/GS0 gs /F5 1 Tf (the starting-point of any analysis is a construction of the rhetorical situa-)Tj 9 0 0 9 103.0951 493.1189 Tm 0 Tc BT (ranslation)Tj >> The gift was a clear)' 0 0 0 0 k BT Q ET ET The idea contained in this verse is that Pauls renewed ministry among the Philippians would give them reasons to be even more joyful. 65.197 76.536 289.134 453.543 re q (part of Paul\325)Tj /SA false 0 0.276 419 595 re BT -1.30416 -1.33334 TD -0.0163 Tw (gument used here is another example of an ar)Tj 9 0 0 9 103.6784 398.4262 Tm [(ejmoi; ga;r to; zh`n Cr)20(i)20(sto;")]TJ stream ET "We grow in proportion as we know. /F0 1 Tf ((1:16))Tj Calling something figurative that is literal. -0.0001 Tc BT >> 6.6 0 0 6.6 342.6688 350.3738 Tm The comparative adjective )Tj None of them, however)' 11 0 0 11 278.3196 208.1891 Tm 0 Tc /F2 1 Tf -0.25769 -1.40015 TD 0 -1.09091 TD ET 0.0408 Tw 0.029 Tw [(ejn Cr)20(i)20(stw`/ jIhsou`)]TJ (salvation and the progress of the gospel\323. ET -0.019 Tw -25.60311 -1.09091 TD WebWhat is figurative language in Philippians 1:1-30? ET 9 0 0 9 101.7454 353.5286 Tm (execution are for the advancement of the gospel.)' (this interpretation is to be preferred for two reasons:)Tj (narratio)Tj 0.05 Tw 0.104 Tw /F0 1 Tf BT 61.]. 0 Tw T* BT 0.031 Tw 0 Tc However it does indicate that there was a plurality of official leaders in this church. (in 1:15 and )Tj ." 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 Tc 0.2501 Tw ET 0.0807 Tw BT ET ET 0.01 Tw 0 Tc (s)Tj 0 Tr -0.0002 Tc 0.1142 Tw 0 Tc Q /F1 1 Tf 0 0.276 419 595 re This "biographical prologue" [Note: Swift, p. -21.69045 -1.09091 TD ET f (may be rendered \322so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has)Tj ET -0.0001 Tc )Tj (terms are used in the LXX and the Qumran )Tj (a)' /Length 6194 -0.0001 Tc 25.75533 0 TD 1 g 0.0379 Tw T* 1.54617 -1.09091 TD (W F & G)Tj 9 0 0 9 66.1968 304.2594 Tm 0 Tc Pauls reference to the day of Christ Jesus as the culmination of the Lords work of salvation in the believer points to the day when He will return for His own: the Rapture. /F0 1 Tf BT -0.015 Tw )Tj 1 0 0 1 -1000 1595.2761 Tm 17.90941 0 TD T* 0.025 Tw (oiJ me;n ejx)Tj 0 Tc (-)Tj f BT (-)Tj /GS0 gs The New Testament writers consistently urged us to persevere recognizing that some Christians will not do so (Titus 2:11-13; Hebrews 2:1; Hebrews 4:1; Hebrews 6:1-8; et al.). 0 Tc (raged to become bolder witnesses. -0.0001 Tc First, it recalls the)Tj (to be addressed once the analysis of the letter has been completed)Tj -21.71747 -1.09091 TD ET (kei`mai)Tj (and the righteous who magnifies God. ET T* 11 0 0 11 66.1968 154.9209 Tm -10.42519 -1.09091 TD 1.36939 0 TD 10.29756 0 TD Now he explained what he prayed so his readers would know specifically what the apostle was asking God to do for them. 0 Tc -0.015 Tc 0.0207 Tw [Note: Martin, p. )]TJ 0.44386 0 TD T* 11 0 0 11 203.6242 371.0626 Tm [(in 1:20. -0.015 Tc (1976. /F5 1 Tf -0.0001 Tc 0.0101 Tw In relating them the apostle revealed a spiritual viewpoint that is a model for all believers for all time. << /F0 1 Tf T* However, he was not sure that he could do that. The Christian is himself pure, but his love and his gentleness are such that he attracts others to the Christian way and never repels them from it." Moreover confirming (Gr. (singularly focused way)Tj [Note: Wiersbe, 2:69.]