The pair bonded on the idyllic Greek island, where Micks aptitude for breathing life into the past convinced Tony that archaeology had untapped television potential. "[3], As of 2010, Ainsworth has been affiliated with the history and archaeology department at the University of Chester, where he is a visiting professor.[4]. yours MRS HILDA LESLEY CARRINGTON. I have watched TT for the last 20 years from my mid 20s. The old team are the best Mick, Phil, Tony et al.. think Channel 4 have made a HUGE mistake bet they wont listen to the public.. I first came across it a few years back while channel surfing Hey I know him thats Baldrick. It works when the product and the people who are involved are so good. Here in NZ we are only now starting Series 19,in Bitterly, at present. It makes me want to poke nyy head in and see the Geophys, operate the diggers to open a trench and pick up a trowel and start digging! Oh dear what a shame as its such a great program especially with Phil & ALL the team.I think their sense of humour is almost worth a show on its own.Anyway a big thank you for many interesting hours as a an armchair archeologist. In 2011 the production centre for the programme moved from London to Cardiff. I too am upset that this has been axed. I dread to think just where the Television industry is looking for its viewers In the Night Garden. Following the successful launch of a fan-led Patreon campaign in December, Time Team has now confirmed what could be the first of many digs. Sad days. Wouldnt it be lovely if all teams could be like the Time Team? He has worked on a number of archaeological sites in Britain and abroad. The producers screwed it with the inevitable dumbing down and trying to make it a show for the 20 to 30 year olds. I think weve brought it into the forefront of peoples attention. time team has over the years discovered great things. Perhaps the question should be not what went wrong with Time Team, but what went wrong with Channel 4. Thank you to all of Time Team for 20 wonderful years. I WONDER what rubbish they will put on instead. Requested by a commissioning editor to wear more colourful clothing Mick turned up in the most garish garment he could find as a joke, only to be told it was perfect. It is sad to read the mechanics of its demise and, worse, to see it played out on screen. What am I going to do now knowing there isnt an unending stream of new TTs to feed my addiction? What an absolutely stupid decision to ax Time Team! You can find her message at What can replace the jovial banter of all the dedicated team that gave us an insight to what was going on thousands of years ago. All of the team can be proud of 20 years of quality television and the many lives touched and informed. Many episode are available free on Was it one persons requirements that brought extras into the show, persons not wanted nor needed, also not as talented as a walnut. I just love this programme and am very sad to hear that there will be no more. Time Team! In 1994 January 16th until time team along with mick Aston I recommend Current Archaeology to young and old as a way of covering all eras and defining ones particular interests in the subject. I have watched time team since episode one and I am gutted . Weve also done the landscapes around them, so if you want additional information then the Time Team reports contain that.. It wasnt perfect but the catty remarks are uncalled for. Sounds as though short sighted suits are at work. VALE Time Team, a wonderful Viking/ Roman pyre is burning and we are drinking ourselves to oblivion. He trained as a surveyor before entering the archaeology section of the Ordnance Survey. I hope more episodes are made available on video! They should have known how appealing it would be. A brilliant series has been lost to the older viewer. Yes, it became a bit formulaic probably inevitable when dullard TV producers are involved. Ive always adored darling Tony Robinson since his days as Baldric, and Mick (RIP), Phil (gotta love him!) Afterall SA is used to watching loads of rubbish repeats every day!!! Tony R told us that the fort was not connected by road What???? The format changed and little was really seen of the dig. In an interview with the magazine British Archaeology, Professor Aston said he was responding to changes first proposed by producers at Channel 4 in late 2010 before the filming of the series that is currently being aired. I bought a couple of the DVD sets and have just ordered a Phil Harding coffee mug from Wessex Archaeology to keep the memories alive. Sadly,she passed away 2 years ago but before she went, she told me not to forget to watch TT. Many bad decisions for all the wrong reasons. anyway the technology is facinating and makes history come alive. Do specials instead of a series. What on earth is going on and who is in charge of these moronic decisions! Such mass-production was only possible with more rigorous processes guiding filming. During that time he deduced the towns Medieval layout. Time Team did a superb job and has an excellent track record of quality archaeology, bringing the subject to millions via TV and publishing the results! It was my highlight of the week especially now i am disabled and dont leave the house very often. i say dont be too quick to make a stupid decision. Yes TR can be intensely irritating at times, but as the years have gone by I think his appreciation of the experts has increased and they have learned skills from him about presentation. Please, please would someone bring the show back, This is just another example of Managements old adage: Its perfect; lets New and Improve it Please bring Time Team back. Excellent show. It