// Attach listener to FB comments This movement is transmitted through a series of parts to a crankshaft thus producing rotary motion energy. - CORRECTION CASREP - A unit shall submit a Correction CASREP when equipment which has been the subject of casualty reporting, is repaired and back in operational condition. Identify nate FOD - Decks must be cleared, free of loose gear and free of any projection on which a hook, basket, litter or line may foul. There are two types, aneroid and mercurial. Speed Pickups - Part of the internal controls which are used to regulate the fuel flow and gas generator and power turbine speeds to comply with throttle control lever (TCL) command signal. Operations control is collectively applied to those activities under the cognizance of the ship's Operations Officer. Some have Harrier V/STOL aircraft. The .50-cal Browning machinegun is a belt-fed, coil-operated, air-cooled machinegun. Generally uses a semi-active homing guidance system with a maximum range of 6 nautical miles. and proceeding ahead, the pivot point moves forward as the speed increases until at normal operating speed, where it is abaft the stem about 15 to 20 percent of the length of the ship. Ford is currently undergoing its post-shakedown availability at Huntington Ingalls Industries-Newport News Shipbuilding. Navy . It is important that the boat be driven ahead and allowed to drop back on the sea painter so it will be exactly under the davit before lifting. (3) Rudder Angle Indicator - Dual purpose. 25 1217 |, C| y. Pendant receiving station - Being phased out of the Navy. How an item's National Stock Number (NSN) is determined. (5) Rudder Angle Indicators - Dual purpose. Probe/ROBB coupling - Used to receive fuel. DDG, but with increased emphasis on ASW as a primary mission area. The target is continually tracked, UBFCS assumes control of the ASROC launcher, and a CIC coordinated attack is commenced upon command. The purpose of the MOVREP system is to collect location data, process the information by applying dead reckoning (DR) routines as applicable and distribute current location information to all with a "need to know" in the operational and administration chains of command. Kitty Hawk's is located in MMR #3. d. Sea Valve - As the rodmeter can be damaged by striking submerged objects, it may be necessary to retract the unit in shallow water to prevent striking the bottom. High Pressure Air is set between 2750 and 3150 psi. ENGINEERING LOGS AND DOCUMENTATION. There are two categories of deception: (1) Manipulative deception is the alteration or simulation of friendly electromagnetic radiations to accomplish deception. b. Enlisted members may voluntarily obtain Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) qualification while assigned Shore Power Circuit Breakers - Sponsons 3 and 7 have individual shore power circuit breakers located on the sponson and a master circuit breaker on the switchboards (1, 2, 7 and 8). fbcen_gdocs(location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + '/comment/notify'); d. Chilled-water Pump - Used for pumping chilled water through the chilled water system. Located in the ignition system. Facebook, MAPA DEL SITIO HAZ CLICK AQUI PARA CONOCER LA PAGINA. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. h. Gun Control Officer's Console (GOOC) - Within the director, enables activation of director power/drives and selection of the director operating mode. The control switchboard aboard Kitty Hawk is #5 switchboard (4-132-6-E). Care should be exercised to avoid contact of the primer and to avoid spillage of propellant if the projectile has de-bulleted and the wad has loosened. 0105.1 Explain the purpose and time of submission of a LOGREQ request. (3) Additional malfunctions are discovered in the same item of equipment. SWOBOSS Calls on the Surface Force to Get Ready at 2023 Surface Navy Association National Symposium. Members, who due to the nature of a joint or interagency assignment may request temporary authorization to wear a prior service insignia (Coast Guard mission related) on the ODU during that specific assignment when such authorization would enhance the members ability to effectively carry out the Coast Guard missions in the joint operations. d. Detection and Tracking Supervisor (D&T) - Supervised the complete air picture, including air search operators, trackers, and 3-D (bearing, range, height) operator; coordinates the transfer of detected targets to tracking operators; and supervises the use of ECCM features as directed by the EW officer or Evaluator/TAO. This data is utilized in navigating the ship and is supplied as a necessary input to sonar, radar, fire-control, and other vital ship's equipment. 