Read More About Me! Through openness and impartiality, you can make a lasting impact on the world. Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. With Saturn in your first house, you may present yourself in a serious and dignified way. Even if Saturn rules Aquarius, this is not the same Saturn we had in Capricorn! Being in that space that Aquarius holds pretty much sounds like the definition of freedom. Ive been trying to explain to my family, for example in Lithuania, what is it to hold space. To get through your Saturn Return in the social aspects of your life, you first need to develop good listening skills. The current Earth cycle will end on December 20th, 2020 and the AIR elemental cycle has begun on December 21st, 2020. Do you want to improve things on a larger scale? Anyone who has Saturn in Aquarius in their birth chart is currently experiencing their Saturn Return: Those born between February 6, 1991 and May 20, 1993, along with June 29, 1993 and January 28, 1994, are going through their first Saturn Return, while those born in the early 1960s (specifically between January 3, 1962 and March 23, 1964, as . The celebs finishing their Saturn return in Aquarius As the planetary drill sergeant heads into Pisces until February 13, 2026, it will serve a new set of lessons ( you can read about the Saturn in Pisces transit in our article here ). I disagree. Instead of delegating the power and responsibility to states and corporations, Saturn in Aquarius will, Most importantly, Saturn in Aquarius is about, Saturn in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals every single one of us . When empowered, the human mind can achieve incredible things. In either case, you might become aware of the nurturing that you lacked when you were growing up at your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius. Youth seems like a faraway place. Make weird the new trend and by this you accept yourself. Thanks for the well-written post & insightful comments!! (blindly and irrationally following the crowd without checking in with one owns integrity) to, . It can only be found when we stop looking for answers from the outside. Let your feelings out. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Saturn return could be simply explained that the planet Saturn is returning to the position in the constellation of when you are born. Aquarius is also a fixed sign, so it has an immovable quality. These are the few questions that you must answer when your Saturn returns. Each of us as individuals must step up to the plate to create a better world filled with love, community and the belief that if we all pull together towards that common goal it will happen! We cannot talk about Saturn in Aquarius without putting it into the context of, As you may already know, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are very cyclical and. With Saturn in my second house in Capricorn, it was time to put value to my qualities and my Uranus wanted me to find more progressive and original ways to make money. When we were born, Saturn occupied its place in our birth chart. Read More About Karen Here. I sense it in my self and all around me. They might be a slight burden to you but see the beauty in caring for them. You will be surprised, how many people want to listen to your wise words. Saturn returns can oftentimes lead to endings, embracing more responsibility, and setting new boundaries. On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will change signs and enter the sign of Pisces, where it will remain there for the next 2.5. Aquarius is an Air sign, so it is about space. Aquarius is We, the people. This can be easily transformed into a job. The New Age is coming and it is the Christ Consciousness coming through. Right now I am 29 years old and I am going through my own Saturn Return experience, which I can say has been life changing in many ways. By the time you reach your second Saturn return in Aquarius, some of the obligations that seemed pressing earlier in your life, like committing to a career or raising children, may be in a more settled place. Perhaps you lived out something that the others felt on some level but were not able to express. However, at your twelfth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you might wind up feeling alone if you cant open up to anyone. With Aquarius in your second house, you may have a logical attitude toward your material resources, though you might be willing to try an experimental investment given the opportunity. I was working in a full-time job that I did not completely like, I did not get along with all my colleagues and disappointments started following me. For those who are currently experiencing their Saturn return in Aquarius (varying from ages 27-30), youre likely used to challenging traditions, and now is the time where youre potentially be called to commit to some long-term changes. Gun features a tapered round high polish blued barrel with a muzzle brake marked "Saturn" and "270 . Saturn can destroy and build a new foundation. Over 70 million people voted for Trump in the recent election. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. In the next 2.5 years, the fight is not against them, but against our own limiting beliefs against what keeps us small, enslaved and out of integrity. Is your life going through a lot of rebirths? If you were born within any of those time bands, you will be having a Saturn Return within the next couple . All positions and duties are important to a group. An invisible burden is tied to your back and shoulders, as if you feel limited and carry the world with you. The gun is in the caliber .270 ICL, which is a hot .25 caliber round. Thankyou so much for sharing your profound wisdom and intelligence. The art of connection requires empathy through a genuine interest in others. Are you having trouble dating and/ or getting yourself out there. So many of the people I know who are pushy about the scientism narrative have never read a single scientific article in their life, have never worked in research or healthcare. Saturn in Aquarius allowed us to experiment with our creativity and share it through social media. In your twenties, it may be hard for you to fit in a group due to your different ways of thinking and rigidity. Saturn in the sixth house can be associated with health problems, but it might just show that you are very focused on staying healthy even if you dont have an illness to be concerned about. 12 days ago. With hard work, you may achieve prominence in your profession, but it may also be hard to feel like you have ever done enough. We have to stop supporting the governments of the world. You might begin or end a commitment to a particular career. When in Taurus, a Saturn return stirs up themes surrounding obtaining money, stagnation, resources, and values. Ready this article is already a step up to an open mind! Thank you! Saturn Return Calculator Returns on the same birth positionAstrology Online Calculator. This type of freedom cannot be found by fighting against the establishment. Developing positive social behavior is the first lesson that Saturn asks you to learn. This is beautiful, very well written clear and useful report thank you so much! Meditate in peace, but make sure you do not isolate yourself from the rest of the world. On the other hand, you may be able to say a lot without getting into how you really feel about things. You therefore have a Saturn sign that is not necessarily the same as your Sun sign. Saturn will transit to Aquarius on Jan 17, 2023. As an Aquarian native, you are a bit eccentric in your ways, but dont let this eccentricity restricts you from making friends. Every time he comes back, he makes sure that we feel it. From December 2020 until March 2023, Saturn in Aquarius will create new structures that will revolutionize our society. Are you eating healthy? We the people will have autonomy over our lives and governance. Your first Saturn Return encourages you to connect to the collective. No need to look for it on the outside. Saturn and Uranus couldnt be more different. We cannot talk about Saturn in Aquarius without putting it into the context of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21st, 2020, at 0 Aquarius. Part of Fortune: Signs, Meaning, Birth Chart. Holding space is a term used in coaching and it means being physically, mentally and emotionally present for someone. 150. If you have been lazy and not added up to your Saturn lessons, you will have a though time, if you worked hard towards these Saturn goals, your reward is waiting for you. Saturn in Aquarius is forward-thinking and ready for revolution, so it can be helpful to identify how you got to where you are. Alternately, maybe emotions were regularly displayed in a messy way without enough intellectual understanding of how to channel them productively. Saturn is quite comfortable in the sign. It is a radical period for you, but you will learn to navigate through it. For some of us, time is never a luxury anymore. Jupiter may be like the kid in the car that is bouncing up & down & asks Are we there yet?!? 8. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Every 28 to 30 years, Saturn returns to its position in your natal chart, beginning your Saturn Return, an epic two-and-a-half-year transit that redefines your ideology and shakes your foundation. It cant be halted. This transit brings people together to reach beyond the individual's capabilities. Remember, you can make a difference in the world, but you need to do it with other people, not alone. Ayayay I cant wait for my Saturn return in the 4th, its currently in my 2nd house. Sometimes, scary changes may seem as a threat, but it could be a reward as well. Do some charity and think how you can serve this planet, and fulfillment is coming your way. While things may be clear inside your own head, there is the potential for misunderstanding if you havent communicated your unique views adequately to others involved. What does an Aquarius woman like in a man? Saturn Return in Aquarius brings you difficulties to make you stronger and more mature as you venture towards adulthood. You can become authority, as you bring a serious vibe to the table and people tend to listen to you. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. However, at its core, Aquarius is NOT the street revolutionary that throws Molotov cocktails and gets into fights. The influence of Saturn in the Aquarius sign involves future possibilities. The early degrees of Aquarius are more drastic, more of a fight, than the late degrees which are more Utopian. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Our goal now should be to imbue our groups (including government) with a greater sense of universal responsibility. You may be a social loner before, but your first Saturn Return asks you to be aware of the possibilities outside your comfort zone. Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. If you have a Saturn Return in Aquarius placement in your birth chart, this article may give you insights on how to deal with your first Saturn when it returns and strikes you in your late twenties. (After Breakup, No Contact). is the great teacher. You are maybe aloof and detached in your earlier life, now is your time to embrace your emotions and be warm. Gun was custom built in Sparks, Nevada by Arnold Juenke of Saturn Rifle Works in the 1960s. Many people are going through big changes during this age, they will get into a serious relationship, have children, start their own company, move countries or stop all of it to change. This is not just a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction this is the first conjunction in an Aquarius since the early 15th century and the cherry on top is that it occurs exactly at 0 Aquarius. So when Saturn returns in the Aquarius sign, it is the period when Aquarian natives should make choices and decisions in their life that resonate with their humanitarian nature. Im swimming right now with all this Aquarium stellium energy from the 6 planets. You overanalyze everything around you that sometimes there is no space left for emotions. Breakups, pressure to get married and starting a family, establishing a stable career, leaving home to a foreign land, and awareness of mortality are some of the issues we must face in this period. The current Earth cycle will end on December 20th, 2020 and the AIR elemental cycle has begun on December 21st, 2020. As you may already know, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are very cyclical and belong to 200-year elemental cycles. Making friends is difficult for you? A Saturn return is a momentous event that happens to you every 29.4 years that you are alive. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! Your responsibility to the collective involves building and maintaining heartfelt interpersonal relationships. Nice The South node is my comfy place. Your twelfth house Saturn return in Aquarius is an opportune time to build these bonds. Some people become parents at their Saturn returns, and a fifth house Saturn return could be especially likely to go in this direction. Generally, a feared planet in Vedic Astrology, Saturn is considered the planet of 'Karma', and it brings Karmic . Saturn first shifted into Aquarius on December 18, 2020, and will remain in this sign until March 8, 2023. Furthermore, it is how you think you are perceived in groups. Grow out of your rigidity. However, dogmatically insisting that others must do things your way has the potential to backfire at your sixth house Saturn return in Aquarius. This fine Mauser style bolt action rifle once belonged to the famous Urologist and Doctor at the Nuremberg Trials, John K. Lattimer. With Aquarius in your ninth house, you might have a gift for tracing the ills of society to flaws in its philosophical underpinnings. There is a reason why Aquarius follows Capricorn. A slow-moving planet, Saturn stays in one sign for 2 to 2.5 years. If you have Aquarius in your third house, you may be very comfortable with using technology to communicate. If you want to contribute to society by making it better, then open your mind, have a broader perspective. Saturn has spent 2.5 years in Capricorn. If your first Saturn return takes place in the sign of Aquarius, you may struggle with what it means to fit in. You rather have a small group of friends for life, instead of making lots of new friends. In general, having Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, in the second house could show that money does not come to you easily. They must learn to cast off the shadows that dont serve them well rigidity and detachment from the crowds. In general, having Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, in the fourth house can reflect that you felt like you did not get the nurturing you need growing up. The mammon has ruled and is worshipped. Saturn initially forces us to go into unfamiliar territories so that we can have a paradigm shift, and develop the positive qualities of the sign. It is not easy at first, but we begin to find the tools and build our plans in a way that helps us maintain our balance. When this event takes place, it marks a period of maturity (the first Saturn return taking place right as you step into your thirties, the second one occurring as you move into your sixties, etc). Inspired leaders will appear among us,, who recognise human spirit and sanctity of the people. With Saturn in Aquarius, combined with Neptune in Pisces, we will pointedly see the ineffectiveness of the individual. Who is Venus in Aquarius compatible with? Try looking up your astrological chart below to see the house where Saturn is located. The fifth house is associated with children and creativity. However, if you are in a career that is more resistant to change, you may find yourself continually butting heads against authority. The symbolism of the eleventh house overlaps substantially with the symbolism of the sign of Aquarius, so an eleventh house Saturn return in Aquarius may have a double dose of the basic Saturn return in Aquarius symbolism. With Aquarius in your twelfth house, you may try to conceal from others how quirky you are. Some of Saturns keywords are rules, discipline, patience, responsibility, and maturity. You need to have achievable and realistic goals. Our job in the last 2.5 was to master Capricorn, i.e. You may not be able to share certain parts of your life with every casual acquaintance, but connecting with a small, select group that understands you might be enough. The change we need is going to be done through groups, not by the individual. Aquarius compatibility with each zodiac sign. The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including but not limited to marriage, and having Saturn here natally can suggest that you take such relationships very seriously. It can only be found when we stop looking up to the establishment. While the first Saturn return that happens in your late twenties is well known, many people also go on to have second and third Saturn returns that revisit similar themes. RELATED:How Being Born During Saturn Retrograde Affects You. This house all has to do with religion, spirituality, philosophy, far away travels and different cultures. Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. These include the dates for your First Saturn Return, Second Saturn Return, and even Third Saturn Returns. Saturn in Aquarius could be likened to thinking in circles rather than hierarchy. Historians concur . Especially the part about intellectual snobbery. Having Saturn in the tenth house natally could suggest that your public role in the world is a source of concern for you. Shani Dev is going retrograde. Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. by helping ourselves, our fellow humans and other living beings. Aquarius freedom and rebellion come from somewhere else. It takes 27 to 29 years for Saturn to return. If your time of birth is known, your astrological chart can be divided into twelve houses, each focusing on a different area of life. Saturn in Aquariusforcesus to reflect on the people we love and how to stay connected. If you were born with Saturn in Aquarius, the issues during your Saturn Return will be about bringing the light. But your first Saturn promises you that you can overcome these obstacles with dedication and hard work. We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively. I have very little knowledge of Astrology, but I sense a lot of truth in this article. When Saturn Returns in Aquarius Sign Many Astrologers agree that the first return of Saturn is the most challenging one. I know everyone thinks Virgo is the "neat-freaks" of the zodiac. Saturn is rules and discipline, and Uranus is freedom. Last January 2020, with the Saturn/ Pluto conjunction, I was diagnosed with a heart condition that lead me to stop drinking alcohol, the anti conception pill and leading a more healthy life style as I am forwarding in my spiritual path. I find it very interesting that The Great Conjunction is referred to as the Star of Bethlehem and takes place on the 21th of December 2020. When Saturn is in Aquarius, you might feel as if you are restricted in the way you think. In your earlier life, group involvements and social engagements are your most significant challenges. They can rise through hardships when they open their mind to others' viewpoints and, most of all when they always persevere in following the path they choose. Saturn teaches us to work smarter for the long term, so we are not drained and burnt out. Do not under-estimate the forces of darkness that are extant at this time of Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. This is an exceptionally good post to read. This house is all about your ambitions, how you want the world to see you and authority. Is your partner restricting you? Remote schooling and work have also transformed into hybrid positions. Its less about whats tangible, its less about resources. What makes you stand out and what do you have similar to other people. Two Wander x Elysium Rituals GET YOUR ZODIAC YEAR AHEAD FORECAST FOR 2023! By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. Of course, any change is uncomfortable at first. Currently, Saturn is having its return in Aquarius until 2023 and for those born with this natal placement, this return is going to be even more intense thanks to the trio of Saturn. With Aquarius in your sixth house, you may have a clear idea of how things like your routine and your diet should function. However, your aspiration of making the world a better place wont happen without commitment and perseverance. "Saturn Return" is a term used to describe when Saturn returns to the place in the sky where it was when you were born. So make baby steps to release yourself from your narrow-mindedness. Saturn in Aquarius is one of the most anticipated transits of the year. It is time we find ourselves standing in seemingly endless crossroads in life. The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. Do you feel like your relationship is bringing you limitations. Depending on our birth sign, we survive our Saturn Return in different ways. We all need to gather together and ultimately create a peaceful existence.. We are the 99 percent, we are evolved enough to manage our own affairs, within agreed parameters. This house is all about owning your sexuality, going through life death rebirth cycles and surprisingly it also has to do with joint finances and debts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. Saturn Return in Aquarius by House Many people born within a couple of years of you will have Saturn in the same sign that you do, as Saturn stays in each sign for about two and a half years during its 29.4-year cycle. If you have Saturn in Aquarius, your Saturn returns in Aquarius may challenge you to work productively with societys norms while still pushing the collective to do better. Please consider an investment's objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. Dont be afraid to be vulnerable. You have the ability to bring your ideas into existence through your genius, progressive mindset, practicality, and perseverance. You can be more creative by being flexible. 