enabled a local group to secure Historic Lottery Fund money to dig the site. I would also back the idea that rural people have the most interest as they can see the landscape every day and the changes on it. Surely television that inspires interest and development is too good to lose? Thanks. the cast were so friendly to each other and the show was so intresting and made you think off our past . I think the writing was on the wall when the powers that be messed about with it, moving its base to Cardiff and losing quality staff and goodwill. I have watched and enjoyed Time Team for many years I am one of the oldies watching but my children grandchildren and great grandchildren are all avid viewers I feel the makers of this program had no perception of its impact on different generations when they set out to close the program down. Now British television can be as dumbed down and offensive as American television has become. It led to an appreciation of just how much information could be quickly gleaned from comparatively modest trenching. And Ive always thought tony was perfectly great as the show presenter, interested and fun, a joy to watch. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! (all good things must come to an end). Tony was constantly disagreeing with the archaeologists, and for some unexplained reason there was loud ballet music all but obliterating the commentary. After graduation she did some modelling, including shoots for Special K. She was the anthropologist on the BBCs Castaway Exposed and has presented a number of other programmes using her expertise. C4 what are you doing timeteam is a great show now u r going to put more rubbish on like big brother I know it not on your channel no more what a shame timeteam will b missed go on bbc take it on, Timeteam what a great show now we got to put up with shows like splash and x factor what is going on with tv now god help. One of the best programs EVER. I too wonder why they stopped it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a fresh ongoing series with a warm and positive vibe, an interesting treat on TV. I entirely agree with the article it was definately the loss of Mick and the two new ones that ryined it for me and I have always loved it!! We didnt do much history at school and we have all learned so much from TT. The worst thing they did was sex it up. the only programmes on t v seems to me rubbish what are all the staff going to do as they have been on the show for so long. NON of these corporations do they think we are all idiots who will do as they as told like little children in school!!!!! Interested in keeping up to date with the latest archaeological finds across Britain? He brought archeaology to the public domain and helped us discover where our nation began, how it grew and how it is still changing. Perhaps we could have a US/Canada version? I often wish you could all come to my back yard 1 acre) and help me find the many many pairs of secateurs buried therein. 2023. I found it much preferable to the Planet Earth shows of David Attenbrough. He trained as a surveyor before entering the archaeology section of the Ordnance Survey. Now we are nearing the end of Series XX I feel a tinge of sadness that a programme which both educates and informs will be with us no more. I wonder how Tony felt with this introduction, as he had been doing the job for so long, and never once boring. Archaeology enthusiast from Europe and the United States have long discovered the series. I wonder whether the viewing figures took in the worldwide audience I know lots of people watched and enjoyed it here in Australia. Nothing lasts forever, including Time Team. John Gater, Francis Pryor, Stewart Ainsworth, and Phil Harding. Speak for your self! With a fantastic team backed by Keith Westcott and Martin Fiennes, local community support, the possibility of an ongoing legacy, and the guarantee of great archaeology, Broughton Castle ticks all the boxes!, Taylor continues: The Broughton villa promises to be one of the finest examples in Britain. The show ran on the chemistry among the original team, and failed to work as they left or lost interest. But archaeologist Mick Aston has walked out of Time Team after 19 years after producers hired a former model as the programmes co-presenter. WHY? Without any doubt whatsoever Time Team was the best show on TV and a giant amongst the crappy stuff we have to put up with these days such as reality TV shows. The focus groups of today, the council chambers of yesteryear; all determined to make their mark, put their talent on show. Envelopes hidden at strategic points would set challenges along the lines of find the Medieval high street in two hours. It took off instantly and has been there going from strength to strength since 2004. Time Team went out of fashion because the rest of us got sick of being patronised by Tony Robinson, who seemed incapable of letting an entire episode pass without a snide comment or a sermon about man-made global warming. Episode # Series # Episode Title Location Coordinates Original airdate 5: 1 "Lord of the Isles" Finlaggan, Islay: 555006N 61016W / 55.834867N 6.171225W / : 8 January 1995 (): Recorded between 24 and 26 June 1994, the team helps the National Museums of Scotland to search for the secrets of Finlaggan, the centre of the kingdom of the Lord of the Isles. i like everything about it. He joined the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. Dues have been paid, so get Sir Tony back, along with some younger faces and writing talent, and get cracking on a new TIME TEAM !!! Will there ever be a time when I wouldnt watch Time Team repeats? May be he could be a Lord? . I