe talk to your GP and give them a try. I thought I had a pinch nerve in my right arm. He lives in a fog. I loved reading your post. I sit here now, same chair 5:50pm and the pain has pretty much subsided..although my breathing intake is, still somewhat impaired. You are right and yes, there are many things that are common to both men and women that can affect how we heal as well as a few things that you point out are quite different in our physiology. Wonder if others have the same issue. I had a triple bypass just about four months ago. hungry all the time- eating heaps of nuts. But everyone cant do it bcoz the process of finding the suitable remedy is quite rigorous. Better health to us all! An abscess under your nipple or areola can cause pain, redness, and heat. Was super fit, non drinker, non smoker, conscious of mu food intake and now.. BOOM! I am fortunate in that I was fairly young (58) and healthy going in and the recovery has been mostly good. I wish everyone good health and stay positive. I tire easily. No no, Im too young 52. One day at a time, good luck to all of you. I had the procedure Dec1 and honestly have not had one moments pain. Permanent nerve damage can be a potential side effect of surgery. Sensitivity and specificity of nerve palpation, monofilament testing and voluntary muscle testing in detecting peripheral nerve abnormality, using nerve conduction studies as gold standard; a study in 357 patients. I hope you are progressing well and are feeling stronger each day. Initially I experienced all the usual side effects of OHS and over time regained strength and stamina. The best thing that has kept me going is a sayings that me and my military buddies used to say to each other on the bad days, One day, all this will be just a story that you tell. I hope everyone recovers well and just remember the fights not done till you quit swinging. Routine Office visit with no prexisting signs. I told the nurse a few days later, that the pain was so sharp at times I could not walk, across the room. (it was 100 degrees outside). It has been the hardest thing Ive ever been through, and Ive been to war three times. Heat and sun in sw florida is a killer. He now walks 20-25 miles/week with me (though at a relatively slow pace), and hes back to work (forensic work for the courts, which hes been able to resume via ZOOM). I jogged about 1/4 of a mile three days ago. Maybe through all this I'll be able to find out if the sarc has caused any of the damage to my heart. I did use readers for reading but not very strong. Please feel free to email us at info@familyheart.org. All that said, I am not back to normal. I just finished Cardiac Rehab, and that helped me to improve physically. I am still very sore, easily fatigued and struggle with sleeping. Not anything excruciating, and goes away right away. My cardiologist And surgeons use teleconference. Functionally recovered is about 9 months to a year. Any words of advice or encouragement/discouragement would be appreciated. That didnt sit well with me since Ive been paying copays and noticing how much he costs! OB/GYN. Hi Marry, I am Vanna 29 years old. I have fortunately found quite a lot of useful info online. I hope so cause I never want to go they this again!! She writes, "Adam, I am 55 and had open heart surgery to replace my valve about three weeks ago. Obviously, since the scar tissue was caused by surgery, using surgery to get rid of it can be a problem. Thank you for sharing your experience. This is what happens when scar tissue forms around a nerve after surgery. Im on new meds, i have anxiety, but qlways did.. can someone tell me possibly why i shake. I like the positive vibes your post has generated in me. I have had severe chest pain since the surgery and they think it is Chostachondritis or something like that so that might be what is going on with your boobmine is mainly in my sternum but I would guess your boob could be effected too what it is, is that you have major imflammation from the surgery in that areathey are doing steroid injectionsbut uhmm since I just got over a never ening 5 week period which they think the steroids is the cause I won't be doing them againI may just settle with the pain meds the rest of my life:-) don't know as haven't told the pain management dr. about the bleeding issue yet!!! I wish and pray you all get stronger and continue to heal physically and mentally from this mind blowing experience! Right breast pain, post (14 weeks) open heart surgery. The good and less good days, the long term pain, the fears, the sleeplessness, the pushing through it all to get to enjoy what modern medecine can do, the slow but very real progress and improvements in quality of life even slightly, are all things I felt very alone in. Two other specialists recommended no surgery as the dizzy spells were probably related to the medications. Good luck and love to all. I am 5 weeks post op I take Metoprolol twice a day also no side effects. Either way, numbness after surgery can be a blessing. What Im reading in some of these comments is that they are never the same after the op? As for anxiety and depression, check out Dr. Claire Weeks on the web. Cardiologist tried to fix me with stents three times before they gave up and recommended surgery. Once I sleep then I sleep well without any disturbance (Gods grace).. Rest of the time I am fine as I dont think about it nor I have breathing issues. This problem was a genetic problem and it shooted up suddenly. There is no real resting periods,with a constant stream up to +50 per day of various members of the Medical teams continually interrupting you just as you are able to doze off or want to go to the toilet..Am sure it is a strategy to make you want to leave the Hospital to find somewhere to be left alone & in peace..(home)..Very simple things become complex, with the staff all seeming to come up with different answers..Being thrown a new list of medications,instructions etc,without any real understanding of same is thrown at you on your way out..the last 2 days & departure day, were the most frustrating. Have my good days and bad days. I acknowledge with all the complications & now ongoing health issues I never had before, there has got to be a reason why. Sadly but necessarily the hospital has suspended all visiting because of Covid-19 but I have been able to talk to Bob on the phone. Sometimes i feel dizzy, head heaviness but somehow overcoming this feeling. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine. My scars are good except for the area i got staph nfection but no one can see it. As with any surgical procedure, open heart surgery requires incision care to avoid infection and minimize scarring. I should be starting my cardiac rehab in another week, although I have been walking pretty regularly. Post-surgical bloating and swelling is mostly eased with time. Id love to know where else to look for support/answers/advice/etc. the only thing like i said i was doing a little yard work and it started to brun . Women's Heart Disease Support Group and Discussion Community, I am 8 months post-op. Im 5 months past CABC-x4. After removing one of the veins to the leg, blood must find other veins to return from the legs to the heart. All the above cited problems. Thank very much. I was committed to the ICU for almost 6 months and then shortly after was recommitted another 2 months for complications with fluid buildup in my lungs. Going into my fourth month post Quad ByPass and Aorta repairs, rehab about to end and this month I feel to have hit the wall a bit. 1086(1):8190. If you feel queasy or haven't moved your bowels, it's only natural that you may not be in the mood to eat or drink. I woke up in the ICU to notice that the left side of my left hand was asleep you know, how your foot might go to sleep if you positioned your leg improperly for too long. My PCP gave me clean bill of health. I spent many nights rocking back and forth from severe pain in back and shoulder, then April 30, 2018 called my brother at 11:30 at night asking him to take me to the hosp (a different one from the one I was going to) cause I couldnt breathe from the pain. This means that it will usually only pick up nerve damage that is more severe (7). One thing I have noticed is excessive yawning, even if I dont feel tired. An injury that cuts a nerve can also lead to numbness. Hang in there everyone! I had a pig mitral valve in mid febohs. Damaged extracting the LIMA - that numbness isn & # x27 ; t.. Can see it swimming and swirling and spinning it worse depression, check out Dr. Claire weeks the... Tanya had a CABG for triple vessel disease in mid febohs i would have a scar... Days, then home work full time in June but even getting from the legs to the leg, must. Prescriptions Prilosec, Nexium, etc which made it worse nerves are damaged extracting the LIMA - numbness... On 10 months, i have been able to find someone experiencing all the as! In sw florida is a big protruding lump tissue was caused by compression of ulnar. Sharing your stories protruding lump take Metoprolol twice a day also no effects... 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