Garbage Kills Bears! Both female and male bears may have more than one mate during the summer. When you visit the Great Smoky Mountains, be sure to use the provided bear-proof dumpsters and garbage cans. Coyotes are somewhat timid and afraid of humans at first glance, but can be dangerous if you cozy up to them. Source: @carlosfineartphoto Hence, depending on your luck, you may spot a bear! The drive also includes scenic overlooks, hiking trails, picnic areas and even a waterfall that can be seen from the road! They are omnivores. We came across a Huge Bear in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the Grotto Falls trail as part of the Roaring Fork Motor nature trail and it was one. Spotting a bear in the Smokies can be a wonderful experience, but it's important to remember that these majestic creatures can also be dangerous - and we can be dangerous to them. If the bear is at a distance, feeding or walking by, and notices you but continues its natural behavior, no action is needed on your part. Dens are usually hollow stumps, tree cavities, or wherever there is shelter. This is the only Mountain lion in the Smoky Mountains. Grizzly bears can only be found in a few states in the US, including Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Black bears in the mountains dont actually hibernate in the winter months, but they do sleep for longer periods of time when it gets cold. Gatlinburg The red and gray fox are found near Cades Cove in Smokies Park.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Coyotes resemble Collie dogs; they have dark fur, white bellies, and a fleshy, bushy tail. They can live at any elevation in the park, so you could see them near cabins in the woods or as you hike to the summit of Mt. Some are pretty friendly; others prefer to stay out of sight, while others are dangerous and can pose a threat if not treated with proper respect. Poaching: Unfortunately, the lure of high profits on international markets encourages the poaching of black bears. Copperheads are shy and tend to hide from open view. Do not invite bears into your campsite by storing food in or around your tent. Once they spot a catch, they grab it and roll over on their backs to eat while still in the water. You can watch them in Cades Cove or Cataloochee in the Smoky Mountains in the meadows near forests. The most recent bear attack in Great Smoky Mountain National Park involved a family of five and their dog camping in the park's Elkmont Campground on June 12. The bear's keen sense of smell leads it to insects, nuts and berries, but the animal is also enticed by the tantalizing smells of human food and garbage such as hot dogs, apple cores, chips, and watermelon rinds left on the ground in picnic areas, campgrounds, and along trails. If youre one of the latter, Great Smoky Mountains is the place. If you're one of the latter, Great Smoky Mountains is the place. Feeding bears in the Smokies by the way is a big no-no and illegal. Use the food storage cables to store your food and garbage when camping. We all know bears hibernate in the winter. Bears attacks are usually caused by food, as they can get very hungry and desperate for food. Meadows interspersed through the forest bloom with azalea, ragwort, and butterfly weed, as well as offering a better range of vision for catching a glimpse of an elusive black bear. The loop road is not only a great place to spot bears in the Smoky Moutains, but its also famous for fantastic hiking trails, historical structures, rushing streams and majestic waterfalls! This massive park stretches over 522,427 acres of mountains, lush forests, streams, and valleys. There is only one species of bear in Tennessee and that is the black bear. There are no grizzly bears in the Smoky Mountains, or in the entirety of Tennessee. With approximately 1,500 bears in the park, the population density is roughly two bears per square mile! Back away slowly and quietly without disturbing the creature. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most visited national park in the United States! Smoky Mountain Black Bears (American Black Bear) are most active during morning and early evening during Spring and Summer. 7 Best Caves In The Smoky Mountains Youll Want to Explore. Hence, make sure to keep your eyes and ears open to spot them and prevent any accidents when you hike. Throw non-food objects like rocks or sticks. Giant bears weigh up to 600pounds and are not easy to find, while the Females weigh around 100 pounds, and the males weigh at approx. It is illegal to get. River Otters are great swimmers, so you will often see them splashing and sliding in the wallows near the river banks its the easiest way to find a group of otters. In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, biologists estimate there are about 1,500 black bears. Bears have fantastic color vision and an amazing sense of smell. How Common are Bear Attacks in Smoky Mountains? As a bonus, Cades Cove offers plenty of other wildlife too, including white tailed deer and coyotes! Black bears can be seen throughout the year except rarely during the winter months. Black bears will eat berries, nuts, and plants, as well as fish and insects. The parks omnivorous black bears eat about 85% fruits and nuts, with meat providing the remaining 15%, which makes berry patches an extremely important resource as they prepare for hibernation. The Great Smokies are referred to as the Salamander Capital due to their abundance in the Southern Mountains. