I have kept it for my husband, who loves sports. So depressing! I DVR a lot of what I watch. Hell, just a few years ago FX ran LOTR Two Towers, a special 2 night airing: 2 nights in a row, 4hrs each night, EIGHT HOURS to air a 3hr movie. For if there were only people like me than there would only be graphs that would consist of words like very little, not many, many, a whole lot, mega amount, etc. I would love to cut cable entirely and watch over the air but because of where I live, even with best antenna, I cannot get a signal. Sick. When i watch it i skip the commercials . ABC News, anchored by Peter Jennings, regularly presented viewers with both news briefs and in-depth coverage of top events, ranging from human intere. All tv outlets are doing this now, Logo airs Fresh Prince in 45min blocks. Join. Kick your cable TV to the curb. Maybe we are all that old and broken down! But truth be told, customer satisfaction is no longer a meaningful factor. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. Fox used to be on our main satellite provider but pulled out of it as ratings were very low it seems we do have standards here , I used to watch occasionally it was good for a laugh, and probably for raising your blood pressure. Its been WAY out of control for far too long. So freaking stupid. Using the autopsy feature on anything is a sure way to leave the door open to your loss. So I guess we all agree Commercials Suck? CNN has gone totally political now, with the anchors boasting their ideas-not the publics. 80 million people in the path of strong winds, heavy snow, and a tornado threat. This is the latest report in Pew Research Centers ongoing investigation of the state of news, information and journalism in the digital age, a research program funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, with generous support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Last Sunday we tried to watch the ABC Sunday night Movie. I actually watched a Friends episode specifically for the purpose of timing the commercials. 4. Thats not good enough. if the public hated the show, the sponsor was screwed. It is amazing how many drug commercials are on TV says something about our health and our health care system. At least they didnt have any ads for incontinence pads or stair lifts! Youre right, Id rather not see those commercials! When respectable visit your local tattooist. (Because no one would watch it of their own choice proving were not interested in them)! Tell u folks Im a happy camper at 85!! At 6:49 PM the program went to commercial. So, sponsors became alternate week sponsors and now participating sponsor (an ad here an ad there). I cannot tolerate one 5 second news story then 6-7 commercials; especially in the last half of a 28 minute news program. Netflix and streaming services are a good option. When I was a kiddo news-junkie in the 60s, networks did not saturate their news programs with commercials. NO MORE. Pew Research Center is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts, its primary funder. with no gadgets. Never will you hear of someone getting something extra from a service but I can find millions of overcharges made using that billing! It is currently the most watched network newscast in the United States, with an average of 2 million more . Candid, open and at times angry, the former presidential candidate talks about what went wrong and her fears for the . and no way to delete it. Tonight I timed the last 15 minutes of the ABC nightly news. I truly believe that Yellowstone episodes have the least amount of actual programming. Morning Joe is the worse. And at ABC World News Tonight, it's been 81 minutes for Trump and. No telling how long the news will actually last. our dose of corporate vomit (adverts) has been slashed significantly. Is your bathroom closer to the TV? Its outrageous! Read all Creator Roone Arledge Stars Diane Sawyer David Muir You would think that with age comes wisdom and the fact that these people post here is a good tool for companies to get a feel of who they are dealing with and can make adjustments at different levels in an effort to keep these customers no matter what it takes. We go to the least expensive product that has the safest ingredients. Bless you and your formula for resisting consumer propaganda. The Liberty Insurance ads are on at least 200 times a day. Commercial creep was a factor in my decision to dump cable altogether in favor of ad-free streaming services. The abandoned animals pitch is very suspect since animal adoptions during the pandemic are at an all-time high. If YOU REALLY WANT IT TO STOP THEN READ THIS, UNITE, ORGANIZE AND PLAN TO BOYCOTT YOUR LOCAL CABLE PROVIDER THIS JULY 1ST (WHICH IS A THURSDAY AND A BUSINESS DAY JUST BEFORE INDEPENDENCE DAY OF 2017!). Early on 30-minute tv shows were brought to you by one sponsor. To whom should we forward our requests for relief from excessive TV advertising? It was making me psychotic. Its ridiculous that the amount of