20 70 608 3650 |, L| j. Monkey Fist - Weighted knot in the end of a heaving line. 0104.1 Discuss the purpose of the MOVREP. The most advanced airborne electronic warfare aircraft in existence. m. Bight - Loop of any rope, line or chain. Located in forward and after enginerooms. This rewrite targets journeyman and senior Sailors for mandatory enrollment in their commands ESWS program, unburdening junior Sailors from mandatory enrollment, giving them time back to focus on learning the intricacies of their rating. Kitty Hawk's are located on the starboard side, with two fuel stations on the port side. (1) Transmitting Stations - Quarterdeck, bridge and AA Stations. 619 arms and the Instructions, Technical Publications and Bulletins . The crew consists of a pilot and a weapons control/radar intercept (RIO) officer. A line may be brought to its SWL without impairing the line or reducing its useful life. The other components of the system are developed to ensure accurate delivery of the warhead. 550__ b. CO2 Inflatable Liferafts - Provided to keep personnel out of the water and to provide shelter from the elements in the event of abandon ship. It is no longer used on ships because it contains lead. Geographic Plot - Maintained on the dead-reckoning tracer (DRT) or NC-2 plotter. b. Launcher Training Bell - Same as Train Warning Bell for Gunmount (SW0305.5b). A special. Objects that appear to be "dead ahead" are in reality well to starboard; while those that appear to be about 10 degrees to port are actually dead ahead. Engineering Bell Book - A record of all bells, signals, and other orders received by the throttleman regarding movement of the propeller(s) being turned over by the main engine. Tartar - Shortest range SAM, 15 ft. long and 1500 lbs., with an effective range of approximately 15 miles. Normally mounted adjacent to the compressor section of the engine. Only approved extension lights should be use; they should have a guard, be free of cuts or damaged areas, cleaned of moisture, oil and grease. (3) Radar Repeater - Indicators that provide radar presentation at various locations. p. Wildcat - It is a device fitted with ridge whelps, which engage the links of chain and prevent it from slipping while holding the anchor. esws instruction 2021 pdf navy esws instruction navy command qualification instructioneiws instruction 2022 This 2-week long course consists of. f. Entering Closed Spaces - DO NOT ENTER until applicable safety regulations have been complied with, e. g. gas free check and oxygen safe check. Arrangement of fire detectors and extinguishing agents is governed by the installation. g. Winch operator - Maintains even tension on the STREAM line. Such actions must be recognized as a basic type of unsafe act. THROTTLES AND MAIN OPERATING STATION. g. Gyrocompass - Indicates true north, allows for more accurate navigational fixes. (e.g. This is abreast elevator #1 near the #1 Jet Blast Deflector (JBD). Food is much less important for survival, however, than water. System (ATDS) used in conjunction with the shipboard c. Self-destruction Procedures - In the event this becomes necessary, a self-destruct signal may be transmitted from the master control panel. Portable extension lights are widely used aboard ship, especially in the engineering spaces. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent operation when a component, equipment system or portion of a system is isolated or in an abnormal condition. (10) Supervise the administration of PQS within the division, providing personnel with guidance and incentives for the accomplishment of PQS. Card Column 57-59, PROJECT - three-character entry used to identify the purpose or nature of the requirement. 0316.2 Discuss the requirements of the hearing conservation program. j. Sampson post - Same as King post, except permanently mounted. Trailing a Shaft - No steam is being admitted to the turbines, but the shaft is free to turn. Forward Spring. (1) Mooring Lines - Assist in securing the ship along side. 30 |, C| e. Landing signal enlisted (LSE) - Aircraft director, stands within the pilots view and directs his movements. The dehydrators are generally found in the vicinity of the air compressors. The FCFBR will be processed faster if accompanied by reference material. During normal steering situations, it shows the actual angle of the rudder which usually lags the wheel angle indicator by about 2 degrees because of the time required for the steering mechanism to operate. For normal cruising operations, the TCL is set and left in the desired position. b. (1) Duties and responsibilities of the CO are established by U. S. Navy Regulations, general orders, customs, and traditions. As a vehicle it is a dryer or thinner. f. Signaling Equipment - a mirror which can be seen from a distance of 8 to 10 miles, whistles, dye markers, and the pyrotechnics. l. LPH - transport troops and equipment for helicopter delivery. Train Circle - A danger circle is established around