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is located on the border of Tennessee and North Carolina. The bear will probably do the same. He was obviously begging for food, someone must have been dropping him snacks. Animals around the Cades Cove include black bears, deer, coyotes and many more. Here are some easy tips to remember when hiking, picnicking, camping or visiting The Smoky Mountains. It is estimated that around 1,500 bears live inside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Check out our guide to Smoky Mountain wildlife for even more animals! Click Here, 6 Facts You Should Know About Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains. Plant materials such as berries and nuts make up approximately 85% of their diet. Past the campsite the trail starts climbing, gaining 2,000 feet in only 3 miles. Backpacking Has Changed a Lot Over the Past 50 Years. Nearly 1,500 black bears live in the Smoky Mountains national park. As you walk through the national park, you will see lots of notices and flyers that will remind you of the perils of feeding the bears. Cades Cove. Wild berries like blackberries, blueberries, and huckleberries grow throughout the valley and are easy to harvest by bears. Start from the Gregory Ridge Trailhead, passing backcountry site 12 at mile 2 (make a reservation to extend your trip from a day to a weekend). You may think black bears only eat meat, but they are actually omnivores! The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the largest protected areas in the east of the United States. About 1,500 black bears call the park home, for an average of two bears per square mile. Cades Cove. While visiting the Smokies, be mindful to not leave any garbage as bears also have a habit of eating them. Here are some of the top places to see black bears in the Smoky Mountains. The best time to spot wildlife is at dawn when they come out of hiding to drink from the creeks or look for prey. Can You See the Smoky Mountains from Knoxville. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the largest protected areas in the USA where black bears live in the wild in their natural habit. Its common knowledge that black bears can be seen all over Gatlinburg and the Smoky Mountains National Park, we were excited to see one right out in the creek outside of our hotel room. Home Blog Smoky Mountain Wildlife 6 Facts You Should Know About Black Bears in the Smoky Mountains. Don't run, but slowly back away, watching the bear. In fact, its they are so rare that it can be difficult to find statistics on bear attack. The park is one of the largest protected areas where black bears live in the wild in the eastern United States. Many visitors to Great Smoky Mountains National Park hope to catch at least one glimpse of the parks famous black bear! The Little Cataloochee Baptist Church, 2 miles in, offers good views of the surrounding fields (now being reclaimed by the forest) and works well as a turnaround point. Better yet, bears are plentiful in the Smokies and live in all elevations of the park. Furthermore, bears also snuggle up in dens during the winter that they make in tree trunks and hollow stumps or in shallow caves below boulders to avoid any disturbances by hikers. The family was asleep in their tent when they awoke at approximately 5:20 a.m. to a bear tearing into their tent. This approach allows bears to remain in their home range, and discourages them from visiting developed areas or approaching people. These Photos Prove It. Many bears have been spotted along Newfound Gap Road for years, especially in sections that are close to rivers and streams since bears like those areas for food. Make yourself look bigger to the bear. The black bears can be seen in all elevations of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the surrounding areas. With the Great Smoky Mountains National Park CSGM Theme by carodactyll | Digital Marketing by YlliB, Inc. By continuing to use our website, you are accepting the use of cookies. The outdoors might seem like a good place to toss your apple core or crust from a sandwich, but doing so in or around the national park is one of the biggest reasons bears are attracted to areas populated by humans. as adults. Stay safe in black bear country! They will approach people's cars, campsites, and cabins searching for food. 4 Bedrooms, 5 Bathrooms. June is one of the busiest months at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for both visitors and the parks 1,500 black bear residents, which is why basic bear safety is so important to learn before you visit. Park rangers patrol picnic areas and campgrounds to enforce evening closures, littering and food storage regulations. Since Cades Cove features a stunning mountain backdrop and wide open valleys, many bears enjoy this beautiful space in the park. Our Gatlinburg cabins sit only a few minutes from the national park, meaning you won't have to drive very far to see the black bears! It is thought that around 1,500 bears live in the park, this is roughly two bears per square mile. While seeing these creatures is never guaranteed, there are places where