ads/commercials that continue to explode. Some 1-hour shows averaged over 50 minutes w/o commercials. I too use comm breaks for household tasks. Just finished watching the newest Bates Motel even though i recorded and was skipping commercials I was baffled at how many times i had to hit the 30 second skip. about the animals it claims to saveBig Pharma pushes deadly meds likely to harm or kill those who use them.. CARE, UNICEF, Save The Children, Clinton Foundations all LIE about what they doexecs get 90% or more of every donated dollar for themselves & almost NOTHING goes to the cause itself. I timed a recent episode of Walking Dead with there being a 4 minute commercial break for every 6 minutes of episode, making a total of 24 minutes of commercial in one hour. Start hitting them where it hurts the most, in the pocketbook. May 13, 2014 So if an episode is 24-26 minutes without comercials then air the epispde in its entirety first then take the remaining 4-6 minutes for comercials and repeat. Sure you only had a few premium channels, but the whole idea was to just watch movies. I not only stopped paying for tv because of endless commercials but they all found a new way to rip people off and profiting showing blocks of same shows endlessly repeated day after day. In this article, we'll help you decide which option is best for you. I also get the names of the drugs confused and what exactly each one is for. Write and send your complaints to the FCC. MSNBC has a commercial break every thirty seconds now, and you are right, we are the mindless ones but I cant find an alternative. But I am finished paying for commercials. Power in numbers- organise and pull away from TV. My Doctor friend told me while eating lunch that if a drug was heavily advertised a patient should never, never ever take it. Men must be taught as if you taught them not, And things unknown proposed as things forgot. by Alexander Pope. The series, along with Jeopardy!, had to halt production due to the coronavirus. You know, the ones youre paying for as part of your cable subscription? Judge Judy has 17-18 minutes of commercials in an hour of programming which consists of two 30 minute shows. Jury deliberates on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial; Pfizer asks FDA to authorize COVID-19 antiviral pill; Floods displace hundreds of families in Washington state. my money pay for ?My last Shaw Bill took 21 days to get to my Mail box. The commercial breaks are like every 5 minutes! Fox news is just as bad, as in MSNBC. in a few more years the television industry with pass into history. Advertising is EVERYWHERE, blighting the landscape and the media. When they offer a discount, tell them you do want the discount and you want it to be retroactive and be applied to your service that you have already paid for up to this point. I have RA and it costs 10,000 a month. There are thousands of complaints about the excessive commercials the TV networks are running. Those drug commercials are eye-opening. The sort of funny thing is the people being targeted have no ability to prescribe drugs. The sheer number of commercials is mind numbing. Its the same with the national news media. Her accent is as grating as the commercial breaks. Greed. It was cheaper for CNN to just go back to Martin about every 7 minutes than it was to actually send a news crew out on a story to investigate facts. What will it accomplish? So cable gets paid from us and through commercials, and nobody is getting off cheap! Why dont they take the billions of $$$ blown on frivolous advertising, lower their rates accordingly and maybe save their customers some real money ? having worked in the advertising business for a number of years, I can tell you that your conclusions are on the right track. To pound in more commercials, why else! See ya, I have to take a 20 minute commercial break! Im sure both the ads and the shows such cool stuff would be associated arent nearly as depressing as the news and its commercials. The amount of commercials are ridiculous! Thats the good old american way. Catch up on the developing stories making headlines. I could be interested in watching them but stopped watching. Agreed theres an app and drug for virtually everything. We record everything so we dont have to watch commercials. Plus DVRing all TV shows is the way to do it. My takeaway is that people who watch ABC World News Tonight may not be the healthiest people in the world, but they have do have access to doctors and drugs. over the years its got worse, now Other platforms are simply waiting for their popularity to gain momentum before they make big changes. Ive taken to muting commercials. Thanks, Michael, for adding your insights. they dont spend without knowing the demos and numbers. You have validated many of my own suspicions. I am 69 years old and handicapped, my only entertainment is television..well, I can only hope the greedy corporate heads will have nothing but commercials run thru their heads as they try to sleep