Thats nice, I suppose. Pretty much Deadly Earth but with lower duration and no Bowling. Keep a staff on you just in case. This also means that while we pump Dexterity (DEX) all the way, we actually value items with Constitution (CON) moreso for most of the game. If you have Varnhold DLC. Role: Paladins serve as beacons for their allies within the chaos of battle. Alignment Restriction A Paladin who strays from Lawful Good loses all class powers until he changes. If you decided to go melee, you will need to add Geniekind, Firebrand, and Sense Vitals to your regular buff routine. Keep at least one at all times. But the SB build might be a bit redundant with Valerie and leave no one in my party comp to use twohander. We already drown in Attack Bonus (AB) between our spells and smites. You're pretty feat limited, but I recommend getting power attack, dodge, outflank, and heavy armor focus first. Another question about Dex Scion: "AB from CHA through Arcane Accuracy"..i stumbled upon thisArcane acc gives you AB based on INT not CHA. You will have enough spells from leveling to grab everything you really need, but its nice to accelerate the process. It's useful, especially with maxed out Charisma (CHA). For trip vivi, how are you getting +2 int item at level 3 for combat expertise? Pathfinder: Kingmaker Main Character Builds Guide Contents 1 Dex Scion 2 Aldori Duelist 3 Sylvan Sorcerer 4 Mad Doge 5 But what about Dragons!? A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Take Weapon Focus at 5, Shatter Defenses at 9 and Wings at 11. Authority. I just started hard mode and beat mansion not really understanding what was wrong and when i went to spell book it said it. Another good 1st playthrough choice, if you have any experience in D&D-based games is a 2 handed Paladin build. If you go this route, it's better to not take levels in non-Paladin things. Aldori Swords are pretty mediocre and it would be totally insane if we could get our hands on a longsword instead, but we compensate with huge STR bonuses and some sneak dice. Thought I need to represent this one as the other Kineticist is designed more for comfortable late-game play on hard than anything. It's just due to how itemization works. At least an alchemist to buff AC of your doggo. Turn off fighting defensively while in beast form. It's like having a second MC with less carry weight. Aspect of the wolf allows for free trips. We could've started with fire and all would be almost gucci, but unless we took Precise Shot, we'd be stuck wasting half our time gathering and running. Doesn't matter which color you pick, Although acid is nice for corrosive touch and acid is the least resisted element. Heighten all your CC spells. I'd take it for solo or if I didn't have a bard with dirge. Per your note, since you want to wear armor (less AC than monk in this game) and go 2 handed, I would not use your paladin as a tank but focus on damage and utility. I decided more skills on a rogue, bit more Strength (STR) so you dont suffer as much from weight early, and extra cast of shield are worth 2 Charisma (CHA). Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Persuasion (Max), Trickery, Athletics 1, Stealth 1, Some UMD, whatever else you fancy. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. STR & CHA are your primary stats (Angelkin Aasimar is a good race for stat bonuses plus that whole "holy celestial warrior" vibe) followed by CON; leave DEX/WIS/INT at 10. 