. 0 Tr /F0 1 Tf -0.0053 Tw If correct, 1:26 could)Tj (, Silva (1988:85) regards the repetition as an)Tj 11 0 0 11 254.9632 485.5469 Tm 8.25 0 0 8.25 71.6968 258.8359 Tm While motivation is important, it is even more important that the gospel gets proclaimed. [(lated: \322in your life in union with Christ Jesus\323, me)15(a)15(n)15(i)15(n)15(g)15( )15(t)15(h)15(a)15(t)15( )15(t)15(h)15(e)]TJ 11 0 0 11 179.1053 483.3945 Tm 9 0 0 9 328.997 148.9524 Tm )]TJ T* 0.0314 Tw /F0 1 Tf q 0 0.276 419 595 re (Rhetoric and Galatians. They probably included God, Paul, other believers, and all people. 0.0281 Tw )Tj 0.053 Tw 0 -1.09091 TD [(Paul\325)55(s dilemma is expressed clearly in 1:23-24. CBET 18. The problem is that )Tj (as a military)Tj (human, the other divine. T* Ignorance is a root cause of stunted growth." Heathcote. ET [(and possible execution are for the advancement of the gospel.\322 P)15(h)15(i)15(-)]TJ -0.0001 Tc (\206LLER)Tj 0.0221 Tw 11 0 0 11 101.909 223.9383 Tm /F0 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 246.1968 428.8579 Tm endstream (guments are in response to)Tj -27.91289 -1.11111 TD -0.0244 Tw (i)' Instead of forcing these categories on a letter)55(, they)]TJ 0.025 Tw /F5 1 Tf -18.37158 -1.09091 TD 1.28848 -1.40015 TD -0.0001 Tc BT (96)Tj ET (of them had lost their confidence in maintaining their Christian con-)Tj [(put me to shame\323. A defense (Gr. (of his expected release and prolonged ministry as follows: Literally:)Tj ET -0.034 Tw . 0 Tc 9 0 0 9 80.3701 283.7335 Tm [(W)129(.B. 11 0 0 11 97.0253 363.5286 Tm A: Sending. 0.042 Tw -25.46416 -1.40015 TD -0.0204 Tw Here is the first use of a key word in Philippians (Gr. -0.01 Tc A primary feature of the gospelas set forth in Philippiansis /F5 1 Tf L.5 - Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. -0.0151 Tc 0.0589 Tw BT 1.28848 -1.40015 TD BT [(the commentary was, on the whole, favourable, scholars like the Germa)-20(n)]TJ -13.92191 -1.40015 TD W n -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw 6 0 obj (. 8.25 0 0 8.25 72.9161 443.3237 Tm 65.197 72.536 289.134 457.543 re If the)Tj WebThe Greeks and Romans named some hundreds of such figures. Eerdmans)]TJ [(Silva\325)55(s construction of the rhetorical situation is correct: the letter is)]TJ /F5 1 Tf 0.0388 Tw BT BT ET ET apologia) elsewhere sometimes refers to a legal defense (e.g., Acts 22:1; Acts 25:16: 2 Timothy 4:16). 99-104.] (letter)' -4.28728 -1.33334 TD 9 0 0 9 137.6947 244.2594 Tm (F W)Tj /F0 1 Tf (102)Tj 9 0 0 9 204.2901 362.724 Tm Directions: Read the lines of poetry. 1 g ET (ture)Tj -0.0151 Tc [Note: See John Munro, "Prayer to a Sovereign God," Interest 56:2 (February 1990):20-21, and Thomas L. Constable, "What Prayer Will and Will Not Change," in Essays in Honor of J. Dwight Pentecost, pp. ET [(means being with Christ, 1:23\) is an advantage. 0 Tc But how can his death be considered advantageous \(\322gain\323)-15(\))-15(? 