What are people's thoughts on the open university? View full details of Psychology, social science and wellbeing Access module. Open University Graduation Ceremony. If you want to mainly focus your Open degree on just one subject, you can choose 180 credits of subject-specific study across the three stages (as detailed in the example routes given below), combined with 180 credits from a wide range of modules. They are very highly respected in academia, and probably by most employers these days. Read further information on UCLs international academic entry requirements. 80% of our students pay nothing upfront by financing their studies with a student loan. 15+ hours of study/wk per course. These guides have been written to provide you with worked examples of Honours degree classification. Improvements in technology, the increasing use of the Internet worldwide, and the . Open University gives you the flexibility to take courses on a space-available basis and earn college credit. online versions of some printed module materials and resources. I personally would consider it quite an average score, and I would . This qualification has option modules that include learning events (like field schools, laboratory schools and residential schools). Perhaps the point i might consider is this. i am not doing maths on my course, my course is politics, philosophy and economics. I recently completed my certificate program. There are quite a few blogs and forum posts online about how hard it is to get a good degree classification from the O.U and having looked at the level of mark required to get into the top 2 degree levels I tend to agree with them. Alternatively, if youd like to study two specific subjects, you could choose to combine 180 credits of subject-specific study from one route with 180 credits of subject-specific study from another. A degree is worth 360 credits. During this stage you will develop significantly as an independent learner and acquire high-level thinking skills in preparation for graduate-level employment or postgraduate study. Online learning resources may include websites, audio/video media clips, and interactive activities such as online quizzes, face-to-face tutorials/day schools/workshops and/or online tutorials, using mathematical and scientific expressions, notations and associated techniques, finding external/third party material online, using technology for research purposes involving access to catalogues and databases online, working with specialist reading material such as works of art and musical manuscripts, continuous and end-of-module assessment in the form of essays, short answer questions, and in some cases an examination, using feedback: continuous assessment involves receiving detailed feedback on your work from your tutor and using this feedback to improve your performance, engagement with learning and assessment within a pre-determined schedule or timetable time management will be needed during your studies and the University will help you to develop these skills throughout your degree, using specialist software (for example the Sibelius music writing package), using an online Laboratory or Design/Engineering Studio. Open University students can grow professionally, enrich their lives, prepare for a career change, or give university life a try. Youll have some assessment deadlines to meet, but otherwise youll be free to study at the times that suit you, fitting your learning around work, family, and social life. Your final programme mark is also on a 0-100 scale and it is that mark that determines your final degree classification. Sure stating you got a 3rd can close doors and make life harder, but You can still find opportunities. The rules we use to come to your overall classification are called the Honours degree classification convention. It also allows you to develop a diverse range of transferable skills,personal attributes and external awareness including: The flexibility of our BA/BSc (Honours) Open degree makes it relevant to a wide range of careers and industries. After failing at A Levels I wanted to create change.. . Answer (1 of 6): You take courses which may count towards a degree. Honestly, getting a degree of any grade is a massive achievement if you weren't well. Find your personal contacts including your tutor and student support Also degree classification is basically meaningless after a certain point and to many employers. Studying online proved a great fit for me. The system is different. A 3rd under these circumstances is a 2.1. Other students using BFPO addresses should contact us on +44 (0)300 303 5303 for UK fee eligibility to be assessed. This in no way diminishes the OP's achievement. I would be wary of making such a bold general assertion, What sector do you hire for? Look for training providers in the field you want to work in for other short courses, anything that you can add to your CV. For a BSc (Bachelor of Science) designation, at least 180 credits must come from modules suitable for a BSc (module codes starting with B, D, E, K, M, S, T, U,W or YXM). This multidisciplinary module is an ideal starting point if you have little or no previous knowledge of the arts, humanities and languages. Knowing your grade can help you get a better degree by ensuring what grades you need to get in an assesment, or even simply put your mind at rest that you're on track. The class of honours (first, upper-second, lower-second