plus end up with television as their only source of entertainment because of the same health issues I have. A rush transcript of "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" airing on Sunday . But to see all I wanted, I was forced to go to the Dark Side, A fireTV stick, properly programmed, gets me most everything I could ever want to watch for free, no commercials. I was watching a 1951 episode of the Adventures of Superman..guess how long the actual run time was..28.50 minutes exactly. The news started at 6:30 and was finished at 6:59. Either something almost happened but was averted, or the event amounted to local . One thing that Ive noticed over the last couple of years is that more and more cable networks are offsetting the start times for many shows. Cord. Last year I started to watch football games with the remote nearby or in my hand so I could mute all the commercials. Cable companies are thieves and there is no bigger thief than Comcast. But the length of each episode of the 2006 remaster of Star Trek (the original series) come out at about 48 minutes less commercials, so there were a lot of edits made. I watch up to 4 programs at a time to avoid all the commercials. First half of the show isnt bad but the second half, my God..one report, a commercial, another report, a commercial, another report, a commercial..you see about 5 or 6 commercials in the span of about 10 minutes, its annoying. Fox News among others obviously doesnt care how bad they are pissing off the viewers with outlandish commercial time vs programming! An hour of United States prime-time television loses 8 minutes to commercials. These channels wont keep discriminating audiences for very long at the rate they are going down the road to commercialization. Maybe the liberty guy hopes to get those 2 woman to pull over so he can pork them and cut them up with his unshaven face. And at ABC World News Tonight, it's been 81 minutes for Trump and less the network is pleased as punch to fill their ad space and rake in the revenue, while many other businesses are struggling, they are booming. Zero stories about how insurance companies increasingly refuse to cover things that might actually happen (black mold, hurricanes, etc.). So now LETS ALL SPREAD THE WORD AND SHOW OUR UNITED POWER BY BEGINNING THE BOYCOTT OF CABLE TV THIS COMING THURSDAY OF JULY 1ST TO HELP SHOW THOSE JUST HOW SERIOUS AND DISSATISFIED WE THE PAYING PUBLIC HAVE BECOME AND HOW FIRM WE STAND AND PLAN TO MAKE OURSELVES HEARD ON THIS NEXT UPCOMING INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! my dad told me that there was an FCC regulation on how many commercials could be shown at one time. a good 300 here ,but some not opened I always liked to watch internet movies The frequent interruptions also add to our anger and frustration. Ill copy and save it and try again if it does. It is 4 AM, so I dont feel like researching this, maybe someone else will do the honors. We refuse to pay $100 a month anymore for TV broadcasting full of ads that mostly insult our intellegence. In fact, I used to wait for the end of each season, and buy each one individually, but now wait for the SERIES to conclude, wait for the inevitable Complete Series release, and watch it then. My sense is that many cable news are more than 1/4th consisting of ads. I use to like watching CBS this morning but by the time they finish their 15 minutes of ads I was forgetting what they were going to show next. I remember why cable tv started.. The amount of times I have to see the same car ads have driven me to madness. I dont watch regular television any more, not one damn show. Average audiences for the network TV Sunday morning political talk shows on ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC This Week, Face the Nation, Fox News Sunday and Meet the Press, respectively benefited from the election season, each increasing by about 20% in 2020. To whom should we forward our requests for relief from excessive TV advertising? The drug companies already spend large sums promoting their drugs to docs. Im proud to say that I dont recognise a single advert on TV when I see one played wherever I might be. Thank God for Netflix and channels like HBO because paying to not have to see any commercials is more then worth it. They are just using their collected info to do smarter targeted ads. We the public get it. Even sports broadcasts are unwatchable due to the sheer volume of ads shoved at the viewer. The myth was that you would pay for cable in order to be free from commercial interruption. He then proceeded to gut every other agency that put citizens first and business second. The ABC is set to be hit with a major staff strike after employees voted today for protected industrial action over a dispute concerning low pay from management. within minutes. Boycott everything to do with them Today and go with netflix, streaming, youtube or whatever. Do they think the cable providers care if you are watching? I suppose whomever dies