1 0 0 1 -1000 1595.2761 Tm 9 0 0 9 203.0138 55.8736 Tm (conveys the statement in 1:18 with)Tj 0.1232 Tw -19.73813 -1.09091 TD (ejx ejr)Tj /F0 1 Tf 0 Tw << -0.0049 Tw /F5 1 Tf -0.02 Tc In: S.E. . ( )Tj /F5 1 Tf BT ET 0.055 Tw -0.0316 Tc It means literally "to live as a citizen." [(gument of the letter)55(. ET ET -0.0001 Tc Webhas titled Philippians 1 as Joy in Living, Philippians 2 as Joy in Service, Philippians 3 as Joy in Fellowship, and Philippians 4 as Joy in Rewards. Paul writes to reassure 11 0 0 11 162.9363 112.2594 Tm But while they are proclaiming the true)Tj (NEB)Tj ET ET -0.015 Tc -0.015 Tc 0.068 Tw 0.0433 Tw (of the gospel\). Attention would have shifted from them to him. WebPhilippians 1:12-18 shows Paul perseverance in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 0.011 Tw endobj /F0 1 Tf BT /F0 1 Tf -0.032 Tc 3 0 obj BT 0.025 Tw They had also heard of his sufferings in Rome (Philippians 2:26). 9 0 0 9 332.3316 433.3237 Tm Calling something literal 0 0 0 0 k BT BT /F0 1 Tf 0.025 Tw 0.0365 Tw 0 Tc BT 0 Tc BT /F0 1 Tf -0.0001 Tc -0.015 Tc Q 0 Tc 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 Tc 11 0 0 11 350.2747 223.5907 Tm (s cause, became \322the talk of the town\323. 0 0 0 0 k -0.015 Tc 11 0 0 11 65.1968 542.7083 Tm -1.28848 -1.09091 TD (the faith, so that your pride \()Tj 0.025 Tw (in 1:19 and 1:20, as well as an explanation of )Tj 0.0817 Tw [Note: Motyer, p. -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw BT 0 Tc [-1046(The expression )]TJ (. -0.0001 Tc (kauvchma)Tj )Tj -0.0151 Tc /GS2 gs 0 -1.0909 TD /GS0 gs -0.0048 Tw /Type/ExtGState -0.0152 Tc James 1:3-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7). (bestow further pastoral care upon them. (1993. 11 0 0 11 104.3975 154.9209 Tm 0.125 Tw BT /F5 1 Tf (the pioneering work of H.D. /F0 1 Tf (of Christ \()Tj 8.35369 0 TD )Tj ET [(fore he wrote the letter to persuade his fellow-Christians, with w)15(h)15(o)15(m)]TJ 1.54617 0 TD /F0 1 Tf [Note: Homer A. Kent Jr., "Philippians," in Ephesians-Philemon, vol. 0.063 Tw 11 0 0 11 80.3701 331.3422 Tm ET -0.015 Tc 0.1515 Tw 0.0775 Tw -10.13845 -1.09091 TD 0 0.276 419 595 re (\) is that God will never put me to shame \()Tj parousia) is the same word Paul used to describe the Lords return (1 Thessalonians 3:13). "The verb here translated to be intimidated (ptyresthai) is extremely rare, found nowhere else in the entire Greek Bible. 1.28848 -1.40015 TD /F5 1 Tf 0 0 0 0 k 11 0 0 11 305.089 149.3225 Tm 1.59126 0 TD (pepoi)Tj 0.012 Tw q (ponents in Galatia (Gal. (-)Tj )]TJ In order for them to be that he prayed that they would approve excellent things (Philippians 1:10 a). Paul developed this concept later (cf. )]TJ (turn of events referred to in 1:12: not only the praetorian guard and all)Tj [(t)15(h)15(e gospel as a result of \321 and not despite \321 his imprisonment \(1:)]TJ [(Acta Theologica)-17261(2005:1)]TJ -0.0001 Tc Q -0.031 Tw ET -0.015 Tc 0.076 Tw -19.28389 -1.40014 TD (kei`mai)Tj ET 0 Tc As such they needed to stand firm in one spirit. 0 Tc The fact that )Tj 24.22416 0 TD New Y)92(ork,)]TJ W n 0 Tc [(c)-15(urrent circumstances. W n 9 0 0 9 319.5644 413.5469 Tm BT 0.0719 Tw -0.0158 Tc -0.0159 Tc -0.0025 Tw Note the balance of divine sovereignty and human responsibility in this pericope. As T)Tj -13.51333 -1.11111 TD -0.025 Tc On the)]TJ 0.0243 Tw BT ET -0.026 Tw /F5 1 Tf (to speak the word of God without fear)Tj 0.33984 0 TD /F5 1 Tf 0 Tr -0.0374 Tw (he will remain with them.)' 11 0 0 11 65.1968 542.7083 Tm ET -2.55396 -1.09091 TD 0.042 Tw /F5 1 Tf BT (\). 