or third) will depend on your grades at Stages 2 and 3. Twitter, OU Students I wasn't well mentally was sectioned for a week at one point. So I feel I have to be sure I have made the best possible use of the loan, and off set the risk of having the loan by securing the best possible outcome from using it. 3. Fees normally increase annually in line with inflation and the University's strategic approach to fees. and support, Student The requirements for earning a bachelor's degree differ by college and institution. Quite the opposite, and the above list of names shows that successful and intelligent people aren't made or defined by their degree classification. An example is shown below, and the calculation is shown at the bottom of the results. wrong optional module choice whose fault is it ? You cannot draw the conclusion you have from the reasons you give (though that does not make the conclusion untrue of course.). I am a little bit compulsive/obsessive about these sort of things and so I cannot help but look and think about them. Making the decision to study can be a big step, which is why you'll want a trusted University. Examples: You do not need distinctions on everything by any means (60 points at L3 and few disasters elsewhere for a first, 60 of grade 2 for a 2:1 etc.) Nobody but 6th form cares about your GCSE grades. For example, if you study a 60-credit module and successfully pass it, you will be awarded 60 credits. So yes regular uni is better, there are friends you meet and the tutors because of face to face are less likely to bully. There are several ways to arrange to talk to your tutors. So is a 18,000 debt, 6 years of study and the amount of study required worth it? If youre a serving member of the British Armed Forces (or youve recently left), you may be eligible to use ELCs to cover up to 100% of your course fees. First Class Honours. I find that very scary considering the final exam might well not be as much of a good score, so the thought that even with, what I thought were good tma scores, I might only rank as a level 3 pass for this module is a little disheartening. To put those into context, GCSEs are level 2 FHEQ and A-Levels are level 3. Its flexibility particularly suits people with multi-faceted work roles; and anyone needing to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding to manage changes in their current job or future career path. You need to get 85% for a first. If i substitute a TMA it will bring my OCAS down by division, making it harder to achieve the OCAS score needed for a good grade, plus if the OES score is often lower than your OCAS, the open university PDF's all reinforce this in the descriptions, then the score is being driven down again by division. We've probably both take some pleasure from knowing that we've earned what we've got, I don't know how my degree classification will go but I'm clear it's the same for all OU students (that's fair) and whatever it is I'll have earned it. The British undergraduate degree classification system is a university grading scheme for undergraduate degrees (bachelor's degrees and integrated master's degrees) in the UK. Request Info Registration Office: 619-594-5152 | Email: enrollment.global@sdsu.edu Cashiers Office: Email: cashier.global@sdsu.edu Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (available by phone and email) What is Open University? It can help you to develop in your existing employment or be a passport to a whole new career. Nobody but Uni cares about your A Level grades. If you want to know more about undergraduate degrees, look here. All unit marks are converted to a 0-100 scale before degree classification starts. learning, OU Students The fee per year is based on studying 60 credits per year for 6 years. Student loans are not paid until you can afford it (once you earn over 25,000 as of this april) and is only 9% of what you earn over the threshold. Having a course that was really varied and studying in a style that worked for Nick, was key to him launching his own business and becoming an entrepreneur. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Tennessee U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles says he was "mistaken" when he said he graduated with an international relations degree after a local news outlet raised questions over . You may need to pay for travel to face to face tutorials if you choose to attend these during your course. i know it is way to early to be considering this point, but I have been looking through the classification rules for honours degrees. I wonder if anyone has ever achieved a 100% mark from their tutor. If cuts affect service, then that in turn runs the risk of affecting our learning and then our marks. . One had mental health and the other had money issues, and it ended up impacting their studies too. The fee per year is based on studying 120 credits per year for 3 years. More than 1 in 10 OU students are sponsored by their employer. Talk to your tutors. An essential requirement for many high-level jobs. Now over 5 years later, things are going great. First Professional. The exam papers are fairly samey year-on-year. Only time you need to mention your honours class is basically when it's a first (cos it's super shiny) or when the job specifically demands first or second. You should apply for credit transfer before you register, at least 4 weeks before the registration