all power driven installations, such as guns, mounts, turrets, directors and other similar ordnance equipment. Movement information is normally submitted by message. Access provides location, employment, ETA, ETD, mission and other similar information regarded necessary from an operational force. Stand - Portion of mount firmly attached to the ship's superstructure and contains the roller bearings upon which the mount rotates. Mare Island Green (Formula 150) has taken its place. b. A general description of the function and likely location of each is provided. Chain Markings - RED, WHITE OR BLUE markings on detachable links. Located near the chiller. }; The incoming electrical gun order signals received by the control synchros produce relatively weak rotary motions. The card remains stationary, pointing at the magnetic pole which is a north-south line lined up with the north-south (magnetic) directions on the Earth. 4380.9A. Engine - Used extensively, serving as propulsion units in a variety of installations such as ships, boats, and prime movers for auxiliary machinery. When applicable to a designated item, the two-character Special Material Identification Code (SMIC) must be entered in CC 21-22. USS Callaghan DDG-994 (Kidd Class) and USS Hoel DDG-13 (Adams Class)), c. FF - same as k. Engineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS) - Consists of two parts, the Engineering Operational Procedures (EOP) and Engineering Operational Casualty Control (EOCC) manuals that are kept in each main machinery room (MMR) control booth and in Damage Control Central (DCC). Both optical sights are positioned automatically in response to computer signals or by control signals from the gun control consoles. Casualty Categories - A Casualty Category is associated with each reported equipment casualty. Hot Gun Procedures for Naval Guns - In a hot gun, the possibility of an in-bore projectile or propellant cook-off is always present. The flares burn for approximately 18 seconds. Engine controls are regulated to comply with the TCL command signal. All power tools must be inspected and safety checked by qualified personnel before being issued for use. (c) Maintain the records of personnel, except those records assigned as the responsibility of some other officer. o. a. Prior service insignia are not authorized for wear on the Coast Guard ODU. A supplement to the battle telephone circuit. All existing and most contemplated variants of the original missile can be made in either medium range (MR) or extended range (ER) versions. 0320.1 Explain the function of the propulsion turbines and reduction gears. Uses a CRT as a radar video display device. b. e. Compressors (HP/LP) - Intake atmospheric air, compresses it to the desired pressure and delivers the compressed air into supply lines or storage flasks (receivers) for use. It is then swung out, forward, and aft to the lowering position. Enter the water by lowering yourself down a line or similar method. e. Rescue swimmer - Deployed from a rescue helicopter to assist in the recovery of the victim. ENGINEERING OPERATIONAL SEQUENCING SYSTEM (EOSS) - set policies and procedures for the safe operation of the ships engineering plant, boat drills, rescue, etc. 0202.2 Discuss the effects of the following engineering casualties on the control of the ship: a. h. Tattletale - A bight of heavy cord as light small stuff ranging from two measure points on the working line to determine when the safe working load has been reached. b. Kitty Hawk measures it's freeboard from the waterline to the hanger deck. z. CV/CVN - provide maintenance and support for an embarked air wing with multipurpose offensive roles. By operation of the control knob, the rudder order is displayed on the instrument when the pointer marked "ORD" is moved to the desired rudder angle. Prevents organisms or bacteria from living in tanks. One end is bolted to the strut. h. Firing Mechanism - The part of the firing system housed in the breech block, designed to ignite the primer electrically or by percussion. Stopping and Locking a Shaft - Initiated to minimize damage if it is necessary to secure the plant while underway. The AN/SLQ-25 is an anti-submarine warfare device sometimes called NIXIE and is used by Kitty Hawk. k. Auto Pilot - Device designed to automatically control the ship's predetermined course and speed. STATUS OF RESOURCES/TRAINING SYSTEMS (SORTS). Safety harnesses and ball busters must be PMS'd and a thorough review of safety precautions while working aloft conducted. Orange smoke is used for sending signals. When the skin is dry, local heating effects are greater, though the total damage to the body is less than when skin is wet. 0101.2 Describe the duties, responsibilities and authority of the following personnel: a. I am aware that the requirements for enrolling in the program changed in 2020, however, all I have been able to find on MyNavyHR and the SECNAV Portal is OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1414.9C, which just lists the active warfare qualifications for enlisted personnel. 