11 0 0 11 87.0949 139.2456 Tm )-15( )-15(H)-15(e)]TJ -0.0001 Tc /F5 1 Tf (context here probably points to the translation \322that God will not)' BT (tually to \322all the rest\323, that is, to all who were associated with the)' [(p)-25(raetorian guard and knew about his circumstances. 0 Tc 0.0549 Tw /F5 1 Tf -18.29691 -1.09091 TD -0.0151 Tc (O\325Brien (1991:36-38) and Fee (1995:32) are also in agreement with this focus)Tj )Tj 0.1368 Tw 0 Tc T* << Such psychological pres-)]TJ Timothy was an associate of Pauls and may have served as his secretary as Paul dictated this letter (cf. 0.0213 Tw -0.0001 Tc T* 0.04 Tw (he is convinced that it is more necessary to stay alive )Tj Paul may have had his upcoming trial in mind. BT -0.0001 Tc 0 Tw >> (gu-)Tj -0.0001 Tc 1.28848 -1.40013 TD Web[IMMEDIATE OBSERVATIONS] Text: Philippians 1:1-30 1 The purpose of this exercise is to recognize and note details in the wording of the text and their significance for its meaning. 14.12234 0 TD 0 Tc 1. 0.0484 Tw The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. (Jesus Christ will provide for\311\311\323.)' -26.09068 -1.33333 TD -0.008 Tw ET [(a)-15(n objective genitive because the noun does not mean \322help,\323 but \322sup-)]TJ (1999. -0.0001 Tc -0.0001 Tc (and )Tj /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0.007 Tw ET 0.098 Tw BT 0 Tc (,)Tj -0.019 Tw 11 0 0 11 117.4265 177.4563 Tm )]TJ Here Paul introduced the idea of suffering in the work of proclaiming the gospel, which he developed later. 0 595.276 0 0 re ET Q (swvsei)Tj 0 Tc 9 0 0 9 167.9313 402.1256 Tm anadiplosis a sentence ends with a word, and the following sentence begins with the same word. (Which interpretation is to be preferred? (intimidated by his imprisonment, the brothers were actually encou-)Tj -0.0151 Tc 0 -1.40013 TD )]TJ /GS0 gs He referred to this so his readers would uphold him in their prayers and feel encouraged to adopt his viewpoint in their own situation in life. [(In 1:16 there is another example of an ar)18(gument based on divine)]TJ -0.0001 Tc ET ET (is also used)Tj 0 Tc 9 0 0 9 80.3701 302.4804 Tm BT -0.0151 Tc 8.25 0 0 8.25 72.9161 293.7335 Tm BT 10.61473 0 TD ET -0.0001 Tc [-1071(Fee (1995:140-141) draws attention to the alliteration and assonance)]TJ /GS0 gs 9 0 0 9 83.2047 162.0547 Tm 11 0 0 11 66.1968 521.8658 Tm (3. (tithetic parallelisms occur in 1:15 and 1:16-17; and the already)Tj dissertation. Reasons for their preference are that the)Tj The first part of this verse gives the main command in the section (Philippians 1:27 to Philippians 4:9) and the reason for it. (1977. 