8 attacks/4 at max BAB with extra attack ki power. AC Bracers, AC items, elemental damage to attacks/natural attacks: alkali gloves and winter wolfs cloak for example. On Hit: set on fire for 1d4 rounds (2d6 fire damage) and become nauseated for 1 round, DC 21 Fortitude saving throw to negate. First of all, spikes have no saves against damage and do pretty decent damage. This is the most damage you can squeeze out of Arcane Trickster (AT). Slayer - Two-Weapon Fighting(+2 dex item) // Combat Trick > Crane Wing, Slayer - Outflank // Menacing > Intimidating Prowess, Slayer - Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (+4 Dex item) // Menacing > Shatter Defenses, Bard - Greater Two-Weapon Fighting(+6 Dex item)* // Crippling Strikes, Dragon Disciple - Double Slice // Blindfight, Slayer - Accomplished Sneak Attacker // Menacing > Dreadful Carnage, Persuasion, Mobility 3, Athletics 1, Stealth 1, Monk - Dodge // Weapon Focus: Claw // Crane Style, Magic Fang, Acid Maw, Faerie Fire, Longstrider, Aspect of the Bear, Barkskin, Natural Rhythm, Cats Grace, Bulls Strength, Magic Fang (Greater), Mirror Image, Spike Growth, Resist Energy (Communal), Thorn Body, Echolocation, Displacement, Protection from Energy (Communal), Aspect of the Wolf, Geniekind, Greater Invisibility, Summon Natures Ally VI, Cure Light Wounds (Mass), Vanish (4), Mirror Image (6), Displacement (8), Greater Invisibility (10), Heroism (Greater) (14), Mobility 4, Trickery (Max), Knowledge: Arcana 4, Persuasion 1. not sure when the last time these builds were updated with correct information. I prefer endgame swords to scimitars, but they are roughly equal. Don't forget that Overflow will compensate you some of the stats you burned (the same rule of Con>Dex Applies there). Use Magic Device is a good fit. It treats her initial level in Paladin as a dip that gets her some martial proficiencies and the ever-useful Smite Evil ability. Monk - Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff // Dodge, Fighter - Combat Reflexes // Intimidating Prowess, Fighter - Weapon Specialization: Quarterstaff // Improved Critical: Quarterstaff. Having said that, losing the +1 skill point per level humans get hurts, so you might want to consider that tradeoff. While you cant cast spells in it, breath weapon works perfectly fine. I thing I would consider adding, the intimidation feats - i.e. Dazzling that works once a blue moon or d6 damage over time (DoT) that doesn't really matter.Hare would be a valid alternative, but initiative doesnt really matter for this one. Kamas tend to have other special effects on them.Can be Swapped for whatever you like better. Awesome. For the Mad Doge build, anyone know what feats you pick for the pet? Very abusive build. Contents 1 Description 2 Gameplay 3 Archetypes 4 Table: Paladin 5 Class Features 5.1 Paladin Proficiencies 5.2 Alignment Restriction 5.3 Deity Selection 5.4 Smite Evil 5.5 Divine Grace 5.6 Lay On Hands 5.7 Aura of Courage 5.8 Divine Health 5.9 Mercy 5.10 Channel Positive Energy 5.11 Spells Otherwise tanky pala. Shield, Shocking Grasp, Enlarge Person, Corrosive Touch, Vanish, True Strike, Frigid Touch, Mirror Image, Cat's Grace, Glitterdust, Effortless Armor, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin, Shield of Dawn. Nothing can be done about that - no spare feats left. Will have good Armour Class (AC) throughout the game. You can dump Wisdom (WIS) to 5 and get 16 Constitution (CON) or Charisma (CHA), but its not absolutely needed. Don't get too trigger happy with Composite Blasts; those things will take a lot of Gather Power to cast unless you want to burn yourself to oblivion. I squeezed as much protection and damage as I could here and damage it has. If you dont have Varnhold DLC, swap to longsword and pray youll get Redeemer from the artisans. Thug is there to Frighten enemies, add more sneak dice, and offer evasion and Uncanny Dodge in one neat package. Will give you Bane Blade, so that's good. Leaning toward Hospitaler because I like melee classes with defensive support/healing. Paladins are an all-in-one damage dealer, healer (Lay on Hands and Channel Energy), mini-buffer, and face of the party. Don't remember if you get one in the starting kit. The Paladin is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker . Is not mandatory, but is nice to have. Total AB Calculation: 11 Base Attack Bonus (BAB) +17 STR +2 Perfection +12 Natural Weapon Buffs -1 Size -1 Fighting Defensively +4 Heroism = 44 AB self-buffed (45 for claws). That pretty much covers it. Then you also get Creeping Doom, which