They were distributed over the district in local groups known as Nurra were were located [in villages] at distances about [12 kilometres apart]. This account is strangely brief. The gaps between the ties of the vines at stem and stern would be plugged with clay, so skilfully introduced that the whole craft would be absolutely watertight. The flesh was cut with a little sharp stone, and then the black so operated upon would lie out in the sun. It was longer and narrower, shaped more like a wedge than the axe of to- day. Sometimes a blow on the head er e he fell would kill him, or if he were thrown down alive, those beneath would perform the final ceremony of dispatch. The wattie, however, was deadly in its execution, and there was never any doubt about it when it fell. Flash Tommy was almost killed and lay insensible for several days. They had a simple and quick method of their own, that used by their forefathers through centuries of time, one indeed common to savage peoples all over the world, the creating of a spark by the friction of two pieces of wood rubbed together. Join the community of family history enthusiasts and FamilySearch employees to ask questions and discuss potential product enhancements. Cabbage Tree Island was literally covered with them then, and I recall dropping fourteen in one discharge of my little double-barrelled gun. The constables and soldiers arrived at Lawlers hut and were to sleep there this night and in the morning begin their search for the blacks. "It may be that the relocation partially mitigates the loss, but this is not evident in the statements of interviewed Wonnarua people," it said. The bull-roarer was attached to about 1.5 metres of string and whirled rapidly about, creating an unearthly noise. The women belonging. The principal bora ground was in Mr. Harold McLeods paddock and today one can see the ring plainly. Those who escaped the bullet were killed by falling over the cliffs and being smashed on the rocks below thus, was the whole tribe of blacks with one or two exceptions which inhabited this part of the district exterminated. Most of these womerahs were highly polished by fat and ashes rubbed into them. 101 0 obj <>stream On the way they paint their bodies with powdered charcoal, obtained by burning the bark of the apple tree or bloodwood, and mixing it with grease. . One of the keerang now goes and meets the men and novices -who may be distinguished as the white mob - who are by this time waiting just out of sight, and tells them that everything is ready. Very rarely did an aboriginal stoop down to pick up any article from the ground. an interpreter. The manner in which the Grlngai communicated their movements to following friends was noteworthy. Another bush dainty, easily procurable in the right season, was the curramali, a fruit that grew on a little vine in the bush. Fitzpatric seems to play down the extent of these engagements. The Australian Museum holds a collection of about 300 Indonesian textiles. On the floor of the canoe, usually at the stern, there would be the inevitable mound of clay, the floating fireplace. . Macarty then took the whites and put us across the creek where the dam now is. It needed but little to divert the simple minds of the natives. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954). As soon as the guardians, novices, and the contingent who follow them are out of sight of the kackaroo, the covering is taken off the women by the men who have charge of them, and they are permitted to rise. Derby [carried] the letter. The first recipient never troubled about being deprived of possession, and enjoyed more the uses to which It was put by his friends. The men took a mischievous pleasure in killing the wood-pecker which represented the totem of the women. Howitt and Fraser refer to the people of that district as the Gringai. There appears to be clear evidence that the Worimi occupied the country bounded by the seashore from the Manning as far south as Norah Head and possibly to the Hawkesbury. The wordgames anagrams, crossword, Lettris and Boggle are provided by Memodata. News travelled slowly in those far-off days of 1838/39 from this then remote settlement, but as time went on most exaggerated reports began to filter in and reach the authorities in Newcastle and Sydney. Renowned historian and Wonnarua descendant, James Miller explains in his book Koori a Will to Win: The land held the key to life's secrets. Often, some black would feel the urge to make something, becoming suddenly industrious in the manufacture of a large number of weapons intended to be exchanged for other articles with members of one of the neighbouring tribes. In every creek and in every gully lay dead blacks. This is done in the following, manner: At the end of a certain time of probation, which is fixed by the headmen, the neophytes, painted and dressed as men of the tribe, are brought to a fire near the mens camp, where there is food ready laid on rugs spread upon the ground. Sir I feel called on, and do myself the honor, to state to you for the informa- tion of His Excellency the Governor, that there are now residing on the Manning River upwards of 400 persons without protection or instruction of any kind, governed solely by lynch law. The edges of the space were raised about nine inches. Fish, as a general term, was muckeroo. Then came the individual