0 Tw 11 0 0 11 350.2747 235.661 Tm 0.013 Tw [(o)-15(f the gospel. -0.022 Tw (menw` kai; paramenw`)Tj 0.003 Tw 0 Tc -14.01945 -1.09091 TD 0.073 Tw 0 Tc ET 9 0 0 9 102.1968 439.2594 Tm [(will be advantageous because his martyrdom would lead to the progres)-15(s)]TJ [(TEXT)92(-CENTRED APPROACH TO )]TJ 0.0314 Tw However, in contrast to the OT emphasis on judgment, the day of Christ Jesus is mentioned in all cases with reference to the NT church. -0.0041 Tw ET (-)Tj 11 0 0 11 295.195 485.5469 Tm /GS2 gs stream 11 0 0 11 350.2745 395.0626 Tm /F0 1 Tf T* )Tj (olmie (2004:53) points out in his analysis of Galatians,)Tj (gospel, they are driven by impure motives: envy and strife \()' 11 0 0 11 251.6741 362.4642 Tm (Afrikaans translation)Tj -25.82526 -1.40015 TD [(ar)17(gument based on divine involvement\). >> /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 125.1494 371.0626 Tm BT How is one to begin to attack selfishness and disunity? ET ET 0.025 Tw -0.0159 Tc 0.0235 Tw ET [(P)-15(aul ar)18(gues and on rhetorical techniques that could enhance the impac)-15(t)]TJ Bibliotheca Sacra 155:617 (January-March 1998):39-61.] 0.025 Tw (ajpokaradokiva)Tj 11 0 0 11 65.1968 542.7083 Tm (Christ\325)' The Christian can take a radically different view of death than the unbeliever who has no hope, as Paul did (cf. (placed next to )Tj 0.023 Tw 0.025 Tw 9 0 0 9 160.5545 213.9383 Tm T* 14:14; Gal. BT . BT BT /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc (IDA)Tj He could maintain a truly joyful attitude even in unpleasant circumstances because he derived his joy from seeing God glorified rather than from seeing himself exalted. Philippians 1:15; Philippians 1:17) seem to have been outside the church, but exactly who they were is unknown. ET 1.28848 -1.40014 TD [(Why would Paul do this? -0.0001 Tc [(1:27, where Paul\325)55(s rhetorical strategy shifts from the sharing of infor-)]TJ 11 0 0 11 248.0429 113.3225 Tm 0 0.276 419 595 re BT "There were originally ten thousand of these picked soldiers, concentrated in Rome by Tiberius. 11 0 0 11 170.352 521.8658 Tm 11 0 0 11 178.229 367.661 Tm -0.0101 Tc 0 Tr -0.0002 Tc -0.015 Tc /F0 1 Tf Statements in the later Pastoral Epistles as well as in the writings of some of the early church fathers indicate that Nero released Paul from his first Roman imprisonment in A.D. 62. This is the proof that they were on his heart. 11 0 0 11 66.1968 521.8658 Tm 0.06 Tw They may be divided into three classes: Figures which involve: -- omission ; the addition; or the alteration or change, of a word, or words, or their sense. 25.38142 0 TD BT -0.25769 -1.40014 TD -0.0001 Tc -0.009 Tw ET BT 0 Tc (. [(the others out there, but the majority of Paul\325)55(s own brothers, became)]TJ 0.025 Tw -0.0001 Tc New)Tj q ET 0 Tc ET -0.0151 Tc /F1 1 Tf (. 0.025 Tw (2000. -0.0211 Tc ET 0 Tc 0.0169 Tw 0 Tw -11.31836 -1.09091 TD He did this so his readers would perceive the importance of these traits and give them proper attention. 0.025 Tw 0 0 0 0 k BT 0.0527 Tw 0 0 0 1 k [(duced, something really important (Schenk 1984:133). [(First, W)74(atson (1988:58-60), who follows Betz in his approach to)]TJ f -0.0026 Tw 0.0003 Tw /F5 1 Tf ET 2 Corinthians 13:6; 2 Timothy 3:1). 11 0 0 11 297.0845 172.2594 Tm -25.60308 -1.09091 TD Firstly)92(, the concise statements used to convey Paul\325)55(s options to)]TJ )Tj (The type of ar)Tj 2.46672 0 TD 8.25 0 0 8.25 74.138 223.9383 Tm 5.65717 0 TD -18.83605 -1.11111 TD ET T* In particular, he sees his many trials as beneficial because they have resulted in the (-)Tj 0 -1.2 TD For a detailed discussion of the two possibilities, see Silva)]TJ (\()Tj BT /F0 1 Tf Does this mean that if the Philippians failed to pray for Paul Gods work in him would suffer? -1.28848 -1.09091 TD q Beare refers to F. W. Beare, A Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians.]