It is much easier to sell provinces to countries that aren't yet vassalised, however care must be taken to make sure that after selling the province the country doesn't become ineligible to become a vassal (either diplomatically or militarily due to tax base). This page lists the codes which may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by pressing Shift + 2, Alt + 2 + 1, Shift + 3, , ~, ^, , , or ` (key varies based on keyboard layout). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If Diplomatic Reputation is low then this can make a huge difference in annexation speed. Note that if acquiring multiple subjects concurrently, this monthly rate as above will apply to each subject independently (modified for the culture and religion of each), even if it results in a monthly deficit; as long as there is still a positive diplomatic power balance to cover the monthly deficits as per the rule above. Annexing the Inca will also give the player the achievement A Pile of Gold for owning 10 provinces of gold. The Qing are especially useful since the Unify China causus belli gives a 50% reduction to aggressive expansion and to annexation costs. Sir CrashXII Oct 18, 2021 @ 4:22am. If a junior partner in a personal union leaves, senior partners may get the Restoration of Union CB. Press J to jump to the feed. The factors that influence an AI nation's desire to accept a vassalization offer are: Vassals are essentially puppets of their suzerain, or overlord country., Play The players country must have 200 cities to claim this achievement. Questions, Paradox . It will go down eventually but like I said it will take a long time. On top of that, you'll get an extra penalty of 100 for forcing vassalization. To prevent reformation I had to kill as many Catholics as quickly as possible, so I stacked AE Impact up to -90% (Careful Ruler, Age bonus, Curia controller, Espionage, Prestige and French mission 'Into Germany'). Because each vassal takes up a diplomatic relations slot, as well as a Diplomat during the actual annexation process, it can be a good idea to "feed" vassals provinces rather than take on additional vassals - each vassal annexed also makes it more difficult to annex subsequent vassals with a stacking -30 hit to relations that can make it impossible to get older vassals above 190 relations along with a -3 penalty to diplomatic reputation for 10 years, reducing the speed at which vassals can be annexed in that time. It is only good for changing them to your religion. Cores on all the vassal's core provinces. To see the target cost select a province and hover your mouse over the "Province War Score Cost", a crossed shield and star icon, it will also show you the total force vassalization cost. If you release Persia as a vassal, they immediately switch to Shiite because all their territory is Shiite. Finally, a player can play as a released colonial nation, such as the United States, and colonize the interior of the Americas. Usually, Personal Unions in EU4 trigger when a kingdoms monarch dies without an heir, while also being in a royal marriage. England PU with France by winning the war caused by the Surrender of Maine event. Conquest is fine to use in such a situation. Beware that the Administrative Efficiency used to compute the province war score cost is the one of the country who receives it. Scales linearly between the following points: Nation has a different religion within the same religious group, Proposer economic base compared to target nation, Proposer military power compared to target nation, Proposer owns target nation's core provinces, with noble privilege Nobility Integration Policy, In the bottom right hand corner of the menu that pops up, there is a button called. This CB is available to defend countries where such a call couldn't happen (e.g. Like you took one province in Greece from the ottomans, release Byzantium as a vassal and the next war you get their cores back for almost no AE, Also making vassals instead of annexing country gives less ae, but the ne vassal will hate you for subjugation, Also returning cores to vassals cost 25% of regular cost. Actually, it does reduce aggressive expansion. This contribution can be increased by the following. Hungary's country tag is HUN, Frances country tag is FRA (view all country tags). ah, k, thanks! A liberty desire less than 50% will remain in the 'loyal' attitude, while vassals with a liberty desire above 50% will become 'disloyal'. It doesn't work like that. By outsmarting Hungary, the Mamluks, and Venice, we became the undisputed ruler of the Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Levant. These options and modifiers also affect the defender. provided you have a strong navy! . Be careful if the country you are vassalizing is currently involved in a different war: In all other wars in which they are the war leader, whether on the attacking or the defending side, you will take their place! This will allow them to subjugate the junior partner under themselves and release them from their original master. All nations released by your nation will have the same or a higher technology lvl but the tech type will be the original one. One way to manage this is by feeding not so great provinces to a vassal. . The ability to feed a vassal provinces in peace deals, gaining land without using one's own administrative power or becoming overextended. The vassal will manage its own armies in war, which is less micromanagement for a player ruling a massive empire. These are the countries, with their respective events and junior partners: Some countries have the extreme luck of having specific missions that will let them create Personal Unions. While at war with this CB, the targeted rebels' armies are friendly to attacker. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Yes, you do. It is often a good idea to immediately begin improving relations with the new vassal to prevent disloyalty. Little monetary benefit to the overlord. It was last verified for, Distance between borders can only be seen in, /Europa Universalis IV/common/static_modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/common/subject_types/00_subject_types.txt,, Play Not all religions of the mother country will actually be carried over to released vassals. The casus belli also determines what peace terms may be demanded at no or reduced diplomatic power cost; additionally, some CBs disallow some peace terms entirely. This guide was created to help EU4 players understand how Aggressive Expansion & Coalition Mechanics. At its core, it is a negative opinion modifier. Yes - Don't annex people. Questions, Paradox Here is how you can release a vassal, or release a nation as a vassal, in EU4. If the country happens to be a rival and releasing vassals or countries is not desired, the special Humiliate Rival CB is ideally suited for this purpose. For example, let's say you're russia, if you annex and release a catholic sweden it will remain catholic because catholic and orthodox are the same religious group. Your issue as stated is Agressive Expansion. Consider timing annexations so that they finish within four months of one another: since an event such as that giving the Annexed Vassals modifier can be postponed for up to four months, the player can, for this time, avoid the hit to diplomatic reputation, and can annex vassals at full speed without waiting 10 years between annexations. The claim will expire if the target nation acquires an heir with a strong or average claim, or the royal marriage used to secure the CB terminates for whatever reason if the country has obtained the CB in this manner. An automatic casus belli is given when certain conditions between the attacker and the defender are met. The best way to check this is by using the Production Interface: Bregenz Is Willing to Become an Austrian Vassal. If the goal of the war is not to seize territory or force-vassalize, then the choice of CB is less important, since extorting money or releasing nations doesn't cause AE. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. We all might have gotten more vassals than we bargained for in Europa Universalis 4. If you click on the 'create vassals' option in your diplomacy screen, and hover your mouse over the nation you wish to release as a vassal, it will show you how much and with what countries AE will be reduced. Lots of unowned cores or claims: wage war with other nations and take the provinces cored or claimed by the vassal so they can core the land instead of you. Vassal has at least one core province that can be cored. The Creek, for example, will always release as North American tech group country with Creek culture equal to its master in technology. There are three sections to this guide: Introduction to Aggressive Expansion & Coalitions. But as previously mentioned, the first option will give less Aggressive Expansion, and give an opinion bonus, whereas the second one will give more AE and also a reduction in Liberty Desire for the concerned subject (more than you get from the opinion boost in the first option), which stacks (contrary to opinion, capped at 200). Both sides get an additional +50 war enthusiasm when at war with this CB. This cost is decreased by administrative efficiency, all power cost modifiers and diplomatic annexation cost modifiers. Attacker can demand the tribal land that the defender is being forced to migrate to, but then the migration will fail. Not a merchant republic; they have a malus for accepting vassalization. If not, progress will pause. Open the Diplomacy tab and click on the country you want to release. Therefore I'd rather just vassalise them straight up in a war, rather then annex them and take all that aggressive expansion then releasing them. New diplomatic actions give you the means to go up against mightier counterparts and new economic tools will allow you to establish rich vassal empires that draw wealth and development to your monumental capital city. If, on the other hand, you just want to release a vassal to play as that country or to lessen administrative burdens, we can help with that too. If the released nation's core provinces include the releasing country's capital, the capital will not be released, even if it is in the list of provinces to be released. When someone says it reduces AE they usually mean whe you use reconquest for your vassals cores. Any idea set or advisor that gives improve relations will help you lose aggressive expansion. In the Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan expansion, you get new tools to centralize and accumulate power for your country. This is an immediate action that costs a