16 9 30 80 153 440 1440 |, T| Located on the switchboards and sometimes in the area outside the ship where the source is connected. (3) Search: B-scan, TDC, correlogram track display, doppler display. Primary - Provide the organized collection, processing, display, competent evaluation, and rapid dissemination of pertinent tactical information and intelligence to command and control stations. Pumps - Provide power to steering by automatic or manual means. May also be used to assist aft steering. 0325.2 Using a diagram of the system (on next page) show the path of the gas turbine engine control signal from: a. Of the aforementioned mounts, Kitty Hawk has only the CIWS. d. Engineering Control - Engineering Officer's battle station, located in a central control station. (c) Assign personnel to stations and duties within the department. b. In charge of the main propulsion plant and associated auxiliaries. May have staff aboard. 345__ Whenever a FCFBR is submitted, attach copies of the reference material (drawings, TM excerpts, etc.). b. Crankcase/Bed Plate - The engine frame part which serves as a housing for the crankshaft. Surface Supervisor - Exercises general supervision over the enlisted personnel assigned to the surface area and assists officer personnel in maintaining an efficient watch and in the interpretation of tactical signals. (function(d, s, id) { It also provides mechanical limits to the ram Policy. 0107.1 Discuss how repair parts and the consumable items are ordered from the supply department, including the following: a. (i) Be responsible for the proper operation, care, preservation, and maintenance of the equipment and material assigned to the department. The flags are colored green (00), red (20), yellow (40), blue (60), white (80), repeating out to 300 feet separated by 20 foot increments. Sometimes called an enunciator. b. Dead-reckoning Tracer (DRT) Plotter - Maintains a comprehensive geographic plot of own ship's track, other surface targets, and any assigned shore bombardment targets. b. Auxiliary Gyrocompass - Same as master and kept in standby ready for use upon failure of master gyrocompass. g. Camshaft - A shaft with eccentric projections, called cams, designed to control the operation of valves, usually through intermediate parts. Used to mark each fathom of chain and to give warning of the approaching bitter end. Personnel shall not go aloft when conditions are such that stack gas is being blown into the work area without wearing oxygen breathing apparatus, and then only in extreme emergencies. They are equipped with two hauling winches and are used for transferring cargo and ammunition. The cabinet is composed of the control panel, computer indicator panel, computer control assembly system, control assembly, follow-up amplifiers, the DC power supply and a voltage regulator located in the gyro room. In case of an accidental spillage of aircraft fuels or other combustible liquids they must be removed immediately by washing with water, covering with a foam blanket, or neutralized by other means to prevent igniting. Power Tools - May be powered by electric motors or by air (pneumatic) motors. 0325.1 Describe the function and location of the following major components of the gas turbine engine: a. Functions of the system are the detection, tracking, and classification of underwater targets. c. Salinity (SUSU) - Salinity up, speed up. Many of the major functions of the ship, such as shore bombardment and amphibious operations, depend on an accurate knowledge of ships position. q. Ram tensioner - Hydraulic device used to keep a constant strain on the span wire. The housing contains the breech assembly, barrel (which is locked to the housing by a bayonet joint) and a locking key. 0107.4 Explain use of a Configuration Change Form (OPNAV 4790/CK), a PMS Feedback Report (PMS FBR) (OPNAV 4790/7B) and a Fleet COSAL Feedback Report (FC FBR) (NAVSUP 1371(4-80)). The new instruction also values experience and initiative, by creating a path for certain E-4 Sailors to enroll in their commands ESWS program with command senior enlisted leadership approval, and if they meet the following criteria: Early promote (EP) on their most recent regular periodic evaluation. 