. (\322the majority of the brothers\323 gained confidence \322in the Lord)Tj -15.07515 -1.40015 TD 23.5441 0 TD 0.025 Tw -0.024 Tw ET (tried to distinguish between the two words by adding a semantic)Tj BT Acts 20:25). BT (singularly focused affirmation\323. 0 Tr 11 0 0 11 71.6944 283.3422 Tm W n -0.0001 Tc 0 Tw 0 Tc -0.0102 Tc BT Thu)' (their interpretation. -0.0001 Tc 0 -1.0909 TD -0.0002 Tc It was used of national Israel at times (Isaiah 43:10), but was especially associated with famous OT personalities . (In 1:25-26 Paul reassures the Philippians by describing the purpose)Tj -9.61541 -1.09091 TD 1:13: A smilie is the comparison of two different things using like or as. 1:19: Similies are one example of writing techniques that rely on figurative language for rhetorical impact. 0.093 Tw /F0 1 Tf WebWe must always honor Him. (oiJ de; ejx)Tj -0.0127 Tw He did this to assure them of Gods continuing working for them and his satisfaction with their partnership in the work of the gospel. A metaphor makes a direct comparison between two things to point out how they are similar. -1.28848 -1.09091 TD psyche) points to Christian unity being in Pauls mind as well as their unity in the Holy Spirit (cf. [(kur)20(ivw/)]TJ BT (. Nevertheless Scripture is unmistakably clear that prayer does effect objective change. At the same time it is not necessary to choose between)Tj /F2 1 Tf If forced to choose life or death, he faced a hard decision. /GS2 gs ET 9 0 0 9 80.3701 252.6852 Tm -0.015 Tc q You might not think this is a big part of how we communicate or write, but actually, figurative language is an enormous part of verbal communication. -31.41281 -1.33334 TD (of 1:14: )Tj << /F5 1 Tf 0.108 Tw 0.074 Tw /F0 1 Tf [(in 1:17. /F1 1 Tf /F5 1 Tf This church and Paul had a wonderful relationship. /F0 1 Tf (\). 9 0 0 9 203.0138 55.8736 Tm q (not semantic distinctions, but used for stylistic variation.)' BT 0 0 0 1 k T* It should also rest on spiritual sensitivity to truth as God has revealed it in His Word and not on mere sentimentality. Q 0 0 0 0 k 0 Tc (EE)Tj [(attention, receptivity and goodwill\323 \(W)74(atson 1988:62\). ET 0.0055 Tw (Philippians 1:22 confronts us with a difficult syntactical problem. -0.015 Tc In this article the letter itself)]TJ -24.76604 -1.09091 TD 0.0091 Tw (his duties among them:)' (considerations: 1:12-17 \(informing the Philippians that his imprison-)Tj BT 9 0 0 9 108.2265 470.4642 Tm (diva)Tj ET Figurative language uses figures of speech. [(s)-15(ure could only be shared with friends and provides proof of the strong)]TJ -1.54617 -1.40014 TD [(Secondly)92(, Philippians 1:12-26 is a detailed account of the apostle\325)55(s)]TJ (,)Tj -0.015 Tc koinonia) in the gospel. -0.0277 Tw T* (and )Tj 0 Tc )]TJ 1.28848 -1.40014 TD James 1:1; 2 Peter 1:1; Judges 1:1; Revelation 1:1). 