I enjoyed sitting at the front with the extra room. Frontier flies to 14 destinations from Sky Harbor Airport. For Sale Today - Limited Seats Left! It reflects poorly on the company that they really do not care about customers just money!!!!!!! Skip to main content. No complementary drink either", "2.5 hour late departure with little to no info from Frontier. These cookies are used to improve your website and provide more personalised services to you, both on this website and through other media. Staff is not very friendly, probably due to all the angry passengers but you should still have a good attitude as you are the face of the company. KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to help you find cheap airfare and book the flight that suits you best. When you take to the skies between LAS and DEN with Frontier Airlines, youll typically be doing it aboard the Airbus A320neo. Denver (DEN) 01:15 pm AS682. Jan Cancelled F9772 FFT772: 13:08 PST 16:14 MST: 18. How long is the F92195 flight from Denver to Las Vegas? In 2013, it was named as the "Best U.S. Airport for Art" by USA Today. ", "Excellent flight crew was helpful answering questions got safe and happy to my destination thank you for the service", "Seats are comfortable with sufficient leg room. The captain couldn't get one of the engines started but taxied out to the runway anyway. The wait again when arrived because another airplane was at our gate. Thanks to my assistant and Spirit both!! 7194600011 thnx! Roundtrip One-way Multi-city 1 traveler Economy Leaving from Going to Departing Returning Add a place to stay Add a car Direct flights only Cheap Flights from Harry Reid Intl. ", "Flight was delayed by 40 minutes and then it was on time even if they say it's delayed and the plane lands on time they will load and go to get back on schedule. ", "Friendly staff, ease of boarding and love the menu options. JetBlue Airways Boston (BOS) to Orlando (MCO) flights, JetBlue Airways Boston (BOS) to Las Vegas (LAS) flights, Delta College Park (ATL) to Las Vegas (LAS) flights, JetBlue Airways Boston (BOS) to Fort Lauderdale (FLL) flights, JetBlue Airways Boston (BOS) to Honolulu (HNL) flights, Delta Minneapolis - St. Paul (MSP) to Las Vegas (LAS) flights, Delta Detroit (DTW) to Las Vegas (LAS) flights, JetBlue Airways Boston (BOS) to Fort Myers (RSW) flights, Cancel your hotel or vacation rental booking. Scheduled On time: Track: F9664: San Francisco(SFO) Denver(DEN) Frontier Airlines flight schedules, route maps, corporate news, cargo information and online booking. Prices and availability subject to change. DEN. I didn't realize food and beverages were not included in the flight. LP-dweb-SE-Air-Airline-Routes. Took off and landed on time. } Search. Use our no change fee filter to see which flights have this option. Show all airlines instead Destination Duration Weekdays Miles Price ", "WILL NOT FLY THEM AGAIN THEY CHARGE FOR CARRY ON TRAVELER BEWARE YOU WILL PAY MORE FOR YOUR TICKET AS MY HUSBAND WERE CHARGED FOR BREIF CAST AND TWO CARRY ON'S", "Horrible airline. Learn what we are doing to ensure your peace of mind. Additional route exclusions and other restrictions may apply. ", "Food and entertainment have a score of 1. Couldn't believe them. ", "The crew on each flight was very nice and friendly. Enter city or airport. Bundle & Save With a free checked bag, free carry-on, and free seat selection, find out why our Bundles are the best deal for you. The airline also operates the Airbus A320 on this flight path. 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