with the most money wins. Yes, I have to agree with you. The most-watched episode in all of television last week was Tuesday evening's World News Tonight, which delivered a total audience of 11.23 million viewers, two to three times the audience of. ABC is leading the evening-news pack, averaging more than 12 million viewers each night for the past five weeks more than double the viewership of the most popular prime-time shows on cable,. BOYCOTT YOUR LOCAL CABLE PROVIDER THIS COMING JULY 1ST. Frankly, Im tired of the Ford, Dodge, Chevy, Nissan, Toyota and Subaru commercials, as well as the Budweiser with its loud obnoxious screaming music. Whether it happens or not depends. That way I can select what to watch,or, delete the programs entirely. As for TV, I enjoyed TCMs commercial-free screenings of classic films, but realized I was overpaying for the amount of time I watched the channel. Now even after paying an ever increasing cable bill , in order to watch anything commercial free you have to pay even more dinero. When an ad came on my wife looked at me to fast forward through the commercial. My biggest gripe now is after all the ads are done and they finally go back to the show, they are pasting ads while Im trying to watch. I need ur help..what bis the standard rate of 2 minutes advertisement on TV and RADIO TNX.. How to really enjoy CNN as a male news junkie. My wife and I occasionally comment on just this topic. Now its mainly Pawn Stars and other such rubbish. You'll have 30+ channels including AMC, A&E, CNN, TBS, ESPN, TNT, and many other channels. Why pay to watch commercials. https://youtu.be/fryBnFSYlLw, thanks for the link; Ive never heard of this condition (fortunately!). I have been keeping track of the commercial minutes and programming minutes on DISH, it averages 5 minutes of commercials and 9 minutes of programming. Popular here during day time quiz shows. Allow me to reply to myself. ALSO, since Im typing in this box and TRYING TO READ what Ive wrote I CANT SEE IT!!! If waiters and waitresses live on 15% tips the so can TV advertisers. I only have Internet. January 25, 2022. I watch General Hospital at 2 PM EST. ABC evening news viewership grew 16% to 7.6 million viewers in 2020, following an 11% increase in 2019. So I checked what was happening by turning the same show on through Comcast online through the computer, and could see the 10-30 seconds of the show that was missing as presented on the On Demand through the cable. There are so many repeats within their 3 to 5 minute commercial that its very annoying. Yep, I cant watch the Golf Channel live any more. How can any cable station, network or advertiser think that this approach will result in more sales? It is getting to the point where we watch a lot less tv about ready to drop cable. The. It is laughable the ridiculous amount of money blown on insurance advertising trying to convince all that their insurance is the least expensive. But maybe they had a good idea by eliminating the commercials. And we can still watch 10 minutes of Good Morning America at 7AM CST, and have the next TWENTY MINUTES of commercials to make our lunches for work. Thanks for PBS and thanks for recordings. All fluff. No cable, and sometimes no over the air television either. m. The real concern for American citizens is the lack of FCC and State Commerce agency oversight . That comes out to be 1 ad every minute of the show. I have a method to this madness, I watch these stations and flip during the commercials: ABC News, CNN News, and HLN News. I believe the 30 minutes of nightly news has more than 10 minutes of ads. and part of that five minutes is giving a preview of whats coming up later in the broadcast. CBS evening news viewership grew 7% to about 5 million viewers in 2020, while NBC viewership rose 8% to 6.5 million. ASPCA LIES. Not to mention that they are now speeding up the regular programming ever so slightly so they can squeeze in another mindless ad. At least they play some music just before the breaks to warn me theyre coming. When Mika says coming up, I rapidly tap the 30 second jump botton 8 times (4 minutes and Im good. Im paying $148.00 each month for TV and Internet. (Average audience is defined as the average number of TVs tuned to a program throughout a time period.). You have to factor in all of the late night infomercials as well. BENNINGTON A Massachusetts man convicted last July of sexually assaulting a minor after climbing into her window with a deadly weapon was handed a five-years-to-life prison sentence in a Bennington courthouse Tuesday. Regarding Netlfix There are plenty of good shows to watch and as long as you dont binge watch them you dont have to worry about running out of stuff, although there search feature is crap and can be hard to find new good shows, they are there somewhere lurking and if you get lucky you can spot one lol. February 26, 2023, 6:15 AM. I just complain to Direct TV.. but there all laughing at us. They could run a ten minute news program, and