At one point, Daniel snaps that he's sorry that Luciana is all alone in the world, but she is not his daughter. The wires start to snap so Morgan instructs everyone to cross the bridge without the cars. Daniel and the rest of the caravan survivors rest along the outskirts of Humbug's Gulch as Morgan contacts with Virginia for help. Madison says Ofelia saved Alicia's life, and Daniel asks where Alicia is. He sees something in the distance and rushes to it, only to find Strand emerging from the sewers. Strand's group and Sherry's group start to leave Valley Town. Daniel tells Grace that Valley Town isn't safe. It's October 12 according to a calendar. At night, Daniel and the rest of the group reunite in their camp to dine together. As they reach the island Daniel with his M9 beretta in hand tells everyone to remain in eye length with one an another. He is the husband of Griselda and the father of Ofelia. Daniel has several flashbacks of searching with Strand, but he remembers that while Ofelia was sick, Strand never reunited them and they never found her because Strand kept lying to him. He hands her Skidmark and says they can have everything in his warehouse except for a cigar, which is for when things get better. Female She describes the last location that Virginia sent scouts to look for the enemy. Daniel wants Nick to admit it so he can "get justice for his dead daughter." After Adams shoots Ofelia, however, it can be assumed that Daniel detests him and was not opposed to Travis's assault of him. I don't know how but I got out." Lola offers Madison a seat while the men in the room remain standing. Angered, Vida threatens to shoot Madison. Although reluctant, Daniel agrees to the change in plan. He owns and operates a barber shop. Daniel talks with Adams about the war in the 80s and what he did to keep both himself and Griselda alive. "People don't change. Daniel wants to repay Efran for saving his life. He says hes going to the warehouse, but Strand offers to take Daniel in at Lawton and keep an eye on him. Daniel senses Nick is lying and locks the door to the room. When Ofelia resists and tries to calm him down, he becomes agitated and more insistent. Lola's crew secures the gate just as the rioters arrive. Daniel grabs the shotgun and kills him. Sometime later, Daniel and the group formed a convoy to travel throughout Texas to help others and invite them to join their community, while establishing additional outposts to recruit the survivors reaching out to them over the radio. "What about the one that haunts you now?" He kneels before her, asking forgiveness, and she extends her hand to help him up. and believes he is dead. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the dam. She tells him that Alicia went off on her own. They show him a map where he had clearly marked the caverns. When searching for supplies in the crash site of Flight 462, he shows Daniel what to grab in order to treat Ofelia's gunshot wound, which he appreciates. As of Ofelia's death, Daniel is the last surviving member of. Daniel tells his interrogator that he needed to find the weapons. Daniel covers him with a blanket and leaves on the rainy night. She tells Daniel their conversation and he says she only saw the real man for a moment. "She's alive, Daniel," Madison tells him. Daniel leads the caravan of survivors around to find Logan. Daniel runs outside with Ofelia. Daniel hears the gunshot that killed Liza as he sits with a sleeping Ofelia. After receiving an answer from him, she waves on the rest of the caravan to keep moving before returning to her assigned vehicle. They're skeptical, but he makes the case they won't be able to help anyone without it and suggests they should find it first before his former crew. People are heard chanting at the dam as they approach. This list shows the victims that Lola has killed: Lola's relationship with Daniel seems to be an almost father/daughter relationship. She also tells them not to ask the pilot any questions, but assures them that she's there to help. Daniel is a highly intelligent, caring, cautious, and formidable man who is a strong, determined survivor. Daniel is confident the group will survive just fine and that Strand's interference will only make the situation worse for them based on their past history with each other. Dante notices the commotion and grills Daniel about his background. A diverse group of people come together as they realize that a reported virus is actually the start of the zombie apocalypse chronicled in The Walking Dead . Dwight asks Daniel how far away they are, but Daniel isn't sure, he just knows that Strand and Alicia are turning the light off as they speak. The following day, still suspicious of Strand, he begins searching the captains room of the boat, eventually finding a sealed compartment. Daniel doubts Strand's story, causing Strand to lash out, and tells Daniel to kill him now if he wants to. Rollie claims they found the location of the bunker where the cult is holding Alicia, so the group can take shelter there. Daniel attacks and kills him and escapes. Daniel joins Morgan, Sarah and Jacob as they look for Grace in the woods. But then I found my true calling," replies Efran, shaking his flask of alcohol. After mutinying against Strand, Wes orders the Ranger guarding him to kill Daniel. "She's waiting for you," Strand lies. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! When a life raft of survivors is spotted at sea, he takes his double barreled shotgun and keeps it at the ready as a safety precaution, he remains quiet on whether to bring the survivors onto the boat. She concludes that his problem is psychological, not neurological, and says it's treatable. He adds a few more to the list when he . Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. "Daniel is still very much suffering from the memory loss that he's been experiencing due to the post-traumatic stress of everything that's gone on with him in the . Following a near death experience, Daniel becomes Lola Guerrero's chief security officer at the Gonzalez Dam. Alicia and Christopher are there, but their car was taken away by a few soldiers in the meantime. He is seen helping Travis and Madison on board alongside Chris with Liza's corpse. Daniel is carrying guilt of killing 96 people to be specific. Deeply saddened by the death of her close friend, she is instilled with a desire for revenge. In addition, he discloses information about the civil war in the 80s and what he had to do to survive to him. She realizes the entrance in unprotected. 2023 is a big year for The Walking Dead universe, as AMC has revealed that two new shows will premiere this year, in addition to the conclusion of Fear the . Daniel guesses Strand had an accomplice. Just as he is about to say the bad news, he falls asleep. Reed and Travis return from the engine room and as Vida punches Madison. Reed tells Daniel that his brother, Connor, has a dozen men and five boats and will come looking for him. After Ofelia sees what he does to him, she leaves the house crying, and he tells Madison that she will be unable to understand why he had to torture him. Show Details: Start date: Aug 2015. When Daniel questions Madison on her whereabouts, she tells him that she left, having had enough of everything going on, to which Daniel states he doesn't blame her. An explosion goes off in Valley Town. Daniel and Nick don't interact much after they first meet, but they have a stable relationship. Shortly thereafter, the group returns to the parking space where they left the three cars. "I don't know what you're thinking but I'm sure that serpent brain of yours is coiling around an idea," Daniel says. Nick informs Daniel that Ofelia needs Amoxicillin, Oxycodone, or something similar. He infers that Daniel is a "sombra negra" and was in the fearsome El Salvadoran military. Daniel's past as a secret agent of the Salvadoran Junta and CIA has revealed him to be a highly trained killer, having directly killed over 100 people himself (with many more killed indirectly). However, Wes threatens to kill Alicia if he does and Daniel is forced to watch as Alicia tries and fails to talk Wes down before Strand kills Wes with his sword, convinced that Wes wasn't going to stand down. Daniel quickly realizes that Chris is missing and goes to search for him inland. Daniel continues to interrogate Nick, who is covering for Troy. As a result, Daniel doesn't grab the wrong drugs and Nick is able to find Ofelia needs for him. Rollie catches her snooping around. Daniel finds Dante interrogating Efran. After Daniel has had some time to heal, he helps Efran scavenge for goods. Lola nevertheless lashes out at him for betraying Efran. She leaves him in an underground room while she goes to find Efran, while he falls asleep. Daniel and Alicia are not shown interacting much, but it can be assumed that they have a stable relationship. Dante questions who is helping Efran. in "Divine Providence", Strand at first attempts to manipulate Daniel and then, when that fails, to genuinely help him. Daniel marches toward her asking where Ofelia is. Daniel insists that he will go with Griselda, to which Bethany readily agrees. The crowd disperses when an Infected herd approaches. Dante obliges, but implores Daniel to stay here, promising to take care of him. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the Gonzalez Dam. Moments later, Daniel invites them inside. Lola is shot in the back and in the head by Proctor John. Daniel tells her they have her at their camp and he believes their word. He agrees to take the others as well. The good news: Daniel Salazar . However, after Daniel realizes that Rollie is a traitor, he asks Luciana for her gun and she gives it to him after a moment of hesitation, allowing Daniel to kill Rollie for his betrayal. Ofelia's most notorious trait is . Daniel refuses to help anyone until he sees Ofelia and demands to know where she is. Daniel reaches Nick. Daniel worries that the area is too hostile, but Lola argues that giving the residents water will help avoid further resentment. Madison realizes that theyre done and walks away. He infers that Daniel is a "sombra negra" and was in the fearsome El Salvadoran military. Later, Daniel tells Grace he got those records for Charlie, who helped him get out of his state. Daniel rules she is the leader of Gonzalez Dam and is the new "Dante". At Strand's house, Daniel is instructed by Liza to change Ofelia's bandages regularly and told that the wound is clotting. Madison asks him to bring her group. Daniel finds Ofelia and hugs her fiercely. Daniel steals his gun and shoots him, quickly tossing him over the edge. Daniel cuts Efran's hair and admits that he's killed many people in his life. By the end of the first season, it appears as if Madison and Daniel have developed a sense of trust between each other. "Take the gun, Daniel," says a voice, but the room is empty. Daniel locks Strand in a cell and demands to know where the other weapons are. Her father is dead. As the group prepares to leave, Rollie comments that they will get out of this yet, "like a phoenix." While on patrol, Daniel is armed and watching the door. After Madison escapes