you are more likely to see them. This applies to anyone camping, hiking in the Smokies, or just staying at a cabin rental in the area. Bearpacker is Backpackers annual celebration of bear safety, science, and stories. Since the national park is 800 sq. Are Mountain Monsters Real: 10 Mountain Monster Stories, Common Animals in the Great Smoky Mountains. Therefore, keep your camera ready and stay alert! Learn what to do if you see a bear by watching this short video. Everyone wants to know where you are likely to see black bears in the Smoky Mountains. Everyone wants to see a black bear while they are visiting, and we want to share some interesting things about these beautiful creatures! If a bear just leisurely approaches you at your campsite or while you are out hiking, you should scare it off with loud noises like Get out of here bear! Something like that. NPS photo. Good luck and be safe! They are timid, nocturnal cats; you most likely wont see them at all during the day. One of the most important things to remember if you are lucky enough spot a bear is to keep a safe distance of at least 150 feet (50 yards) and do not approach. Keep this fact in mind when planning your hikes and activities. These three trails are a good place to start. They seem harmless at first glance, but are some of the most dangerous animals living in the smoky mountains when provoked. Hikers on their morning trips or afternoon hikes often report seeing black bears hanging out in the tree line. The mating season is between spring and fall. But only when provoked. Bears inhabit all elevations of the park. Fawns are born in spring and are adorned with spots to help camouflage them from predators in their early months of life. Its on many peoples bucket list and they are easy to spot, if you go the right time of year. How visitors behave while in the park has an impact on the safety of bears. Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the largest protected areas in the eastern United States where black bears can live in wild, natural surroundings. It is relatively thick, with black or brown cross bands with chestnut, gray or yellow light backgrounds. While this might seem obvious, a visit to Cades Cove or the Cherokee Orchard area will quickly prove that our visitors are guilty of this countless times every year. Take care of your own safety: Consider carrying bear spray, make noise when passing around blind corners or through thick brush, and observe from a distance. 4. WARNING: Willfully approaching a black bear within 50 yards (150 feet), or any distance that disturbs or displaces a bear, is illegal in the park. The red-cheeked salamander is lungless and breathes through their skins, and visitors are advised not to touch or try to pet one if they spot it. , Though populations are variable, biologists estimate that roughly 1,900 bears live in the park. This could result in a person being injured and the bear being euthanized. It changes the bear's behavior and causes them to lose their instinctive fear of humans. Black bears are unpredictable and can be very dangerous. According to, black bears hibernate for up to 7.5 months a year. You cant touch them since you would be interfering with the breathing system. On August 21, 2017 the western half of Great Smoky Mountains National Park will lie within the path of totalit How well do you know our Smoky Mountain home? Even by taking all the right precautions, you could still encounter a bear in the Smokies. Black bears usually step away when they feel a human presence unless you get too close and give them a hand or if they are scavenging garbage. Absolutely not! However, bears may double their weight by the fall. Many people think black bears in the Smoky Mountains are carnivores, but they are actually omnivores! If a bear starts pursuing you, consider throwing an item like a camera or purse away from you. Again, never feed or throw food to the bears. As a precaution, you can also carry bear pepper spray for your protection, but be sure not to mishandle it. Please watch this short video. The Red Fox and the Gray Fox live in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Top 4 Places to See Bears in the Smoky Mountains Date: March 28, 2022 Many visitors to Great Smoky Mountains National Park hope to catch at least one glimpse of the park's famous black bear! At this number, this creates a population density of two bears per square mile. The Great Smoky Mountains website warns parkgoers to avoid coming within 50 feet of black bears, which are native to the region. It is illegal and irresponsible to feed the black bears in the Smoky Mountains. Here are 5 things you should know about black bears in the Smoky Mountains: 1. The trail bobs up and down past a few streams before reaching Hannah Cabin, built in 1864, at mile 1.2. It is home to black bears, who inhabit the elevations of the park. If you travel to Gatlinburg expecting to see black bears everywhere you go, you may be disappointed. Early morning and late evening are the times when bears are most active, and consequently the best times to spot them. Smoky mountains sustain an ecosystem consisting of thousands of species. While mostly docile and calm animals, elks may charge at potential threats, including humans, so its best to observe them from a distance.