use the rest of the half hour doing commercials, so that people could tend to their business at home, while the commercials are on. it`s funny. This is cheapness on a grand scale and the average viewer doesnt realize that by having MORE commercials and less news, the news divisions also need fewer employees. Experience has taught me that federal employees dont like to work any harder than they have to, and anyone (or any group) who makes their job more difficult will get their immediate and undivided attention. I also mute all commercials. television shows. So Im glad these commercials breaks are growing and seeming to drag on more and more, like pushers trying to force products down your throat. Then it goes to about every 9 or 10 and then during the last 30 minutes it is every 4 minutes. Advanced nations in the world should be funding contraception for women in third-world nations anyway. Im not real sure what you might do with these comments but pretty sure nothing will be done! I just turn off the TV or change channels nothing is so good that you have to put up with that. Last thought, although I continue to be heterosexual, if I ever decided to change teams, it would be because of David Muir. It was never my intention to offend anyone other than news broadcasters that consider their viewers required 15 or 16 minutes of advertisements during their single hour of veiwing. gave me a G-mail Address, they even got that spelled wrong But it worked. Third, I dont know when, we as a society, decided that we would replace lifestyle choices to find better living through chemistry. The commercials are horribly produced for the most part. Am I pleased that I download my viewing.. Its no secret. Thats why I have a dozen old remotes with worn out mute buttons. Picture that! So if you make $20 per hour, you should be charging $8-9 per hour to watch their commercials. Maybe we both need an additional hobby to fill the hours? MY GOOD GOD so much time is wasted on non-programs, the very programs we PAY to watch. EVERYONE UNITE! This fact sheet was compiled by Research Assistant Kirsten Worden and Research Analyst Mason Walker. So once it was over I decided to watch it again, and write down how many commercials there were, how long each one aired, and what the commercial was for. Everone should know how much their time is worth per hour. I to, have never bought a prodect that has been adderverised. commercials were not supposed to be on cable when it came to our area, thats why you are paying for cable thats what we were told, now we pay high rates and the commercials have never stopped increasing in the amount of time they have taken up per hour. Advertising is the no 1 money making tool for every company, even though you dont see some companies ads, it doesnt mean they arent actively advertising. there is way to many commerices on GH NOT ENOUGH OF THE SOAP SHOW I BEEN WATCHING THIS SOAP SINCE IT STARTED ON TV A LONG TIME LOUISE I WANT TO SEE IT ON FOR 2 HOURS EVERY DAY LESS COMMERICES AND LIKE TO SEE THEM ALL SING OUT THE SHOW THAT WAS SO GREAT AND WANT TO SEE LUKE BACK AND SCORPIE BACK THANKYOU. 2 minutes later, at 6:51, the ad break ended. I dont know if that still applies but I just got finished watching a movie on Oxygen channel and I counted 18 commercials in one break and 19 in the next one and those were just the last 2 commercial breaks. This allows us to fast forward through the ads. It would, if Id actually believed any of it. It seems the news interrupts a stream of hideous car ads etc. But There was one thing you forgot to mention the amount of time they took up by saying and coming up while showing a preview of what we were about to see at least 3 to 4 times each. The 16 to 18 commercials that followed were 15 to 75 seconds long and most of them were for health-care products and services. Watching the View, Dr. Phil, the news and many most other shows especially Y & R go way beyond the allowed limit, is anyone watching? Our local SF Bay Area news programs are horrid. Whats cool about YouTubeTV is that you can record any program you like and just skip through the commercials as if you were using your old DVR that Comcast up-charged you for. The moment I saw Google bought you tube I knew it was not going to be a useful tool anymore. On a different note, the channels with ads bunched them together at the 15 minute mark, so you could plan your day better. Im sorry if you thought that, but that was not my intention. I cut the cord a year ago, in part because of the commercial load. If that is still the case most of the channels are not following that. By 3 p.m. Tuesday, a total of 390,455 votes had been cast, with the largest . It got to the point and was so frustrating by when they actually showed what the preview was it was basically the exact same thing as the preview was, with just a few seconds extra. Just watch movies 2 minutes later, at 6:51, the very programs we pay to watch commercials no! 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