am totally gutted to learn of the demise of TT. There can be little doubt that part of the shows early success stems from the audience warming to the groups genuine passion for teasing out the past. Inspiring stuff. On the other hand, all good things come to an end. Alarm bells began to ring for us when Mary-Anne appeared it seemed to coincide with a dumbing-down of the show. My wife was unwell for many years but TT was one of the few TV Shows that she got pleasure from. I was digging my veg patch yesterday and I found a napped piece of flint. Margie, NZ It was a formula that worked for the target audience and trying to attract a different audience by dumbing down the content was like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Imagine spending an entire weekend with Time Team's Stewart Ainsworth Learning How to Decode the Landscape. Hopefully it will be picked up by another channel. After reading, in his youth, a book about Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, and visiting the Tower of London, he formed an interest in the history of landscapes.[2]. The Team had a comradery like that of an elite military unit. I am so sad and gutted Time Team has been axed. Her role, as a foil to Sir Tony, was complimentary, and never as an expert. He has since appeared in over two hundred episodes. I would be very happy, if it was revived. I still enjoy my archaeology despite my age not being able to take part in the reality. I enjoy watching this program on my computer(I never knew about it 10 years ago because we have so many garbage programs here on US television, they did not show it here.). The Time Team go to the West Indies and the island of Nevis. She studied at University College London and University of York, specialising in Anglo-Saxon cemeteries. The students became instant converts to the program. My favourite show. I still watch the series on U-tube. I am thrilled that TT is returning in 2022, but saddened that Phil, Raksha and Tony will not be participating. If Channel Four thinks TT too expensive there is mileage in the Return To format for some digs showing some of the original programmes and then updating on subsequent research. Looky tha! For me, as a genealogist, an episode really takes flight when, in addition to the dig, Robin Bush, or Guy D., or Carenza bring out a mediaeval charter, the Domesday Book, or the A.S. Geophysics gives you that instant picture you can then evaluate. Stopping TT is just another step in the dumbing down of TV and radio. Nevis, West Indies: Part 1: Directed by Graham Dixon. and I just came across the time team on my tablet in November 2019. My cable TV subscription gives us awesome selections for history, science, and information buffs! He has since appeared in over two hundred episodes. The villa is a tantalising prospect a grand building almost as big as Buckingham Palace. And anyway, why would we want Channel 4 to keep TT? We will miss his humour, his knowledge and his warmth. Many a critic was silenced by seeing the team in action. There was a early chemistry here of personalities, as well as expertise. I know real archaeologists are dismissive of Time Team but I loved it. I rue the fact that as a child we used encyclopaedias 20 years out of date. TT had a great following here in Canada. Exploring the archaeology of the Roadford Reservoir, Devon, this came about after Tim Taylor approached Mick Aston to present the series. Yes,he was often guilty of playing the devils advocate, but at such times he was the voice of many of us upon listening to yet another gigantic leap of hastily constructed faith or explanation of purpose for the sake of the less informed viewing massive. He was affectionately known as Time Team's "lumps and bumps" man, working with the team alongside his day job, travelling the country surveying, recording and investigating archaeological sites. You only have to look at the demographic to see that a model was not going to be an asset to TT. (now part of English Heritage) in 1985, and is now head of its Landscape Investigation Team based in York, England. Very disappointing. I dont know. Good bye Mick. Time Teams legacy leaves much to celebrate. Much as I still love watching them (though, annoyingly, More 4 often shows the same programme a week later), I can hardly bear to think there will be no more new ones. Oh so true. [] One of best, very passionate three part on geology of Great Britain was filmed with Mr Tony Robinson who is/was excellent presenter. This once innovative and ground breaking channel has started to descent to almost ITV 1 depths of dumbing down in recent years, it certainly isnt the channel that Jeremy Isaccs created anymore. Stewart surveys, records and investigates archaeological sites. What Time Team once was in the beginning will never be reproduced. 17:30 EST 07 Feb 2012 Because of Time Team I now want to become an archeologist. This was the best educational programme that I looked forward to every week and also all the repeats that were broadcast on more 4. The changes proved too much, too fast, and viewing figures crashed to 700,000. Im sorry to see that TT is folding though. British Television just one more nail in your coffin. I am American and Time Team is my favorite program. 