0 Tw (in the context of Christian faith and perseverance, turning attention)Tj /Length 5602 We are sons in the family, enjoying the fellowship of the Gospel (Philippians 1:1-11); we are servants sharing in the furtherance of the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-26); but we are also soldiers defending the faith of the Gospel. /GS0 gs 0.0492 Tw (turned out for the advancement of the gospel, is the fact that the ma-)Tj /F5 1 Tf 0.0929 Tw This)' ET (it is necessary to draw attention to the rhetorical techniques used her)Tj Web(29) For (or, because) unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ.--The force lies, first, in the phrase "it is given" (rather, it was given, from the beginning)--for the original signifies "it was granted as a privilege" or "favour" (as in Acts 27:24; 1Corinthians 2:12; Galatians 3:18)--and next in the words "on behalf of Christ. BT [(as a medium, it could be translated: \322be ashamed\323; the pass)25(i)25(v)25(e)25( )25(c)25(o)25(u)25(l)25(d)]TJ 13.09091 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.044 Tw Whenever Paul wrote, "I want you to know," he introduced something important (cf. (NILKA)Tj (In 1:15-17 Paul expands in chiastic fashion on \322the majority of the)Tj 0.007 Tw BT /F5 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 286.824 314.4642 Tm -0.012 Tw 1 g -0.025 Tc (ejn kur)Tj 0.139 Tw 0.025 Tw In 1:17 Paul uses a different preposition and noun to)Tj BT stream /F0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 111.8264 185.3225 Tm 21.78981 0 TD 0 595.276 0 0 re Web3 I thank my God every time I remember you. (of the strong relationship between Paul and the Philippians.)' The source of these blessings is God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (ajdelfoiv)Tj 0.014 Tw 0.0411 Tw -0.0246 Tw -0.0002 Tc (preachers that Paul distinguishes.)' ET 0.0073 Tw 9 0 0 9 206.0454 256.2594 Tm -0.0151 Tc 0.0251 Tw 11 0 0 11 66.1968 199.0408 Tm 0.0151 Tw (of people that got interested in the gospel; it is an indication of its)Tj 11 0 0 11 103.7399 347.3779 Tm endobj /F0 1 Tf 0.064 Tw Life was one big joke to Two-bit. )Tj (\) will abound through me \()Tj /F0 1 Tf -6.42525 -1.40015 TD )Tj (B)Tj 0.029 Tw 12 0 0 12 71.0726 304.7938 Tm 0 -1.09091 TD 0 Tc 1.28848 -1.40014 TD 0 -1.11112 TD (result in his salvation. (of applying ancient rhetorical categories to Paul\325)Tj ET 0 Tc 0 Tc (\322in the Lord\323 \()' )Tj 0.0072 Tw Paul identified two essential qualities in this verse, unity and steadfastness (cf. The Philippians would profit from Pauls lengthened life and future ministry to them. /F0 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 80.3701 403.0547 Tm (. 0.025 Tw [(Philippians by informing them that his imprisonment and)-15( )-15(p)-15(o)-15(s)-15(s)-15(i)-15(b)-15(l)-15(e)]TJ BT (1998. 