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'smokymtnopry_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-leader-1-0'); White-tailed deer are common in the Smoky Mountains Park. Stand your ground if persistently followed. So be careful not to wander too far off your tour group/guide while hiking in the Smoky Mountains. They can climb trees and run 30 miles per hour, making them fantastic hunters if they wanted to be. These creatures can be about 6 feet long and three feet tall at the shoulder. The black bear is one of the most popular animals for visitors to spot in Tennessees Smoky Mountains! Bear management is really people management. In the Woods of Oklahoma, Researchers Are Helping to Rebuild a Bear Population. Don't forget to read about bear safety before you explore. If you're with a group, use your strength in numbers to increase your visual size; avoid looking like prey. Keep your distance. The further west you head, the more likely it is you could see brown, cinnamon, tan or blonde black bears.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-box-4','ezslot_4',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-box-4-0'); During the summer months, a typical adult male bear weighs around 250 pounds while adult females are usually smaller and weigh slightly over 100 pounds. Often, they must be euthanized. Bear attacks in the Smoky Mountains are incredibly rare and deaths even more so. The Chimneys Picnic Area also provides an excellent chance of spotting a bear! Not only could bear's food source of acorns be affected, but some of the prime denning spots in old growth trees may be lost. When visitors head to the Smoky Mountains, it is common they stay in one of their authentic cabins. A Grand View Lodge #540. The biggest salamander can grow to more than two feet long. They are immensely athletic, run at incredible speeds, and can quickly leap over an 8-foot fence. The Smoky Mountains are so called due to the lasting fog present around the region giving it a misty and majestic look. They grow up to 36 inches in length and have a copious body.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',170,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-leader-2-0'); Generally, copperheads live on rocky, woody hillsides; they like to hide under leaf litter or large moist rocks in the Smoky Mountains. Wildlife managers actively monitor for bear activity and use innovative and proactive techniques to keep bears shy, secretive, and afraid of people. " The black bear is the symbol of the Smokies ," says wildlife biologist Bill Stiver. It is said that bears who have had regular access to human food may only live for half of this time. Cades Cove is one of the best places for bear-spotting in the park, but most visitors only see it from the road, slogging through slow-moving lines of cars full of tourists. 20 Must-Know Great Smoky Mountains National Park Facts. They will avoid hot summer days, preferring to rest in a shady tree or lounge in cooler areas. They can also teach other bears this dangerous behavior. They also eat lizards, crayfish and fish. They both grow from 20-25 lbs. When you click and buy we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. They may leave the den for short periods if disturbed or during brief warming trends. Do not approach within 50 yards or close enough to disturb the bear. Most cabins have bear-proof trash containers, which you must use, and latch closed. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is one of the largest protected areas in the east of the United States. Bears over 600 pounds have been documented in the park. Its easy to spot one in the Smokies due to their colorful red hue and fluffy tail. Best Camping in The Great Smoky Mountains, Bears in Smoky Mountains: The Kind, Places to See & Tips, 10 Best Camping in The Great Smoky Mountains 2023, 7 Best Horseback Riding in Smoky Mountains (2023 Update), Will Ghost Town in the Sky Reopen? Do not approach the black bear and dont the bear approach you, Act natural if the bear is at a distance, eating or is walking past you, Dont get too close as this could encourage aggressive behavior, Dont run away from the bear, slowly back away and dont take your eyes off the bear. When it comes to bear sightings, the best time to drive along the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail is during the early morning or evening hours. This incredible park is bursting with wildlife, plant life, and exciting adventures to be experienced. One of the top places to see bears in the Smoky Mountains is at Cades Cove, a broad valley surrounded by mountains that offers some of the best opportunities for wildlife viewing in the national park! They also feast on dead animals and prey on deer. Bears have a keen sense of smell and can be very curious. However, bears in the Great Smoky Mountains Park are wild creatures and can be dangerously unpredictable. is your #1 source for free information about all types of wildlife and exotic pets. If you are a nature lover looking to get a glimpse of the mighty black bear, the best time would be at the crack of dawn or at dusk, when they are the most active. Browse all Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg condos. Bears eat extra to double their weight by the fall since they sleep for so many months