sorts as follows: Porpoise, cooprar; shark, toorarcle; turtle, coorahcumarn; snapper, kurrang- cum; jew-fish, turrahwurrah; mullet, peewah; bream, coopere; stingray, billorn; torpedo-fish, kirrepoontoo; eel, toonang; fiathead, tarrahwarng; oysters, nonnung; cray-fish, wirrah; crab, beerah; shrimp, punnoong. They played at warlike games with spear and boomerang, fashioned for their own youthful and harmless purpose, They could swim almost as soon as they could walk. When these two men get close to the goonambang they gently hit the boomerangs which they carry in their hands against those in their belts, and the hosts answer, huk! The depositions taken were duly transmitted by me to His Majestys Attorney- General the following day, and the prisoner was forwarded from Dungog in charge of two of the mounted police, who were expressly sent for, being apprehensive of a rescue by the turbulent blacks of the district. The ends of the spear shafts were also bound with similar materials to form a small notch. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 13 Apr 1923 Page 2 The Origin of Dungog. I have included the vocabularies from works clearly indicating the tribe they are referring to is Gringai, and have included multiple entries where they exist. It was a risky game for the women I but I never heard of one being [attacked]. The pieces of burning bark which the sisters of the novices have been obliged to carry, as before stated, are left at the kweealbang. A timeline of Australian Museum exhibitions, events, cultural object and policies connected to Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders. The Blacks also roast the roots and make them into a sort of cake, which they eat cold. In this way they were deliciously cooked, and indeed the doctor relates that he frequently dealt with his own game and fish in this manner. When the novices have got about 50 or 100 yards from the kackaroo, two men who were in readiness, one on each side of the ring, commence loudly sounding their bull-roarers. The Chief Justice recommended the prisoner to the Sheriffs humane attention. Here a boy drew on all his previous learning to become one with the land and he was given the opportunity to demonstrate his knowledge of every animate and inanimate object. Each singer seemed to be trying to outdo his neighbor in vociferation. Women were not allowed to see drawings of Baiame nor approach Baiame sites, which are often male initiation sites (boras). Before Baime there was nothing, everything was sleeping. The Wonnarua Strategic Plan 2009-2012 (WSP). When they get to the rear, they turn round and again throw pieces of hark over the heads of the men and boys. After a great deal of fuss the men announced that they would make an- other attempt to find the poomblts, and to the accompaniment of clashing spears and hoarse shoutings, dashed out into the screen of bushes again. The keerang and other men who have remained in the camp then muster up all the women, and place them lying down round the fire, a little way outside the ring of bushes before referred to, the women of each tribe being kept in groups by themselves on the side next their own district, and are covered over with rugs and bushes. Many of those who remained in contact with European settlement died of disease. . The illustration above is captioned Natives returned from fishing and sub captioned Drawn by Mr R. Browne No. Principal of these was wombie, a species of yam, the root of a slender vine that flourished In the scrubby gullies, which the [women] dug up with their wombie sticks - pieces of round hardwood, three feet long, pointed and toughened by fire. He used to tell us the blacks at times would what they called fuddle the water with the bark of the turpentine tree, making the fish come to the top, where they were caught by hand. and direct savage attacks at the offender, beating him with their sticks until he was glad to fly m precipitate confusion, offering no retaliation or resistance No definite conception of an existence after death appeared to exist among the members of the tribe. Tho spear was leaning in a certain direction, and the boy explained that they had gone to a place in the direction the spear pointed in order to pick corn, but they would be back shortly. Their creation spirit is Baiami, also known as Koin, the creator of all things and the Keeper of the Valley. Instinct and. The fitting was done so cleverly that the whole would be as solid as though in one piece. One of the first settlers was a man named Nolan, who set out to graze sheep. Baiame is often shown with internal decorations such as waistbands, vertical lines running down the body, bands and dots. Starving Aboriginal people began killing stock. They then march on quickly, and on arriving at the kweealbang they disband, the men and novices belonging to each tribe taking up their position on the side which is in the direction of their country. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. The sparks would be gently blown upon until a flame appeared, when thereafter it was no trouble to build up a roaring fire. The Tribal group I belong to are known as the Gringai Clan and are a part of the Wonnarua people in general. The mothers of the novices are painted with red and white stripes on the face, chest and arms. He did not plant his roots deep in the soil as does a white man and his house was not constructed to withstand the ravaging hand of time nor to defy the fury of the elements. Figure 8: A sketch of a bora ground near Gloucester, showing the position of the two rings 18 chains or 362 metres apart. Even your best guess will do. The men who have been assigned as guardians to the novices now step forward, and catching them by the arm, help them to their feet, and lead them noiselessly away along the pathway towards the goonambang, their heads remaining bent down as they walk along. Discover our guides that help you research our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural material in the library. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Tue 15 Apr 1919 Page 5 BURNT GULLY CORROBOREE. They were astonished and indignant. The men at the camp pull the leaves off the boughs thrown down by the keerang, who sit down at one end of the clear space. [citation needed], The missionary William Ridley adopted the name of Baiame for the Christian God when translating into Gamilaraay (the language of the Kamilaroi). A circle of eighty to ninety feet in diameter was dug, or scratched, on a level piece of ground, leaving a space of four or five feet undisturbed to enter the circle by. Dungog was the ultimate limit of settlement for ten years or more. Fame Cove was taboo after the sun had fallen, and no native would linger in that vicinity when the shadows began to lengthen. The headmen now ask the women to come up close, and the mother of each boy sits on the ground just outside the ring, near her son; his sisters and relatives are a little farther off, and the other women and children outside of the last named. bUB 3H LB[ *Lzp+Fi= They are generally listed as clan of the Worrimi people, though the Wonnarua Strategic Plan lists the Gringai of Gresford as Wonnarua. At this camp they are also required, on more than one occasion, to drink the urine of some of the men, collected in a coolamin for the purpose. The grief displayed at the funeral of a venerable.and honored man was unquestionably great and genuine. While the women used the lines, the men mostly fished with the spear, and they were extraordinarily skilful. endstream endobj 70 0 obj <> endobj 71 0 obj <>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 72 0 obj <>stream The women started humming in a low drone. The children, even from the tenderest years, appeared to have appetites as voracious as their elders. What huge quantities of fish these blacks could eat! . provided seeds suitable for grinding and baking into seed cakes (McBryde 1976:65), as may the kind of oat-grass seen by Cunningham (Joumal 7/5/1823 ) in the upper Goulburn Valley. This was all their bodily protection against the elements, and their fullest concession to the conventions im- posed by the white people about. The Valley was always there. To signify the religious importance, the initiates were given rock crystals warmed in an open fire and told that these were the excrement of the great spirit Goign (hence the meaning of goonambangthe place of excrement). At 12 oclock I was sorry to hear from Baker, a stock-keeper, an-l soon after by Mr. Chas. After this a larger party rode over to the Bowman River through McKenzIes Gap (Neilsons selection) and meeting with a large number of blacks fought another pitched battle, where Mr. J. T. Grants homestead now stands, many blacks over 100 it is said were killed and also some 12 whites were killed and badly wounded. The spears were really wonderful weapons; long, slender and graceful, and fashioned with a balance that was amazingly perfect. Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Sat 24 Aug 1895 Page 3 WITH THE BLACKS. The shouts of the surrounding party often makes him drop his burden; otherwise he conveys them to his fireplace in the bush where he deposits his load close to the fire. These men in their old days never forgot how to fish, and were never satisfied unless they brought home two or three monster perch. or wattles as the blacks at Port Stephens called them, wer e very neatly fashioned and per- fectly balanced. An astounding example is a 13 million-person family tree created by scientists. Some language documentation may also record words and meanings inaccurately. You have reached the end of the page. We have over a billion unique profiles in our tree, and growing. Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 19th instant relative to the individual named in the margin [Cooky], and have no hesitation in saying, from the peaceable, honest, and orderly conduct of the blacks in this quarter for many months past it would be perfectly safe to return Cooky to his tribe nay I am sure it would do great good, for he is an intelligent fellow, and will communicate to his friends all he has seen - and come through since they parted, this paving the way to their future improvement, while it must ensure gratitude and good will to the whites. [The canoes] were generally 15 feet long, and with a fair beam, required some handling by an amateur. The tubers varied in thickness from an inch to an Inch-and-a-half, and were a few inches in length. I have edited out many instances of phrases such as howling savages and gins and have tried to keep the excerpts as cultural reportage, not cultural judgement, but inevitably the historical reports indicate the white cultural mores of the