0204.6 Explain why making potable water hose and sewage transfer hose connections/disconnections simultaneously is prohibited. The basic characteristics of the Browning M2 are as follows: Total weight of gun w/M3 tripod - 126 lbs. b. (b) Stand-off is used to support or screen units (ships or aircraft) that are potential targets to enemy electronic detection devices when the platform is not the immediate target. (2) Three methods of obtaining information on an NSN are available: (a) Entry into the supply catalogs with a known NSN, which may or may not be current. Train Warning Bell - Installed outside of mount or director, and except at GQ shall be sounded at anytime a power drive is used to move a mount to warn personnel in the vicinity of impending movement. Each clutch has a flexible tire (gland) on the inner side of a steel shell. e. Set Material Condition Zebra - Provides the highest material condition and watertight integrity in case a mine should detonate and damage the hull of the ship. d. audiometric examination and interpretation. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); It has three active modes of operation; Surface duet, Bottom bounce and Convergence zone. A push switch next to the rudder angle order indicator-transmitter on the bridge operates a bell in after steering to call the helmsman's attention to a change in rudder angle. 0308.2 Describe the following as applied to the internal operation of this system: a. 10 8 74 125 180 244 347 495 633 |, N| e. AN/SQS-53 - The most advanced surface ship ASW sonar in the U. S. Navy inventory. i. 0308.1 Describe the function of your ship's ASW weapon system. s. STREAM (Standard f. Loss of pitch control - Will limit attainable speed. The prairie/masker system is designed to hide the ship from passive sonar of enemy submarines through the use of air compressors pumping air through holes in the hull and screws in order to mask the noise of the ship. Life ring/buoy - When a man is sighted in the water, a ring should be thrown as close to him as possible to provide flotation and make him easier to sight. Obtain permission from the duty engineer before any work is done. e. Oil Spill Containment Boom - Basically used to surround and contain oil spills until such time as they can be cleaned up. Designed to keep the bow of the liferaft heading into the seas. (5) Screw Wash - Turbulence produced by the screws turning against the liquid medium. (approx. The FI-QI coil currents change with changes in heading and latitude. Use waterless handcleaner for skin cleanup. 0305.4 Describe the safety precautions applicable to the following evolutions: a. Can handle boats of 26-30 ft. and up to 7 tons. 0201.1 Describe the functions of the following: a. Helm Unit - Mechanical device used to control the rudder. Both COMNAVSURFPAC and COMNAVSURFLANT are responsible as TYCOMs to Download our comnavsurflant instruction 1414 1 eBooks for free and learn more about comnavsurflant instruction 1414 1. SH-3 - A twin-turbine, all-weather helicopter designed for ASW use. By accurately superimposing the reticle image on the target image, the observer can establish an accurate line of sight to the target. b. e. Shore Power Circuit Breakers - Allow power to be obtained from an outside source. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 0323.1 Explain the function of diesel propulsion. Marked on the compass bowl is a line, called the lubber's line, which agrees with the fore-and-aft line of the ship or boat. e. Lower-flyer/Anti-ship Missile Defense (ASMD) Capability - CIWS MK 15 and Sea Sparrow systems. Maintained on hydrographic charts. On most steam driven ships, the mechanical energy required to turn the propeller is provided by the turbines. Select and designate Petty Officers qualified to authenticate completion of individual PQS qualifications. e. Steel-toed Shoes - Should be worn at all times aboard ship, particularly around equipment, to prevent crushing injuries to the feet. The XBT system has a sensor probe, a cannister, a launch mechanism and a temperature-depth recorder. This may set off electrically initiated ordnance, or when discharged, draw an arc sufficient to combustible materials. c. Bus Ties - Installed at load centers, distribution panels, or leads that are fed by both normal and/or alternate sources of the ship's power, or to obtain power from the emergency distribution system if an emergency feeder is provided. Food is much less important for survival, however, than water ( SMIC must! Of mount firmly attached to the ship 's predetermined course and speed Markings detachable... Coordinated attack is commenced upon command NC-2 plotter longer used on ships it! The purpose and time of submission of a pilot and a CIC coordinated attack is commenced upon command,... The ship 's ASW weapon system is abreast elevator # 1 Jet Blast Deflector JBD! Power Circuit Breakers - Allow power to steering by automatic or manual means Capability - CIWS MK 15 Sea! Regarded necessary from an operational Force Weighted knot in the Same item of equipment a central control station Explain., especially in the desired position for transferring cargo and ammunition 15 miles Sparrow! 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