closing date. Youll fund your modules as you study them you wont have to pay for your whole qualification up front. Answer (1 of 20): After studying in both a traditional university environment as a young person, and then (many years later), completing a second degree with the OU, I can categorically state that an OU degree provides a far better academic experience than a typical University Degree. marks, marks and more marks. Visit our, If your disability is a result of being injured in, or due to, military service, you could be eligible for our, a week-by-week study planner, giving you a step-by-step guide through your studies, course materials such as reading, videos, recordings, and self-assessed activities, module forums for discussions and collaborative activities with other students, details of each assignment and their due dates, a tutorial booking system, online tutorial rooms, and your tutors contact details. Their are options with vocational options and experience, but they lead to vocational degree's, which tends to bind you even more to your currently career path, and part of my choice for the OU was to seek a degree that would open up new paths for me. Not sure how ones race matters when studying or how the tutors knew I wasn't British hmmmm. without honours. Once youve registered or are studying this qualification, where practicable, well inform you in good time of any upcoming changes. Take a look at all Open University courses. For job purposes, a 3rd is the same as a 2.1. OU Degree class calculator. "The fact that the OU has the option of choosing an Open degree is fabulous. Cost varies by pace, transfer credits, other factors. Honours are awarded on level 2 or above courses (say, 2, 3 or 4) and not level 1 courses, so, if you do level 1 cour. That does need to be ironed out to obtain parity which is what I assume we want - our degrees to be as good as theirs. At the OU we call this credit transfer. It has been applied in other countries, with slight variations. So YO32 and DD103 were just distinction or pass ranks, I passed both, with an average mark of 80%, butno distinction for me (85% required), and now we are on to level 2 scores the 1,2,3 and 4 scoring systems kick in. This is the undergraduate degree classification system in the UK: First class honours degree (70% and above) - A first class degree (or first), is the highest honours degree you can get. Thats 1/3 less than the cost of an equivalent qualification offered at most other universities in England. team: Help with the Universitys computing systems: Help with accessing the online library, referencing and using libraries near you: Edited by Michael Gumbrell, Sunday, 12 Feb 2017, 11:56, OpenLearn: free Well done on working whilst doing a degree. Your course fees cover your tuition, assessment and study materials, but there are still a few additional costs that can come with studying. For example, if you earn 29,000 youll pay just 12.79 per month. Working out your Class of Honours (PDF, 76KB). But i am still not sure the ratio of hours of study and independent work required to hopefully gain a level 1 result is balanced well against the risk of dropping down into level 2-3 bands with just a couple of bad results. (Looking for Fall? The tutors with the regular uni are very nice here though it's a bit or a miss and I seem to have found two rude ones, one kept commenting on my race which was very offensive. and support, Student One credit represents about 10 hours of study over the duration of the course. I went on to do postgraduate qualifications at a redbrick uni and was given a bursary on the strength of my OU degree. If you feel you may need additional support, visit Disability support to find more about what we offer. Open university's system always confuses me. team: Help with the Universitys computing systems: Help with accessing the online library, referencing and using libraries near you: Please tell us where you live so that we can provide you with the most relevant information as you use this website. However, due to the partial module marks many students will have, we have not been able to find an equitable way to include these marks systematically in the final average. The BA/BSc (Honours) Open is a degree with a difference. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. Take a look at all Open University courses. Some modules end with an exam. 50%+ = grade 4 pass / 3rd class classification. The British undergraduate degree classification system is a grading structure for undergraduate degrees or bachelor's degrees and integrated master's degrees in the United Kingdom. Progressing to a point where I felt more comfortable writing my assignments, and having my scores reflecting that, made me quite happy because it showed the hard work was being rewarded. A federal court will allow most student loan forgiveness and other debt relief under an approved settlement agreement involving the Borrower Defense to Repayment program to proceed, following a . Nobody but postgrad uni admin cares about your degree classification. As someone who hires, I tell you the truth. A few years ago, I graduated from the The Open University (OU) with a bachelor's degree in computer science. Most of our students study part time, completing, feedback from your tutor through regular one-to-one phone tutorials, support from a dedicated team throughout your study. Our course types page can tell you more about what we offer. I take your point about the value for money very seriously though, i have had a look at other providers and a credit transfer for me is not really an option, the other providers seem to have very closed vocational options and i wanted to study to be able to change my career path. Honours degrees (without a placement year) are calculated by using one of the following methods (you will be awarded the best outcome): Method 1: the weighted mean average of the best 100 credits from Level 5 and 6 (Level 5 marks are worth 30% and the Level 6 marks 70% of your degree classification) Method 2: the average from 120 . Also degree classification is basically meaningless after a certain point and to many employers. 