time. Discover cultural material and objects in our Indonesian collection. The novices are then lifted up in the mens arms, two or three men, including the guardian, to each boy, who advance and stand on the green bushes, which by this time are emitting a dense smoke, which ascends round the men and boys. A small collection from a cultural giant, discover the objects from China held in the Australian Museum's World Cultural Collection. This unfor- tunate circumstance has given the blacks more courage, and their depredations are becoming more formidable, so that several respectable persons who have stations on the Manning have lately called on me and [called] for protection, but I could only refer them to Captain King, the Commissioner for the Australian Agricultural Company. In this he reports two cases of the Harmony, one, a substantial one, in the early Thirties and the other, a minor one in 1847. Cook [wrote]: The native blacks are very savage in this locality and it is necessary that we should all carry arms when travelling. [7] Gringai land also includes the southern valleys of the Barrington Tops. A. Cos men had sought shelter. Muh! (Now!) On coming out of the water-hole they paint their bodies white with pipe-clay, which is diluted in water in one or more coolamnins which have been cut for the purpose. "Government groups or industry might then find it's easier to divide the group because they pick their favourites and choose the people that they want to speak to," he said. After the novices have been about a week at the keelaybang another mob of men from the womens camp make their appearance during the afternoon. Gordon Bennett (reprinted 1964) p6-7. What makes me remember the corroboree was the fight that followed. As- suming that the invitation has been accepted, the initiator immediately commences to prepare the keeparra ground, and dispatches another set of messengers, each of whom are on this occasion provided with a bull-roarer (goonandhakeea), several tails or kilts, a belt, and other articles. It is quite true, he added, when it is said that no white man ever saw a bora ceremony. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Tue 6 Jul 1943 Page 4 WILD BLACKS. Naturally I was eager to see this Interesting spectacle, and rode once more to the camp at the foot of the hill some days later. Man was given the knowledge to read the land and for every rock, tree and creek he found an explanation for existence. 87 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<094F16A5768ACBD411B1DAC73AF11856>]/Index[69 33]/Info 68 0 R/Length 87/Prev 88046/Root 70 0 R/Size 102/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream "I just simply haven't sufficient evidence for mycriteria to include a massacre site on the map.". Monday, 10th June. On account of the novices hair being singed short, and the white paint on their bodies, the mothers are sometimes unable to recognise their own sons. One of the men would then sound a bull-roarer just after dark in the vicinity of the camp, and next morning everyone would pack up and proceed by easy stages towards the appointed tryst, dances and songs being indulged in at night at each of the stages along their route. One of them at last got up, took a sheet of bark, laid it across the grave, and stretched himself upon, it, crying pitifully. As I have said before, life was a joke, and the more laughter they could crowd into it the merrier passed the days. At day-break the following morning a number of the men who have been camping with the women at the kackaroo proceed to the goonambang, tapping their boomerangs together as they walk, and join the other men who were there all night. There were about sixteen [men] squatting or standing around; amongst them the father, mother, and several of the brothers of the deceased. As they were fairly plentiful in the bush they were often on the menu. The waters of the bay teemed with fish of every description, easily taken at all times. The person carried off tries to cry out, but cannot, feeling almost choked; at daylight Coen disappears, and the black finds himself conveyed safely to his own fireside. . All the men at the goonambang then start towards the kackaroo in single file, march- ing in a meandering course, and shouting as they go. The aboriginal natives were the primary tenants of this soil ; they subsisted in the woods by fishing and hunting:, and it was illegal for any one to disturb them in the possession of these natural rightsThe jury af- ter having retired for considerably upwards of an hour, returned with a verdict of Guilty of Manslaughter, but recommended the prisoner to mercy, from the peculiar circumstances under which the offence was committed. THE WONNARUA TRIBE AND LANGUAGE. As a boy I got a great fright when working on the flat at Irwins, a lot of natives in war paint and carrying their arms came suddenly on me. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842) Tue 12 Aug 1834 Page 2 SUPREME CRIMINAL COURT. The top, fitted into this slot, would be made firm with cords of animal sinews or flbre ( and coated oyer with gum from the grass-tree. [3], On 5 September 1995, descendants of Sara Madoo, a traditional custodian of the Wonnarua lands, passed the Federal Court registration test of native title claims, pursuant to Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) s190A. . The corpse was neatly encased in a sheet of bark (paper-bark) stripped from the giant tl-tree (Melaleuca) and bound with vines from the scrub. Dungog (aboriginal Tunkok, signifying Clear Hills) witnessed the closing scene of the drama, when the law of the land intervened and one solitary black was hanged for complicity in the raid, the place of execution being on or about the present site of the police station of that town. "We go through the normal processes of applying for funding if there's funding available, doesn't matter if it's from Glencore, Yancoal or Mach Energy.". Copyright for this website is owned by the State of New South Wales through the Department of Education. The spirit of Kawal is embodied in the wedge tailed eagle, found throughout the Hunter Valley. The women would be on the look out for the shining, shimmering mass of fish to come round some wooded headland, and when their shrill outcries told of the approach of the finny prey, the men would rush to the shore. Baime awoke and created everything, the mountains, plains, rivers and every living thing. Ro, Cookies help us deliver our services. The A. Glencore and Mr Perry's corporation have an ongoing partnership, but Mr Perry deniedit created a possible conflict of interest. It was a very simple process for the tribe to kill all they needed. The Australian Museum respects and acknowledges the Gadigalpeople as the FirstPeoples and Traditional Custodians of the land andwaterways on which theMuseumstands. How he, or she, was dealt with I was never able to discover. When I departed from Port Stephens in 1873 to go to Queensland the tribe had dwindled to about fifty members. Some cattle were speared and the rest driven through the wild brushes at the head of the Myall, almost to the foreshores of Port Stephens. When they get near the camp, the men, women and children sit down a short distance out of sight of the goonambang. All these operations are carried out as speedily as practicable, so as not to keep the women - some of whom have infants at their breasts - any longer under such rigorous concealment than is necessary. The men and boys who remained at the water-hole or creeL in the busl, as soon as the keerang left them, proceeded to wash the coloring matter off their bodies. The second is the spelling of Indigenous words. The latter, he continued, were of robust growth and at this season of the year laden with its clustered Capsules which I am informed are gathered by the Aborigines, who roast and eat them after the manner of Maise. From the time the novices left the kweealbang until now they have been compelled to carry pieces of burning bark everywhere they went, but they are now released from carrying the firebrands any more. A straight young sapling would be chosen, cut to the required length, and set to soak in water for some three or four weeks. He wished to see some blacks that had been camped near where Brookfield is now, but when he reached their settlement he found it deserted. Shortly there was. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Collection. As they attempted to escape he had ordered the soldiers to fire upon them, by which he had reason to believe that one blackfellow with one arm had been killed and some of the others wounded. Many years ago a party of blanks made a raid on Mackenzies men at Rawdon Vale, in the Gloucester district then known -as Kiripit the native name of that small variety of kangaroo rat. The Australian Museum respects and acknowledges the Gadigalpeople as the FirstPeoples and TraditionalCustodians ofthe land and waterways on which theMuseumstands. Birds and fish, however, were cooked by being plastered with mud and placed amid hot coals or in a hole packed with heated stones. ~;26BBV?AsU7uNbhGkC5x"lvV3=: ;A~=6456v;H>JEl$v+vmK9ox-+/NpC*xj}HQJYvaKv`?6- \ The remnant of this fine old tribe is sadly degenerated by contact with the whites and strong drink; but still you may find them possessing good traits of character. You'll want to decide what generation you want to start with. If the course of performances in the bush have been completed, the boys may be returned next day, but if some further instruction is necessary, the date is arranged accordingly. Gordon Bennett (reprinted 1964) p9. Naturally there was someone or other among them who had a striking physical peculiarity, either an over-emphasised feature, a deformity, a trick of gait or speech common to himself. Gordon Bennett (reprinted 1964) p3. It is sometimes suggested that Baiame was a construct of early Christian missionaries, but K Langloh Parker dated belief in Baiame to (at latest) 1830, prior to missionary activity in the region. Choose the design that fits your site. In the meantime the novices, who are now called keeparra, have been taken a short distance from the main camp, where quarters are prepared for them, and their guardians remain with them. A census taken by Dr. McKinlay in the early [1830s] showed that there were about 250 blacks in the valley of the Williams. ) ?B6=! They were always in dread of war with the Kamilaroi, a fierce and warlike tribe, who followed down the headwaters of the Hunter from the Talbragar to the Nunmurra waters, and even occasionally made raids as far as Jerrys Plains. Dungog Chronicle: Durham and Gloucester Advertiser ( NSW: 1869 - 1931 ) Sat 24 Aug Page... 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