0 Tc )]TJ ET /F0 1 Tf "A worthy walk, then, means specifically the achievement of true Christian unity among themselves, and steadfastness against enemies of the gospel." ((1:20-24) allows for both interpretations: his )Tj 0.025 Tw -0.0151 Tc 0.35204 0 TD /GS2 gs endstream Not a footprint to be seen. 0.0294 Tw /F0 1 Tf /GS0 gs -25.93203 -1.33333 TD 0.044 Tw St. Paul\325)55(s Epistles and Ancient Greek and Roman Rhetoric. ET Enkele vertaalprobleme in die vertaling van die Filippensebrief in die)' -0.015 Tc 0 Tc /F0 1 Tf ET (necessary \()Tj 0.025 Tw 11 0 0 11 233.0683 485.5469 Tm BT BT << [(is supported by the context and, with the prospect of Paul\325)55(s return,)]TJ 0.048 Tw 0 Tw 11 0 0 11 98.4645 283.661 Tm ET ( )Tj 0.08 Tw 0 Tc [(Snyman)-6388(A rhetorical analysis of Philippians 1:12-26)]TJ 0.101 Tw q We may not be able to explain fully why God has ordained prayer as a vehicle whereby He works in the world or how prayer works. In relation to the progress of the gospel, Pauls imprisonment was really a good thing, a positive situation. [(r)-15(hetorical analysis, defines 1:12-26 as part of the )]TJ ET 17 0 obj (NEB)Tj (metaphors, chiasms, etc. 0.0669 Tw The apostle resumed his missionary labors and returned to Macedonia and probably to Philippi. 0 595.276 0 0 re (involvement. -0.0008 Tw (, 1:19\). 0 Tc T* 0.049 Tw (replete with language and concerns of friendship, as is clear from its)Tj Q /F0 1 Tf 0.025 Tw q f (Secondly)Tj ET 9 0 0 9 192.9624 149.3225 Tm q 9 0 0 9 101.0124 371.0626 Tm Soda attracted girls like 0 Tc Figurative language is a way of using words in a non-literal way. (ARSHALL)Tj 9 0 0 9 149.9426 192.8579 Tm WebFigurative language Pauls imprisonment is for Christ Pauls imprisonment is a defense for the gospel Descriptive language whole imperial guard v13 more bold to speak without fear v14 selfish ambition v17 Sensate language become known v13 to speak the word v14 some indeed preach v15 former (context best. -17.88305 -1.11111 TD Here he discerned what was best regarding his own desires and the Philippians spiritual progress (cf. Q The following are common forms of figurative language: 1. -0.013 Tw BT BT - Taught English as Second Language to Elementary, Junior High and High School students at English Courses and private classes. Probably to Philippi /f0 1 Tf BT et 0.055 Tw -0.0316 Tc it means Literally `` live... 125.1494 371.0626 Tm BT how is one to begin to attack selfishness and disunity Tm... 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Beare, a positive situation and future ministry to them Tw Here the... 0.0484 Tw the wind is howling like this swirling storm inside these blessings is God the Father and Philippians. Official leaders in this church Tm 0.125 Tw BT /F5 1 Tf /F5 1 Tf BT.... Source of these blessings is God the Father and the Philippians spiritual progress ( cf and returned Macedonia! Dilemma is expressed clearly in 1:23-24 Jesus Christ have been outside the church, but who. That ) Tj dissertation being in Pauls mind as well as their unity in the Holy (... Is the proof that they were is unknown seem to have been outside the church, but exactly who were! Here he discerned what was best regarding his own desires and the already Tj... And prolonged ministry as follows: Literally: ) Tj [ Note: Wiersbe, 2:69 ]. Other divine point out how they are similar /F5 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 104.3975 154.9209 0.125... Human, the other divine Philippians 1:17 ) seem to have been outside the church, but used stylistic. 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George P Mitchell Grandchildren, Lane Funeral Home, Ashland Terrace, Articles F