200k an episode? Ive learned that anything classed as experimental Is just filler as theyve found nothing. | Phoenix the Dreamer,, Current Archaeology Award Winners for 2023 announced, The peaceful Neolithic is dead: the dawn of agriculture coincided with rising violence, Scars of early Civil War battle found at Coleshill Manor. He worked for several commercial units including Oxford Archaeology and MoLAS (as was), until he started a career at L-P Archaeology. Its a shame we didnt see you and the team doing more international locations. Crazy. Channel 4 has just axed the best show on tv wont be watching channel 4 again, There will always be someone who knows what we like we to watch. His technique fostered a sense of immediacy for viewers, placing them on the trench edge when discoveries happened and making them privy to key discussions. I have loved Time Team since episode 1, and have never, not once, missed an episode. Too bad for the changes they made, these new guys tried hard, but you cant replace what the old team had, the magic, the small things, Still, Im grateful for what they achieved and for what it has meant to me and still does. now I rely on repeats. If ever there is a petition to bring this back, count me in. It announced that after 20 seasons and over 230 episodes the programme was being axed by Channel 4. although a WONDERFUL outlet for the undoubted heroes, is not archaeology and not what I feel Time Team needs. My own thoughts are this, why should we allow channel 4 to take this away from us, are the Team ready to call it a day or do they feel like me that there are another thousand potential sites out there to dig. Fret not, the programs will haunt the repeats channels until they become their own archaeology as a worked example of how the medium started to dictate the content. What a disappointment that BBC4 chose to cancel the series! I was glued to the screen.. Thankyou for what we have ! Now I have no reason what ever to watch ch 4 now or in the future . I enjoyed all the archaeologists and presenter Tony Robinson. And of course who can ever forget Helen Geakes dress sense and haircuts ! Time Team was the best program I have ever seen or hope to see. Did you watch the episode of operation nightingale where the maimed ,psychologically injured soldiers from conflicts abroad found an inner peace and a feeling that they were no longer helpless in the world. So why could it not continue on and evolve in 2013 ? Because the major players were all quite old, and as you will have heard age is the surest antidote to youthful energy. I hope that someone has the sense to resorect TT even if it is repeated from the beginning. You wonder what kind of palsy comes over TV programers when they occasionally axe the best shows, shows with strong, solid substance!!! very sad day in T V HISTORY. Shame on Chanel 4! my gosh, I am from Chula Vista Ca. I wonder if some young Channel 4 TV executive is proud of his/her decisions. I wonder how much is wasted on their wages. Without Time Team I would not have known how much I could enjoy archaeology and Im pretty sure its why my 7 year old wants to be an archaeologist when she grows up. Im writing this having just had my daily lunchtime fix of a Tiime Team repeat on More 4. It was over when Mick went AWOL. But, as always with Time Team, the adventure is in the discovery of the secrets of the past, whatever they are!, Landowner Martin Fiennes a cousin of actors Ralph and Joseph Fiennes, and explorer Sir Ranulph says: Were delighted to welcome Time Team to Broughton. I have watched Time Team from the beginning and love the earlier episodes and although its sad that its going it has changed considerably.Not the same without Mick his enthusiasm makes for great watching. What can replace the jovial banter of all the dedicated team that gave us an insight to what was going on thousands of years ago. Were currently watching the last episodes, with the delightfully enthusiastic Francis Pryor, on ABC TV in Melbourne, and we love em, even if there arent always lots of finds. There is such a thing as going on too long with any endeavor, and in watching this series the definition of too long is clear. What a great detective. And this program had run its course several years ago. Only a fool would get rid of an engaging program like TT. Suddenly Channel 4 was receptive to the idea of a major archaeology programme. Screening 13 episodes a year, as well as live digs and specials the programme was ubiquitous. Just been reading all the comments, and a lot of sensible thinhs have been said, and a few stupid ignorant ones as well. It seems there was no need for one before Womens Studies and all those other nonwhite studies. I was disappointed with the change in format, it was like losing family. Our family enjoyed Tony Robinsons performance, but what made Time Team great was Mick and Phil and Carenza and Matt and Stewart and Raksha and Mick the Twig and Bridget and Raysan and Victor the artist and the geophysicists and Robin the historian and all the others whose contributions brought together a cohesive story for a site from a range of disciplines. You should be ashamed of yourselves, especially the way you have treated Mick Aston after all those years of dedicated service. The final piece of the jigsaw fell into place during the fledgling Time Teams first episode. How very sad. Fabulous, thank you. I loved Mick and Phil and Stuart et all, picking on Matt for any rotton job. Big Thanks Time Team,will never get tired of watching the shows,fingers crossed you can make some more. A known anthropologist and archeologist ( Emmanuel College, Cambridge ), to describe and dismiss her as a former model is a bit unfair. He compared them to the reshuffle at the BBCs Countryfile in 2008, which introduced younger presenters and, he said, reduced it to clich-ridden pap. For those too grief stricken to cope right now, subscribe to the youtube video blog of Dig Village. Dont judge based on the rubbish you get over there. That some suburban folks welcomed the Team to pull up their patio, knock down their potting shed, and bore holes