the Safe Zone for a brief venture out into the Dead Zone, she openly confides in Daniel what she saw. Grace then reveals she wishes she could help Morgan more but Daniel assures her she already has. Season 8 of Fear the Walking Dead will begin filming in . After Adams relays his story about the civilians in the arena to Travis, Daniel goes to the arena to validate his story. Daniel ultimately accepts Strand's offer. She needs him and is worried his hope will only lead to heartbreak. Efran insists this is not what is weighing on him. Virginia explained that Daniel was putting up a fight over wanting his cat and Charlie and he was punished. She is infuriated. Hearing this, Daniel suddenly realizes something, and asks Luciana for her gun in Spanish. Daniel tells his interrogator that he was glad to see everyone together. She clarifies this by saying that she understands the new world and her father- and that they are "cruel.". He wakes up to the sound of a gunshot. Brown The Gonzalez Dam has been taken over by less savory forces and Lola now finds herself caught between her allegiance to the people and her need to defend the reservoir. Together, Strand and Alicia manage to snap Daniel out of his fugue state and back into reality. In a voiceover, Daniel explains that each weapon was logged and locked away, and that only he and Morgan had keys. Daniel and a group break open the fence and use the horses to lead the massive herd to ambush Virginia and take their supplies while the rest moves into the gulch. Together they sing the chorus of "End of the Line". Ofelia may be gone, but it's not as if Daniel has nothing left. This is the last time Daniel is seen for the rest of the second season. Alicia goes downstairs and recognizes one of the men's voices as Jack from the radio she was talking to. Daniel finds Celia praying near a monument with the same symbol on it as Luis' pendant. He successfully picks the lock and discovers a hidden compartment. Efran and Daniel eat dinner at Efran's hideout. In the same episode, Lola picks up a Beretta 8000 . Daniel kills another Ranger, but Alicia nearly collapses from her illness and Strand insists upon getting her to the infirmary for treatment rather than continuing up. He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him. He has raised an American daughter. At first Daniel and Victor have a more or less good relationship with Daniel being grateful for Victor saving the group and bringing them to his yacht, the Abigail. A truck pulls up and rescues them from the angry mob. He gets upset because the last time these things happened, he set a house on fire. They wait outside as Daniel speaks to Lola. Daniel is knocked back, unconscious. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Later, Virginia orders Hill over the radio to surrender and bring Grace and Daniel back to Lawton. Later on the Abigail, Daniel remains silent, as a sign of respect at Liza's funeral. Dakota runs up and says she recalls Virginia saying that the enemy went underground. Daniel rushes Lola to the truck as the crowd turns on them and attacks. Strand and Alicia implore Daniel to be the man that he wanted Ofelia to see and Daniel has several flashbacks of Ofelia, including embracing Ofelia after her death. Sarah estimates it will take at least one day for June to arrive and says they need a fetal monitor. This is probably because Liza was always a great help to his family in terms of medical care. Just then, the group sees a helicopter landing, and rush over to meet it, although Wes stays behind to spray-paint a message. The next day, Daniel secretly sharpens a razor blade and pockets it, and he urges Strand not to bury Thomas in such an unholy place. He then questions Dante's methods. Wes is a major character in the sixth season, after appearing as a recurring character in the fifth season. Daniel and Strand arrive at the hotel only to find the entrance abandoned. Daniel slowly rises up with a bullet hole in his cheek, spitting blood and teeth from his mouth. She asks about Ofelia. "You're dying," the man tells him in Spanish. In Season 6 and Season 7, Daniel becomes convinced that Ofelia is still alive due to his guilt over her loss affecting his mental state. Lola insists the people will eventually appreciate what she is doing, but Daniel fears he lacks the guns to protect her from those who are disgruntled. For other pages with the same name, see: Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. She's caught in a vice -- until a ghost arrives to rescue the saint. Later, Daniel and the group camp as Dwight kills a walker from one of the original western towns and John suggests that could be the settlement they've been searching for. Strand and Charlie then arrive in a truck with the plane in the back. Daniel hoped that he, his wife, and daughter would be separated from Travis and his family after they escape Downtown, but when Travis saves an injured Griselda, Daniel decides to go to Travis's household until Griselda can heal. Al tells the group that she would have come herself, but they're low on fuel. He hears Griselda's voice. Finally arriving at the coordinates, Daniel and the rest of the group exit the SWAT van, but find no one there. While fending off Walkers, Daniel falls into the sewers leading to the Gonzalez Dam, where he is spared death by Lola Guerrero, one of Dante's workers. Three weeks after the Abigail farm was abandoned, while Strand sits in a cell imprisoned by Dante Esquivel, someone brings him a canteen of water. Madison pleads with her, for her children, but Lola doesn't buy in. During their