Julie, are you saying that you support trans mutilation/murder of pre-born children/and are against conservatives? Rather, its helping those in bondage find freedom. ChurchLeaders has reported extensively on MacDonald and Harvest, which began experiencing unrest back in 2013. Not everybody had the physical letters, but we talked through what was in the letters. So grateful to be healthy and happy in the Lord to where I can finally wade into the filth from JuLIE Roys. Our marriage improved incredibly after we both agreed that neither one of us was Jesus. And we already know the answer: the men are in charge no matter what and despite their failings and abuses. Search my early tweet history. Christian counselor and author, Leslie Vernick, took exception to Viscontis post. But I think it was And anyway, hes fired. There were six people who were brave enough, vulnerable enough to write letters. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? So, Julie Roys decided to do what she does best - investigative journalism - in order to find out the truth in the world of m. The Roys Report seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. Dan resigned from the Harvest elder board in March 2019, calling for reform. MacDonald is a successful American religious entrepreneur. Is that how it went down? On February 13, the elders announced James MacDonald had been fired . I dont know how the person who gave them to me got them. According to an independent audit of Harvest Bible Chapel, disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, siphoned off millions in church funds to support his lavish lifestyle. And again, Im going from memory, but also from what Ron Duitsman recently said. You can imagine it wasnt it wasnt long before the elders were, you know, talking and I dont remember the timing exactly. Five of the six have been published. I said, Sandy, Im so sorry, for what happened on my watch. It seems we are being punished for the acts of someone who was our spiritual leader and was misleading us in a very unqualified way. And I turned to Scripture, and I went to Psalm 32, where you know, the companion to Psalm 51, where Davids writing. And so I was pulling into the garage, and I knew I knew, as soon as I pulled in the garage, you know, I was, I was gonna go drive up to whatever floor and go to the meeting. 28 Feb 2023 13:40:27 And I remember a comment being made. Hed been the senior pastor the whole time. Also, make sure you subscribe to The Roys Report on Apple podcasts or Google podcasts. And this is this was this was hard, but at the end of the night, we talked through it, we shared things from the letters. He was in Walk in the Word studios apparently, and said some really vile things, including, you know, joking about putting child porn on a computer, joking about me having an affair with a Christianity Today editor, which has no basis in fact whatsoeve. Very sad situation for James and the elders as well. But by the time we were done that night, the decision that night was two things. Its funny how things turn out, and this situation isnt wrapped up, yet. I acknowledge my sin to you. That would have been December I think 18th, 2018. . And many who have followed this story know what James McDonald has done. How much do you make? But, I dont believe I have ever heard anyone say in any of these posts, husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. Well, maybe it had approval by the executive elders, maybe it had approval by Fred Adams, who was the CFO at the time. Because when you report on this for months, you feel the pain of the people that are involved. However, MacDonald texted me an invitation to appear with him in a public forum to answer for the many many lies Ive reportedly written about him. But somewhere around 2008-10 his preaching changed a bit. Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. And if I would, you know, post some sort of statement. The Roys Report has over 78 articles dedicated to MacDonald and/or HBC, many of which were written by Roys. James MacDonald Suspends New Home Church Network Julie Roys September 29, 2020 Seven months after launching a Home Church Network (HcN) for those who "struggle to get to church or to stay in church," former celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, is suspending the program. I talked to other people who told me of demands that he made for private jets on numerous occasions. We had to deal with it. . And theres Ephesians 5 about exposing the unfruitful works of darkness having nothing to do with those. Ron Duitsman, Chairman of the Board, who agreed to fire James, now appears to be out there, saying that after James got fired, that the elders were were spinning what happened in a false way. And and its sad to me other than when they did finally, the former elders apologize for the lawsuit that was brought against me. But over there, you know, I, you know, six, seven people who had read the letters, probably more than that by the time, and we talked about what was in the letters. That was a very common part of how Harvest approached things like that. Again, six, absolutely scathing letters. 2. The way James MacDonald is said to have treated others while pastor of Harvest and the way he behaves on Twitter dont seem to be in keeping with the way the New Testament says we should behave. From the overflow of your heart your mouth (and thumbs) are speaking. And so what Id like to do is just rewind a couple of years to fall 2018. I think, how is it that we had the word of God sitting in front of us, which is pretty clear about what to do. I would listen to MacArthur, Piper and Macdonald on a regular basis. Julie, thank you for your excellent work in exposing that which is done in darkness, among the body of Christ. This is the most used and abused (pun intended) argument. Because I believe in the church. You cant unconditionally support anybody. Am I right? And I remember, Julie, I was in that meeting that Tuesday night. And most of them, a number of them, Ill say, have not read any of these letters. The Asbury Revival Is Over. And so we had a long meeting that Saturday to talk about what we were going to do. #JRgossipslut #JRcancerinChristsbody. Well, and thanks so much for listening to The Roys Report, a podcast dedicated to reporting the truth and restoring the church. Just saying a lot of vile things. But it was at this point that I started to reach out to Harvest and really seeking their comment on some of the things that I had heard. George of course evangelicalism is [anti-Christ] fundamentalism. And he opened the meeting, looking at me and said, I know what youre going to do, and the church is going to implode or blow up, and its going to be on you. In June, he posted a picture with 2022 GOP gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. I remember sitting on my couch waiting to press the button to publish it. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. I remember praying before the Harvest Elgin campus as a garage, and its a former corporate space. Hi. Okay. I need to repent. And I remember reading through that scripture and reading through Hebrews 13:17, about elders overseeing and giving an account, and Galatians 1:10 about am I trying to please man, am I trying to please God? I felt physically sick reading the letter. And I stopped my car. What Happens Now? You really didnt know at that point, whether he was going to get fired, or resign, or what was going to happen until Mancow Muller aired those vulgar excerpts from this hot mic recording that James McDonald didnt know he was on mic. Guest Bios Show Transcript Many times, those who have experienced spiritual abuse are retraumatized when they try to speak about whats happened. And they said, I remember Dan telling me that that James slammed his fist on the table. In this episode of The Roys Report, former Harvest elder, Dan George, joins Julie to tell the real story of MacDonalds firing. He was the senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel megachurch in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, United States [1] [2] and was the host for the church's former broadcast ministry, Walk in the Word . Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. The G in freemasonry stands for generation. Why would anyone who follows Jesus Christ care what Generation Church thinks about anything? She was powerful and wise., Similarly, popular marriage and sex author, Sheila Wray Gregoire, wrote to TRR, The idea that a man can only be happy in a marriage when a wife is weaker than him shows that his idea of manhood is an extremely fragile one., As reported by TRR earlier this week, Visconti has publicly announced that he is being mentored by James MacDonald, and MacDonald has preached at Generation Church numerous times this past year. The pastor of the largest church in Minnesota (around 23,000 average . I had all the letters at that point. I agree. . Well, Dan, like I said, on an earlier podcast that I had with Mancow Muller, I was hoping to be done with James McDonald and reporting on Harvest months ago. Julie Roys knows she published many false statements about me, false statements now proven such in a court of law, yet she has retracted nothing. I have them up at my website if you want to see those. And he says he refuses to read it and says hes not going to mislead the congregation. I know its your hope too, Dan, and I just want to thank you. There were times in the meeting where, you know, I didnt even know what gaslighting was. And while youre at it, Id really appreciate it if youd help us spread the word about the podcast by leaving a review. This was months months later. I was thrown out of the church we gave our lives to by a group of rogue leaders, MacDonald writes. So quick to forgive and people were giving me hugs the next night. This is this is one of the biggest things elders could do. 2011 NIV. Had they reached all the elders at this point? Wives submit to your husbands. I pray for the man. But before I dive into my interview with Dan, I just want to take a minute to thank the sponsors of the Roys report, Judson University and Marquardt of Barrington. Thank you for taking the stand that you did. And you got all of them. Thats even though MacDonalds former megachurch, Harvest Bible Chapel, disqualified MacDonald from public ministry in 2019 for a pattern of sinful behavior.. There was a spirited discussion of the letters and who should be able to read the letters. Just finished my post on clarifiers that will precede the deception lists. James McDonald recently did a video with Ron Duitsman, as you said, former chairman of the elder board, where he claims this was all part of a campaign by Dallas Jenkins, who's a former executive leadership team member at Harvest. If hes fired, and its in the church is very clear on him being fired and disqualified for ministry. Again, thanks so much for joining me today. Marquardt is a Buick GMC dealership where you can expect honesty, integrity and transparency. . Im not positive on that. Well, because Scripture says you do it in front of everybody. And and Im still feeling it and Im still hearing from people. And my job was to get it to fellow elder board. None of those charges were looked into. We turned out to have six witnesses who wrote 28 pages with innumerable charges. Jared Prayed for you just now. Yes, it is. Thats a Tuesday night. And whats so tough in this whole thing is that there are wolves among the sheep. This story saddens me. Yeah. Again, James is is now saying, oh, all of that had approval. Yeah, I can share some of it. Gary Weigel, if you total all the expenses including vet bills, it might be more than a tithe. We had a group of Pastors who interviewed him and he gave us free tickets to his Straight Up conference. And all of the elders should resign and repent for what they did. He wasnt bringing it to the elders and through a discussion with a couple of the pastors, chose to give it to the elders, which we were thankful for. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. Now, now James is saying, oh, Mancow edited this to say something that it really didnt say. The only joy in doing this is we would be obeying Gods word. Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? uterus or clean out a womb after a stillbirth (because these treatments are labeled abortions, and even that word brings out comments like yours). Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Hi. Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? Im Julie Roys. Dan currently is an executive and leadership coach and the founder of Front Seat Leadership. In the area (a south metro suburb of Minneapolis, MN ), that's just the average cost of a house. And marital and sexual satisfaction plummet.. Well, youre welcome. And that was a big question. And yet so many still have not and still waiting for James McDonald to do that. Whoever said the dumbest thing had to take off an, Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a pattern of sinful behavior, James MacDonald is preaching at Generation. Because again, that was one letter that never got published and the contents, other than what Ron Duitsman said in his recent video because he actually referenced that letter. They said no, for various reasons. And in those letters like Jacob Ross, who was the bodyguard of James McDonald. I still dont understand all sides of the transgender issue, but can say 2 things: 1. And I did it. And and that would be my word to James McDonald. I was at work. Subscribe here for Pastor James' twice-weekly email devotionals straight to you inbox, plus occasional updates regarding his ministries, events, and personal news. They discuss the role of journalism as it relates to local churches and prominent leaders, and her her current work investigating Harvest Bible Chapel and Pastor James MacDonald. Its impossible to take evangelicals seriously. It was the elders failure. . And Im just trying to smear him. Other posts decried abortion, transgenderism, and Christians who are apolitical or nice.. I mean, I got exonerated rather quickly. I thought the weight was dealing with everything else in there was a weight, but that was the weight. I remember that too. And we talk about that Scripture and quote it over and over again. . This is James said what he said. @Cynthia Wright Love your comment. And I, the next day, I wrote and said, Well, okay, I respect your wishes. I followed his ministry for almost 2 decades. And that was the day that Mancow Muller aired these excerpts. I look back at those meetings. So they have no idea what they really these, the elder board was large and had no idea really who James MacDonald was, am I right? Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. I asked Sandy Song to potentially write a letter. So at the end of the night, no one got the letters. You dont know how I got ahold of them. And then saying, I need a private jet to fly me home. There were elders and influential families that spoke against Moses in the desert, God destroyed them and their families. In that same meeting that same Thursday night, he argued, the elders shouldnt have the letters. What really caused Harvest Bible Chapel to fire James MacDonald? Shame on you for reading scripture! God does not value the sanctity of marriage more than the safety and sanity of individuals in that marriage.. So thats, thats February 5, 2019. A Christian leader, according to 1 Timothy 3:3, should not be "greedy for filthy lucre.". And so she sent me a letter before it went to the elder board. Charles, This is going amongst the elders now. And, and the drama begins. And we were at an absolute stalemate. It was a heated discussion about letters and who should have the letters who should read the letters, etc., that night. But it was dark. In our required Old and New Testament classes, we utilized the Oxford Annotated Bible. Julie. He scared me in bible college I wanted nothing to do with him. She wanted me to look at it. Guard your heart and keep it diligentlyfor from it flows the content of your life. Pastor James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel filed a lawsuit this month against two ex-members and former Moody Radio host Julie Roys, accusing them of spreading false information about the . I wasnt looking forward to that. And I said, I understand that. No, Julie Roys did not open the hood on James MacDonald, although she in her own hubris would like her audience to think that. And if he doesnt, what does that mean in terms of employment at Harvest Bible Chapel? Makes me sad and understand why his life went out of control. Get new articles and breaking news delivered to your inbox. I believe it was from Mancow who texted me. And we would be loved, it would actually be a loving thing for us to do. And he conspired with these staff to bring these letters because they all just were out to get James. Thats what meeting and when youre in a conference called and youre making a decision like that, every elder everybody on the meeting on the call had to make right had the voice be asked any question you have. (We're a church of around 4,000 members & regular attenders.) Today the guys share their conversation with journalist, author, and speaker Julie Roys. So let me let me take you to February I believe is February 12. And that was actually the night we went, we went into the I think we went to one oclock in the morning and actually walked through whether James McDonald was qualified as an elder. And I remember being in the meeting thinking, I cant believe were arguing about this. So I had a pretty good sense of what the meeting was gonna be from that point on. Yeah, yeah. His employment is coming to an end. Theres still one more thing I want to ask about. James MacDonald, who was recently fired as senior pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel, is now facing an allegation of sexual misconduct by the church's former worship leader. So its critically important that the truth be told. James McDonald recently did a video with Ron Duitsman, as you said, former chairman of the elder board, where he claims this was all part of a campaign by Dallas Jenkins, whos a former executive leadership team member at Harvest. I think of the timing, I think it was earlier that day, that I actually I sent I had sent Sandys letter out, because Sandy sent, she addressed her letter to the elder board. Thats right. You have exemplified godly leadership and godly character. She keeps demanding I tithe to her and she will ask god to bless me. I also dont believe girls (or boys) have to like certain colors or behave and dress in certain ways to be real girls/boys. Maybe if the shoe was on the other foot and the men were the ones being abused we might hear them singing a different tune. And Dan said it was just so unnerving. What I especially find troubling is this: How come nobody has talked about the false doctrines that MacDonald has been preaching??? And from the video that he recorded with James, it sounds like the spin is that James was actually guilty. You do that, and hope that the person will repent, and that they will turn and that therell be restoration. when men make the final decision in the marriage, even if they consult with their wife first, chances of divorce increases 7.4 times . Ive already told you there was consensus from board. On January 7, 2019, Harvest elders announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie Roys and four other individuals. Darkness having nothing to do with him dont know how I got ahold of them months you. Still dont understand all sides of the transgender issue, but that the... 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