certain number of points of spy network strength, starting at 20 and increasing by 5 spy network points per existing claim. Attacker's home trade node, or one where they have a merchant: Attacker has at least 10% share of trade power, Defender's privateers have at least 1% share of trade power, Attacker neighbours defender or the distance between the borders is less than 200, Attacker is not a subject, or is a tributary, Only if also dismantling/spreading the revolution (as appropriate), Defender is not a subject of the attacker, Defender owns at least one province in North China, Xinan, or South China region, Only on provinces in the China subcontinent, Only on provinces in the South China, Xinan or South China region or with culture in the same group as defender, Attacker does not have government reform Shogunate, Attacker's religion is in pagan or Eastern group, Attacker owns an accepted culture province whose culture is in the Chinese culture group, Both attacker and defender only own one province, Neither country is already in a league war, Rebel faction that attacker is supporting has risen in revolt against defender, Attacker is a migratory nation or is a native tribe, If the defender is a native tribe, its capital is in the tribal land of the attacker, Only on neighbouring provinces that aren't the loser's capital, (Attacker only) Only if also forcing migration, If the attacker is an AI and has its capital in the China subcontinent or Japan region, the defender's capital is not in that subcontinent/region, Defender is a valid target for the "Expand empire" peace deal, Defender is in the same religion group as attacker, Defender is on the same continent as attacker, Defender is not a member of the Holy Roman Empire, Defender neighbours any province that is part of the empire, Expand empire (Forces defender, all their subjects, and all their provinces to join the empire for variable warscore cost based on development), Attacker has the tier 8 theocracy government reform "The Global Crusade", Defender is in pagan religious group, and attacker has completed Exploration ideas or has the "Mission to Civilize" tier 2 government reform, Defender is not a subject nation, or is a tributary, Defender meets certain requirements depending on, Force tributary status (max 72% warscore), Only if also forcing vassalization or tributary status, Attacker has completed the Malaccan mission, Attacker has completed the Pasai/Aceh mission. Aggressive expansion relative to the size of the target country will result from this. Declare a war of independence (which they will once they believe they have a chance based on the relative military powers of them and their allies versus their liege). Meeting the war goal will cause the warscore of whichever side has achieved it to gradually rise (up to a max bonus of 25% at a rate of +0.4% per month). Other countries may offer support for independence without being asked, although vassals that like their overlord will never accept. This option and the modifiers also affect the defender. Normally a country of the same religion being attacked by a heretic or heathen country will trigger a call to arms for the defender of the faith. While being the war leader in a war which was declared with this CB, a country which has the Celestial Empire or Chinese Kingdom government reform, gains cores on all provinces in the China subcontinent which it occupies. Given to the emperor by the diplomatic action Declare Reichskrieg which costs 25 IA and can only be used when: All HRE members automatically join the war on the emperor's side when this CB is used. At any rate, there are other ways to go: 2008 redeem team starting 5; who is sarah davis married to; #10. France PU with Naples (Naples gets the event). It does recover something, though, right? There are 2 ways to release a vassal in EU4: The second option doesnt sound great for most of us, so lets first talk about diplomacy. When releasing a nation into vassalage, the player may switch to playing as that vassal. is there any way that I can lower my aggressive expansion? So you take some for yourself aswell as to your vassal, then integrate them using diplomatic power. From patch 1.16, care must be taken to balance vassal feeding with direct expansion as falling too far behind in diplomatic tech relative to administrative and military tech will increase corruption. The player would do well to wall up the coastal provinces and than work their way inwards, take the Galapagos and Easter island to help prevent further colonization by the Europeans. Wargoals include: A triggered casus belli appears when certain actions are performed (like insulting other countries), and can also be given by events and missions. Must not own cores of the target country. Attacker does not have government reform Daimyo, Defender does not have government form Shogunate, Attacker is not a subject nation, or is a tributary, Defender holds a province in attacker's culture group, Only on provinces in victor's culture group. Aggressive expansion (simply abbreviated AE) is a game mechanic simulating the negative diplomatic impact of your warmongering actions. You just have to deal with the rebels and regular AE. If you have a better Administrative Efficiency than your vassal, you will have to pay more war score cost to give him directly those provinces (via "Cede province" or "Return core") than taking them for you directly and ceding them to the vassal in peacetime (via the option in the Subject Interaction menu (available with the Common Sense DLC)). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Add in trade diplomacy (50%), advisor (20%), prestige (20%), and either Protestant or Orthodox bonuses (15 or 25%), OP could possibly even get over 200%. on Paradox technology, Legal on Paradox technology, Legal When choosing such a CB, it will list the names of all the applying provinces, or show the number of these provinces if there are too many. This section explains what aggressive expansion and coalitions are, why they are important and why they are in the game. Europa Universalis 4's subscription plan is moving to Steam. For instance, Colonialism has 25% aggressive expansion and 50% warscore cost, but only for taking provinces that are overseas for both or from overseas colonial nations. additional warscore over time from having accomplished the goal. Improve Relations is the most important bonus, as it makes Aggressive Expansion decay faster. The benefits to the military victor of choosing vassalization instead of annexation are: The downsides to the military victor of choosing vassalization instead of annexation are: Newly force-vassalized countries will receive a 100 opinion malus to relations with their overlord, which will decay at a rate of 2 per year. Brandenburg PU with Prussia if the relation is over +100. And that is all there is to know about the personal union in EU4. Vassals may try to break free by declaring war on their overlord. 8 Government-Based Ideas. Austria PU with Hungary in the Death of Ladislaus Postumus event. Having a claim allows the selection of the targeted province as a wargoal. AE will not be cured completely, sometimes forcing vassalage on them is much much better. Assuming they like you enough then go to the province screen of a province bordering imperi. The suzerain can also transfer occupation to their vassal whenever needed. A vassal or client state can be diplomatically annexed by its overlord through the Annex vassal option. Marches gain bonuses to their military power but cannot be diplomatically annexed and do not pay taxes to their overlord. 1.3.5 The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Special Edition / / Update 1 Quantum Break / Europa Universalis IV Rights of Man (2016) PC / Fallout 4 / 1.2.1 Hearts of Iron IV / /Update NBA 2K17 It may not display this or other websites correctly. Information, Frequently Asked Super negative aggressive expansion bonuses thanks to no CB DoW. Brother, you can just fabricate a claim on byz, fully annex them and then release them as your vassal and fight many wars with the ottos over byzantium's cores. If I transfer a fabricated claim to a subject nation of mine and then transfer the occupation to my subject, do I suffer the same aggressive expansion as I would if I simply took the province for myself? Why do people catch and release say the Aztecs instead of just turning them into a vassal in the war? They always join their suzerain's wars, and cannot negotiate separate peace treaties. When you mouse over the little box on the diplomacy screen which tells you how they feel about you, next to Aggressive Expansion there should be a green number in parantheses telling you how much it gets better every year. Treat thi. No Hostile core creation modifier - these are applied to all cored provinces, including newly cored ones "fed" to the vassal, making those provinces even more expensive to annex than they normally would have been. eu4 ethiopia ideasis ora king salmon safe to eat. the vassal is at war and any of its provinces are occupied by rebels or an enemy nation. With Art of War, may be used by an overlord on a subject's behalf. Last edited on 27 November 2022, at 16:41,, Play The Ottomans are a strong choice to pursue this achievement with. This idea group changes based on what type of government you have, so there is some variance in quality. Up-to-date, detailed help for the Europa Universalis IV (EU4) command vassalize. Considering the role of diplomacy in pursuing this achievement, the diplomacy idea tree is a very good choice. In the previous part, we covered the remainder of the Age of Discovery and built the Ottomans from a major power to a powerhouse. You can invest in "better relation with time" advisors of ideas, to speed things up. Subject provinces do not count towards the necessary 200 provinces, this includes colonial nations. Quick question from a beginner. Otherwise, superpowers can grow unchecked which makes for rather uninteresting games. Shiite because all their territory is Shiite better experience bonuses thanks to no CB DoW you some!, for example, will always release as North American tech group country Creek. Want to release break free by declaring war on their overlord causus belli gives a %! Under themselves and release them from their original master grow unchecked which makes for rather uninteresting eu4 release vassal aggressive expansion war. Their territory is Shiite province screen of a province bordering imperi for example, will always release North. Like I said it will go down eventually but like I said it will down... 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