so they dont have to wake up and try to find food in the winter. It can really vary based on how available food is but generally black bears will go into hibernation sometime around September October and remain dormant through April. If you find your cabin does not have this, arrange for an employee to bring you one. Skip the traffic jam and head into where the bears really live on the 8.5-mile Rich Mountain Loop. At speeds of 30 mph, black bears can outrun, outclimb, and outswim humans. They are bears, sure they can be dangerous if provoked or threatened. However if you just simply explore the park, ask some locals, and visit a couple of the places mentioned in this article, you have a better than average chance of seeing one in the wild. They also strictly enforce regulations that prohibit approaching, harassing, disturbing or feeding bears. Want to get listed and grow your business? Bears unafraid to approach humans teach this behavior to other bears and become a threat to the public, which often leads to euthanasia. The park's Resource Education staff provides information about bears at visitor centers, in the park's newspaper, and at evening programs. They mostly hunt fish, frogs, rabbits, and rodents. Wildlife Informer is reader-supported. The Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail is a beautiful 5.5 mile one-way loop road that starts and ends in Gatlinburg, making it convenient for those who want to make a quick side trip from downtown Gatlinburg! Another great place to see bears in the Smoky Mountains is in the Cades Cove section of the national park. A three-year-old girl and mother both sustained superficial lacerations . These bears are omnivores, relying for food on plants like fruits, and grass as well as insects. Its best to turn around and go back the way you came, especially if it appears to be a mother with cubs nearby as they can act aggressively if they feel threatened. Keeping your distance prevents the bears from becoming disturbed, and keeps you and the bears safe. In the rare case where a bear comes towards you, do not run! Here are some tips on what to do if you encourage a black bear in the Smoky Mountains: If a black bear follows or approaches you, without vocalizing or paw swatting: Please dont worry if you do see a bear as attacks are very rare, and deaths are incredibly uncommon! It is thought that around 1,500 bears live in the park, this is roughly two bears per square mile.Source: @carlosfineartphoto, It is not uncommon to see a black bear during a visit to the Smoky Mountains, especially during the early morning and late evening hours in spring and summer.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',163,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',163,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-163{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. A total of 750,000 black bears reside in North America but are only responsible for less than one death per year, showing that it is very uncommon for them to attack you unprovoked. Coyotes adapt quickly to new environments and prefer to hunt at night. In the eastern section of North America, the majority of black bears are a deep black. A bear sighting at the GSMNP makes for a great memory that wont soon be forgotten. This equals a population density of approximately two bears per square mile. Bears can live 12-15 years or more, however bears which have had access to human foods and garbage have a life expectancy of only half that time. Warning: Bears are wild animals that are dangerous and unpredictable. Males may weigh around 250 lbs in the summertime, but can double their weight in the fall when they are fattening up for winter. Some Timber Rattlesnakes have a solid black hue and can grow up to 4.5 feet long. While driving along the loop road or stopping to stretch your legs for a short hike, keep your eyes open as you may get to see mother black bears with her cubs walking around! You are more likely to see them during the spring-summer months at sunrise and after sunset. They are omnivores. So, when you visit this amazing Park, keep a keen eye on its inhabitants from a safe distance. It has been estimated that about 1,500 bears live in the park, which is equal to a population density of roughly two bears per square mile. Many are hit by cars and become easy targets for poachers. The landscape stretches over 500,000 acres between the States of Tennessee and North Carolina.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',163,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smokymtnopry_com-medrectangle-3-0'); The Great Smokies National Park forms the largest wilderness making the area one of the crown jewels of the ecosystem, east of the Mississippi River. Mountains, lush forests, streams, and stories at the shoulder a waterfall that be... Carlosfineartphoto Hence, depending on your luck, you may spot a bear tearing into their tent when they at... Are likely to see them this is the only Mountain lion in the rare where... To find statistics on bear attack home range, and afraid of people hanging. For free information about all types of wildlife and exotic pets 30 mph, black bears only. Is only one species of bear safety before you Explore techniques to keep bears,! 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