7. I suppose it is a fine balance, the OU want us to study with them, after all they get the fee's for our study, however they need to have a large take up to support themselves financially. So my advice is to talk to them asap, especially if you have attenuating circumstances like your mental health. Youll be supported throughout by the OUs unique style of teaching and assessment which includes a personal tutor to guide and comment on your work; top quality course texts; elearning resources like podcasts, interactive media and online materials; tutorial groups and community forums. Understanding your Class of Honours: Integrated Masters Degrees (PDF, 215KB) This document has been written to provide you with worked examples of Honours degree classification. Every university works out degree classifications differently. Multidisciplinary study has always been at the heart of the Open University, and the Open degree allows you to bring together different areas of study in a completely flexible way to develop knowledge and skills. **The fee information provided here is valid for modules starting before 31 July 2023. Usually a series of online, multiple-choice questions. The answer is not many, I do some recruitment for our company and just having a degree is a nice to have, I dont care what they have, I am more intrested in their ability to carry out the work. Tutorials throughout the course could be online, face-to-face or a mixture of the two, and theyre always optional. For graduate positions where experience is not expected or a requirement, degree classifications will be one of the criteria used to distinguish between potential candidates especially in technical roles. This degree has three stages, each comprising 120 credits. You can choose to earn your associate degree online, take courses on campus or online, study part-time or attend full . In 2008, Cal State East Bay was recognized as a "top-tier" institution among master's-granting universities in the West by the U.S. News & World Report's annual . BSc (Honours) Computing with Electronic Engineering. 68% isn't a bad score, it's not far off a 2.1. Before you apply, you should check that your course for additional accreditation - especially if your course leads to a particular profession, such as accounting, engineering, or nursing. calling anyone who owns a studio apartment/one bedroom flat, University of Sheffield Medicine Student - Ask Me Anything, University of East Anglia (UEA) A100 2023 Entry. IT and computing support from our Computing Helpdesk. Once you register with us (and for up to three years after you finish your studies), youll have full access to The Open Universitys Careers and Employability Services for a wide range of careers information,advice and guidance. I dont have a third and havent finished yet, if i got a third (im on my final modules) I actually wouldnt be to concerned. The system is likely to differ from what you are used to from school or college. You say that you have experience, that combined with your degree, will surpass any 2.2, 2.1, or 1st with no experience. Find answers to common questions about Open University. The degree classification system has 4 main degree classifications or grades. For students on some courses your results may be calculated differently or there may be . I've rationalised similar thoughts by accepting it's not up to me to set the rules. Examples of how Honours classification works for undergraduate and Integrated Masters degrees. Which Uni courses don't require high A-Level grades? Understanding your Class of Honours: Integrated Masters Degrees (PDF, 267KB). For example, if you study a 60-credit module and successfully pass it, you will be awarded 60 credits. This multidisciplinary module provides an excellent introduction to studying with The Open University; you'll get to cover a wide range of subject areas, including childhood and youth studies, social science, psychology, health, business and law. This description was last updated on 09 September 2022. #23 Best Online Learning Schools (Newsweek, 2022) Application due August 16, 2023. Facebook, OU Students on The marking of assessment is subject to internal and external review. Lower second-class honours (50 - 60%) - A lower-level second class (or . and support, Student The short answer to the question is yes. I think I might investigate the options for transferring out of the O.U to another online provider or a part time course with a local bricks and mortar university. We know that degree classifications can be confusing. This includesonline forums, website, AI interview simulation, our vacancy service as well as the option to email or have a phone or video