3. Holding space means putting your. Your efforts could reach a significant breakthrough at your tenth house Saturn return in Aquarius. You may need to develop better boundaries around money or property, especially if you expected the way you were sharing these things with others to just work out on its own. Saturn in Aquarius will help us create frameworks where we can hold space for others and allow them to express themselves without judgment. Either way, it impacted us and allowed us to maintain our connection with friends and family. Once youre able to identify the sign, compare it to where transiting Saturn currently is in the sky. Where do you want to be toward the end of your life, and what do you have to do now to get there? If your ideas are basically grounded in reality, your second house Saturn return in Aquarius could be a time when your sense for sniffing out the next big thing pays off. Before explaining what Saturn return in Aquarius, lets explore what Saturn return and what it does. Look out the window & appreciate the journey! 2nd Saturn Return in Aquarius at 5 degrees. Technology's presence was more potent during this time. However, if you have been rebelling against society throughout your life up to this point, your second Saturn return in Aquarius might ask whether you are a rebel with a cause. Copyright @ All rights reserved to Love for AstrologyTheme BlogBell by. This time, when Saturn returns to the same place in the Zodiac where it was when you are born, brings the major structures of your life up for review. This was a very good and informative post. Thats because Aquarius is NOT the Government. Is this conjunction as profound on a personal level as it is in the larger sense? Working in collectives, consensus, as opposed to majority, new ways of decision making, humanity standing up for itself. This is not aloofness (a quality Aquarius is sometimes accused of) this is actually holding space, without allowing your subjective perspective to take over and influence the other. Humans distanced. They become their own authority. Saturn returns last about two years for every individual. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. As someone with Saturn in Aquarius placement, it is also essential for you to build structure in the social aspects of your life. Along with your systematic approach to planning your goals, your innovative and scientific mind allow you to achieve your endeavorsbut only with hard work and perseverance. Saturn returns can be associated with marriages or divorces, and a seventh house Saturn return might be especially likely to go in this direction of changing your relationship status. Among other things, this means being realistic about the state-of-awareness of the public at this time. It also will provide your Saturn Return Placement. Aquarius is that freedom we can only find when we take responsibility for our lives and become fully autonomous. If you are under the Aquarius sign, your Saturn Return is associated with your dreams to make the world better. Find out if Saturn in Pisces will impact your natal placements by regularly checking your Transits in the CHANI app. Freedom cannot exist without self-responsibility. If you have fallen in with a bad crowd that discourages you from expressing your individuality, you might fall out with them at this time. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Are you the one that thinks it takes mountains to be seen? Your intellect might be off track and you feel that you are not accepted in groups, as Aquarius is connected to the 11th house, with Uranus as its ruler. In the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, you really want to pay attention to Saturns transit in Aquarius (Pluto will also enter Aquarius in 2024). In other parts of the world, people chose not to vote. Thats because Aquarius is NOT the Government. Even if you have a brilliant plan for how the world should change to become freer and fairer, you may need to learn to work with present conditions rather than against them. And we did (willingly or less willingly). The fourth house focuses on home and family matters. The highest manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius is the sum of the sustained actions of each individual to make the world a better place. Are you brought up in the restriction of strict religion? They took action. Join. The way we treat each other is what will be focused on in this time. Written by someone with Saturn in Aquarius. What limits and restricts you in your twenties? I agree with Paul W. in that we still need hierarchy in the New Age, because even in the spiritual world of God there is hierarchy. Work on your self-worth and your income will increase, value yourself and others and be grateful for all the materials in life. Make up your own thoughts what is life for you and what does it mean. Saturn enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020 and will stay in Aquarius until March 2023. Saturn comes back to help you overcome the difficulties you have in your twenties, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships and your tendency to be rigid. If there is a big gap between your idea and the reality of what your body needs, that could become apparent at your sixth house Saturn return in Aquarius. Love and how to stay connected without checking in with one owns integrity ) to.... Rules, discipline, patience, responsibility, and maturity behavior is the most challenging one lot getting. 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