stay, Daniel is shown to think of Travis as weak and soft. Daniel later reveals that his anger is not because he was shot in the face, but because Victor deceived him about Ofelia, preventing Daniel from finding her until it was too late and thus missing his chance to tell Ofelia what he wanted to say. Daniel takes Madison's group to Lola's office. Daniel has released some two thousand undead, forcing the soldiers into defense and creating a distraction for his party. He putsOfelia's rosary in Lola's hand and strides forward. Sometime later, an armed force led by the Municipal President Dante Esquivel took over the dam, and Lola obeyed to his command unwillingly. After getting to the truck, they head to a nearby hospital but find that it is overrun with the infected, with the National Guard shooting the infected patients coming out of the hospital. Daniel Salazar is a fictional character in the television series Fear the Walking Dead, portrayed by Panamanian actor Rubn Blades. Lola insists, there is nothing left to discuss. Daniel and Pablito drag dead Infected out of a sewer. Daniel asks Efran whether he used to be a priest. Later that night, Lola talks with Daniel. Daniel finds Lola trying to fix the levers. Daniel is angry and skeptical that the water will come, but at exactly 5 PM, water begins to flow. The group checks Grace with the fetal monitor. Daniel's ( Rubn Blades) memory loss is guiding him to believe his daughter, Ofelia (Mercedes Mason), is still alive and because he'll do anything to find her, that's a real liability . After watching Travis drag Peter's body out, he suggests burning it but Travis declines, and immediately Daniel knows it is because Peter was a good friend of Travis. . [Warning: This story contains spoilers from Sunday's episode of Fear the Walking Dead, "VIP."]. He talks to Griselda and reflects on all of the people hes killed. "Jack?" I want to believe this, but my mind is not clear. In "Things Left to Do," Strand is ordered to kill Daniel, but he turns on Virginia instead. Lola refuses to make a deal and orders Madison to leave the next morning. After meeting Dante and hearing his accent, Dante realizes that Daniel is from El Salvador. "I've been many things. As he prepares to swing a hammer at Efrain, Lola runs over and stops him, outing herself as Efran's accomplice. Charlie asks if she can come along but he says her friends need her more. In the woods, Strand tells Daniel they should consider joining Virginia, but Daniel reminds him she's not giving them a choice and that's all they need to know. She became the Chief Water Utility Officer of the local Gonzalez Dam in her adulthood, and was responsible for treating and distributing the water.[1]. After heading inside Travis' house, they are attacked by an undead Peter Dawson. After the war, he moved to Los Angeles with his wife where he owns and operates a barber shop. Daniel yells out for water. Back at his warehouse, he puts away the rations, tears off a day from his calendar, and cooks dinner with Skidmark. He thanked her for her help. Starting out in Los Angeles in season 1 and then quickly moving to Mexico in season 2, Fear the Walking Dead 's core group has been on quite the journey over the years. As she gets up, she sees Strand in one of the security cameras and runs off. When she makes it to her office atop the dam, she finds Efran's bloody corpse behind her desk. Inside the infected-filled wine cellar, Daniel pours gasoline lights it on fire. Later, as Wes prepares to execute a captured Strand and Alicia, Daniel suddenly appears and kills Wes' two guards. Daniel Salazar is back in Fear The Walking Dead, as season 7's "Ofelia" picks up a tragedy-tinged storyline that had awaited resolution far too long.As a former CIA-trained operative in El Salvador, Daniel Salazar (played by the aptly-named Rubn Blades) went from cutting throats to cutting hair, and joined Fear The Walking Dead after the Clark family took refuge in his salon. As Strand gathers medicine, Daniel notices a list of the Tower residents which doesn't have Ofelia's name on it. "Nothing breaks me, Lola," he tells her. She then spots a guitar and suggests they teach Charlie with it. However, Luciana soon after manipulates him, telling Daniel that Ofelia is in Strand's Tower because they need his help to take down Strand even though Daniel warns her that it could break him for good if she's wrong. Daniel finally gets the urgency of the situation across and as everyone moves inside, he orders June to see to Charlie first before patching him up. They finally find her. Strand confronts Daniel, who tells him he won't shoot him after all, apparently forgiving Strand or at least accepting that he really has changed. Walkers begin showing up outside Valley Town's walls, drawn by the sound of the explosion. As Daniel moves inland, he spots a survivor from the plane, Alex, she quickly runs to him informing him to run quickly. Just then, Rollie and Wes rush to the scene, having captured Riley. Daniel is shocked that Strand would do such a thing given their history, but Strand tells Daniel that he's doing it for Ofelia. She looks at Daniel, shocked, while he leaves with Dante. Daniel survives, but gives a hateful look to Victor before he leaves. In a flashback, residents of Valley Town work in harmony to build the community. Daniel later finds a hidden map of the Mexican border to which he announces the destination to the rest of the group with Victor menacingly staring at him. And Morgan had keys him and is the new `` Dante '', so group. 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