consultation with a Careers Consultant. Another expensive alternative is to do another degree BSc Open and use 60% of your credits towards it. Go to degree. In order to work out your weighted average grade for your university year, module, or assignment, we take the marks (or grades) multiplied by their respective weights, sum them together, and then divide the total by the sum of the weights. You'll do fine. Full-time study enables you to complete your course over a shorter time. Honestly, getting a degree of any grade is a massive achievement if you weren't well. These pages are applicable to staff and students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. The percentages for boundaries may seem to be higher, but it is just a different marking criteria. i know it is way to early to be considering this point, but I have been looking through the classification rules for honours degrees. so well done for getting 100% in your TMA, but i would suggest that perhaps a maths TMA and a politics TMA are very different, one is definitive the other is subjective. Degree classification. Predict your final grade classification with degree targets. The Open University is available on all 23 CSU . At the end of your degree course, the marks you achieve on your modules are combined together to determine your overall degree result: a First, a 2.1, a 2.2, a Third, a Pass degree or no degree. Talk to their counsellors, if I recall you can choose if a module is assigned to a qualification or not. External review is carried out by an 'external examiner', who . *Based on maximum chargeable fees for 22/23 academic year. On my English, I'm getting 60-75. Following a suggested subject route, or combining two together, can be particularly beneficial if youre keen to develop a specialism in a particular subject(s). San Jose Stat University's Open University (OU) program allows students from outside the university to enroll in university courses on a space-available basis and gain college credit. There are other courses you can do in almost any field which will help your employability. Freshers, Library help Find your personal contacts including your tutor and student support So having had a look i think i might be stuck with the OU and they with me! I enrolled for an access module (YO32) to see if study suited me, I had no idea back then about grade boundaries and module study. I'm currently working my way through the program, specializing in machine learning. Without wishing to state the obvious, it is a learning process. Itll helpdevelop your study skills in advance of your OU qualification, and you get to explore a number of STEM subjects includingscience, engineering and design, environment, mathematics, and computing and IT. Your foundation degree contributes 240 credits towards the total of 360, and you take the remaining 120 credits in year 3. If you have a BFPO address, you are only eligible for UK course fees if you are a currently serving member of the British armed forces, and you're temporarily and unavoidably working abroad. We make all our qualifications as accessible as possible and have a comprehensive range of services to support all our students. Merit: A final grade of 60-69%. Whether you receive a BA (Honours) Open degree or a BSc (Honours) Open degree will depend on the modules you choose: Of these 180 credits, at least 120 must be at OU level 2 or above, and at least 60 of these must be at OU level 3. Borderline pass/Fail: A final grade of 40-49%. "Perhaps my point is, 9 months and 5 or 6 TMA's delivered at 90% would be undone by a single exam scoring 60%, leaving an overall mark of 75%, again a borderline 2:2 or 2:1". These routes are optional and are provided just to give you a few ideas, other subjects and module choices are available when you register. Do you think if I just put in my degree without classification this would work for future job. Youll study for around 1618 hours a week. I'm 27 so been working since 17 and have lots of work experience. This section contains the University's undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree classifications. Credits measure the student workload required for the successful completion of a module or qualification. It's a level 2 course and I'm worried it's going to drop me down massively. To complete this stage, youll choose a further 60 credits from a wider selectionof our other Stage 1 modules. View Fall 2022 Class Schedule); Select your classes. However, please be aware that the subject(s) you study wont be included on your degree certificate or in the name of your degree. How many recruiters (in my industry anyway) actually give a shit if you got a first or a 2:1 etc? Instead the Board of Examiners will look at . Do another degree BSc open and use 60 % ) - a lower-level second class ( or bold. Going great the registration closing date politics, philosophy and economics students on some courses your results may be differently., i tell you the flexibility to take courses which may count a... Student loan counsellors, if you weren & # x27 ; t a bad,. Do postgraduate qualifications at a Levels i wanted to create change.. preparation for employment... Be assessed twitter, OU students are sponsored by their employer is subject to internal external! And probably by most employers these days i tell you more about what we offer 18,000 debt, 6 of! 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