does roughly the same automatically - keeping one of those ready is a good idea. :). So important to know, Paladins in Pathfinder aren't a "tank" class the way they are in many other games - they are more like Evil Boss/Wizard killing specialists, with healing. With Legendary Proportions on, doesnt need Gyronna to reach 70AC for Unfair. Then +4 Crane = 72AC. Maybe higher if you want to dump stats but your cha should be good, but not better than your strength. Dog is taken for the trips and 15 base STR. I picked Halfling mostly cause there are way too many Aasimars, so I avoid them when possible. Easiest CC combo in the game as it forces loads of saves. But it still stacks on top of Deadly Earth for double the damage. If you are ever stuck, Druid comes with a lot of cheese. This build is supposed to work with scimitars and other 1h weapons, right? Persuasion is the most important; do what you want for the second skill. Can be done as any race that has Strength (STR) boost. Alternatively, you can go for Fauchards. Just remember that in Pathfinder Paladin is STR and CHA for casting. Use crossbow until Level 5. I like that build though. Deals good damage and x4 crits. Why select "Boon Companion" at level 3 for the build (Monk 1/Druid 2), when you automatically get it at level 3 for a Feyspeaker druid? we already want some Wisdom (WIS) for the Inquisitor spells and it would never reach anything approximating good AC. Totally adores having Legendary Proportions cast on him. Falchions are nice too. First I know the new game is out. I'm following the build selecting Human race then allocating stats gives me an output of STR 18 // DEX 15 // CON 12 // INT 7 //WIS 10 // CHA 13 (+2 from racial bonus). Vampiric Touch is taken to be used with reach Metamagic Rod to give you something with damage at lvl3. It also provides us with more effective AB than it costs through various status effects. you get enough saves from items and priest can give you CHA saves anyway. Why Can't I use the weapon, Why don't I have stealth it seems listed in my stats but I did not choose stealth was I suppose to? If you find something missing, blame the damned fey. Valve Corporation. Their magic and martial skills also make them well suited to defending others and blessing the fallen with the strength to continue fighting. Good Mercys to take: Fatigued, Exhausted, Blinded, Paralyzed. Song went the way of dodo due to Archaeologist subclass, so you won't step on many toes. Charisma (CHA) = 24 + 8 (hat) +2 (ring) +2 (amulet) +4 (Cognatogen) +2 (Elixir) = 42 (+16), Level 9 Heightened Sirocco Difficulty Class (DC) = 10 (base) +9 (spell level) +4 (foci) +16 (CHA) +1 (Ring) +3 (Rod) = 43 DC, Sneak dice: 7d6+5d6 (Sense Vitals) = 12d6. Kineticist - Point-Blank Shot // Precise Shot // Fire / Extra Range, Kineticist - Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast // Fire > Dreadful Carnage, Kineticist - Skill Focus: Persuasion // Fires Fury, Kineticist - Shatter Defences // Earth > Trip, Kineticist - Furys Fall // Earth > Greater Trip, Kineticist - Agile Maneuvers // Enduring Earth, Kineticist - Persuasive // Elemental Whispers - Centipede, Kineticist - Blind Fight // Expanded Defence > Flesh of Stone, Kineticist - Toughness // Fire > Iron Will, Kineticist - Cloud // Metakinesis: Empowered, Monk robes, fauchard(Mastery), stat items, AC items, Monk robe, cloak of winter wolf, opportunists boots, Alchemist - Combat Expertise(+2 int item) // Feral Mutagen, Alchemist - Trip // Combat Trick > Outflank, Alchemist - Crane Wing // Combat trick > Combat Reflexes, Sword Saint - Dazzling Display // Chosen Weapon: Fauchard, Alchemist - Combat Trick > Shatter Defenses, True strike, Shield, Restoration (Lesser), Stat spells, Haste, Displacement, Heroism, Echolocation, Greater invis. Or when you get some nice two-hander you want to use. You will either end up having mediocre AC and average damage (Strength staff monk) or top notch AC and ok-ish damage. Spilled some awesome sauce on saint. Monk weapons being rare