in their rafters, used to amaze me. and long may you show them PLEASE pauline x, I am trying to get a contact e-mail address for Tim Taylor (IV) because a group of archeologists in Canada would like to see a Time Team Canada started and we need advice and any other help from the expert. Have just watched the very last episode of my beloved Time Team And feel desperately sad.. Such an approach was perfectly realised by Graham Dixon, the director of the first few seasons. The cast will be sorely missed. Im an Englishman, came to Australia as a 12yo in 1970. As well as an arresting demonstration of the power of teamwork, Athelney showed how geophysics could be the heart of the programme. does anybody really care what those idiots say surely it is what the public want that matters but no channel 4 has a foolllll running it.. heavan forbid we should have a great program T T ware we think and enjoy it plus it is great family veiwing and may i say also very interresting. For years I had little interest in any of it but as time went by this programme made me interested. Toni Victoria australia. I am watching as many of the daily episodes as I can on New Zealands History Channel.It makes me nostalgic for the British history and archeological sites. Now the format was safely established the programme was increasingly able to capitalise on its fame and access big name sites ultimately even Buckingham Palace. Surely, the way forward would have been to dig deeper into the technical aspects of the archaeology and to speak to the intelligent audience that made the program in the first place whether the sites themselves or the techniques being employed. Time Team brought so much into my life, being bed ridden, television being a large part of my life now. Time Team To Be Reinstated! Was it her sultry beauty, or easy going attitude that rubs some the wrong way ? He was affectionately called Time Team's "lumps and bumps" man by Mick Aston, and works with the team alongside his day job, travelling the country surveying, recording and investigating archaeological sites. So my husband looked for more info. And if you do, please include the adorable and hilarious Raksha Dave, dear Francis Pryor and Stewart Ainsworth, all of whom have places near and dear to my heart. We are saddened to hear that a great T.V show which entertained and informed is being axed. I have told so many people about Time Team & my grand daughter has been trying to decide should she be an archaeologist or a geologist because of it. Ive watched since episode 1 as well and yet Im not gutted because these days you see a lot more archaeology programmes on tv as a result of their achievement. Never too late to register shock and disgust at the decision to axe Time Team which has opened up the hidden world of archaeology to generations. A family programe deleted. Channel 4 obviously think we are all brain dead morons who need to watch the endless mind numbing soaps or the even more pathetic American rubbish that now dominates our screens. Reason: we hardly spoke to each other and what we were watching on tv was hardly worthwhile. What that will show in Britain will start another flood of interest in archaeology with all local likely sites of archaeology being revealed.. Time team might be gone but something like it will be back pretty quick I suspect. , Totally agree have enjoyed this programme since it started. The programme certainly triggered my interest and my wifes interest in Archaeology. As is the case with so many entertainment channels, these days the focus is on the younger generation. The fun gone out of Sunday teatime! Some single episodes already . Weve been able to order some DVDs from Australia, but we have missed many of the series since we moved here, and there is no way to watch them online. but our family loves Phil. Far from a media concoction, the unique individuals on Time Team were filmed going about their work with an honesty and integrity that has seen the series heralded as Britains first reality television show. A group of archaeologists have 3 days to discover historical artifacts in different sites around Britain. I loved Time Team in its early format but over the years got fed up listening to the boffins suddenly announcing a high status (Favourite phrase of TT) building eg temple or palace had been found after unearthing a piece of stonework that would get lost in my rockery. And so agree with all here who say that C4 is very sadly dumbed down from its early days and mission. Very sorry to see Time Team being finished. Rather than targeting the palaces and castles of the rich and famous, individual episodes modestly sought to solve simple, local questions. Self - Sanday, Orkney (1998) . Time Team (Collection 2) - 11-DVD Box Set : Tony Robinson, Phil Harding, John Gater, Stewart Ainsworth, Mick Aston, Victor Ambrus, Henry Chapman, Ian Powlesland, Matt . Tony Robinson seems an entirely likeable guy and does his presenting job with good humour and humility. just found TT on Acorn streaming. Gutted to learn it is no more. This was the best educational programme that looked forward to every week and also all the repeats that were broadcast on more 4. Your contribution to TV and Archeology is now history itself! Changes proved too much, too fast, and Phil Harding Team doing more international locations an. I am disabled and dont leave the house very often with all here who say that C4 is very dumbed. No more good humour and humility available on video part 1: Directed by Dixon... A former model as the programmes co-presenter Tiime Team repeat on more 4 enjoy my archaeology despite my not... 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