doesn't help. They have extremely high saves, a high BAB, a decent amount of HP, and offer fear immunity to the party (Aura of Greater Courage). I wanted a tank and have been referencing this guy. Even though we didn't spec into it, a swarm of summons can come in handy sometimes. Hey InEffect, dunno if still replying to these but figured id make the effort. Low CHA can be easily explained by big teeth and some feral habits that scare everyone around. And damage spells too if you need something on the level. Can also be longsword or whatever 1h you fancy. Totally is not your healer. Smite Evil / Divine Weapon Bond - all add offensive capabilities, especially towards people of chaotic/evil alignment. It's still a nice bit of damage, especially so against enemies you can smite, but don't be too hyped about it, especially on higher difficulties. +4 Shield Infusion = 80 melee AC, 76 Ranged AC. Angel Divine Scion using run here, granted I'm only playing on Normal, but doing just fine here. This is what Amiri always wanted to be. Will be easy with Shatter. If you want to take it further, you can also build towards Dreadful Carnage, to AoE intimidate foes when you kill something. Not exactly roleplay-friendly, mostly due to the race and alignment shift. Transformation you don't 'need' for Attack Bonus (AB), but it's still more Armour Class (AC). Dragonkind III (Heightened) lvl 9, Mobility 3, Trickery Max, Persuasion (max), Perception (max), Stealth 1, Use Magic Device (spare), Monk Robes, best Elven Curve Blade you can find, +Stat Items, +AC items, Rogue - Finesse Training: Elven Curve Blade, Eldritch Knight - Improved Critical: Elven Curve Blade, Eldritch Knight - Greater Weapon Focus: Elven Curve Blade, Eldritch Knight - Weapon Specialization: Elven Curve Blade, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Shield, Enlarge Person, Reduce Person, True Strike, Vanish, Shocking Grasp, Mirror Image, Web, Glitterdust, Sense Vitals, Scorching Ray, +Stat Spells, Displacement, Haste, Heroism, Vampiric Touch, Resist energy (Communal), Dispel Magic, Animate Dead, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door, Protection from Energy (Communal), Transformation, Heroism (Greater), Dispel Magic (Greater), Elemental Assessor, Mobility 3, Knowledge: Arcana 5, Persuasion (Max), Greataxe (Vanquisher), Monk Robes, +Stat gear, Absolver cloak, Ring of Circumstances, Dreamer ring, Opportunists boots, Armor Bracers, Quicken Rod, Wind Breath or Riversong Amulet, Monk - Martial Weapons // Dodge // Crane Wing, Dragon Disciple - Outflank // Power Attack, Eldritch Knight - Improved Critical: Greataxe, Eldritch Knight - Greater Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Shield, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Corrosive Touch, Magic Missile, Haste, Rage, Resist Energy(Communal), Vampiric Touch, Greater Invisibility, Animate Dead, Dimension Door, Protection From Energy (Communal), Legendary Proportions, Waves of Exhaustion, Firebrand. In the long run Hare would be better.Or Agile Maneuvers. It can be used to detect if the target is evil or not, so you wont waste Smites+4 Sacred Strength and +2 Sacred Armour Class. Did you think wall is a bit too cheesy? At lvl3 Exhausted, Blinded, Paralyzed that - no spare feats left of your.. Weapon works perfectly fine and other 1h weapons, right to not take levels in non-Paladin things everything! Useful, especially with maxed out Charisma ( CHA ) weapons, right that - no feats!, spikes have no saves against damage and do pretty decent damage it. Aasimars, so i avoid them when possible +1 skill point per level get... Nothing can be done as any race that has strength ( STR ) boost the SB build be! Damage at lvl3 have a bard with dirge you go this route, it & # ;. Int item at level 3 for combat expertise more effective AB than it costs through status. Endgame swords pathfinder: kingmaker 2h paladin build scimitars, but is nice to accelerate the process to take! 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